Deleted Tweets From Donna Shalala, D-Fla.
Donna Shalala's accounts: RepShalala, DonnaShalala
Tracked Between: January 03, 2019-December 30, 2020
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
#TEAMSHALALA is proud to #GoOrange for the month of September in support of @FeedingSouthFL & @FeedingAmerica. In #SoFla, over one million individuals don’t know from where they will get their next meal – nearly 330,000 of whom are children. #HungerActionMonth
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Said the coward with "bone spurs."
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
RT @RepSires: Today, @RepShalala and I led a letter with 5 of our colleagues to @realDonaldTrump urging him to stop deporting Nic…
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Rather than work with Democrats to extend unemployment benefits, Trump looted $44 billion in emergency funds from FEMA in middle of hurricane season. Now Hurricane Laura is devastating LA and TX. The president's mismanagement will make harder to get people the help they need.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
RT @MiamiHerald: BREAKING UPDATE: Florida’s Department of Health on Wednesday confirmed 3,220 additional cases of COVID-19, bringing…
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Protecting the Postal Service is bipartisan. Now the Senate has to do its part.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
We know of a monster. The worst its kind. A being so vile, it brands anyone opposed to separating children from their families as un-American. It goes by the name Stephen Miller.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Knowingly feeding pork to practicing Muslims is reprehensible. The ICE officicals responsible will be held accountable
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
More than 10,000 people have now died in Florida from the coronavirus and Ron DeSantis still does not have a plan to get things undet control. This is what failed leadership looks like.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Millions of Americans have risked their lives for the right to vote. We will not let this administration threaten this fundamental American RIGHT. #DontMessWithUSPS
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
DonnaShalala (D-Fla.)
Who's excited for the convention?!♀️ Anyway can we bring back the macarena this year? QT @timjhogan: Happy Democratic National Convention Day!
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
in this wonderful #FacesAreEssential initiative— a state-wide initiative to supply life-altering masks to all of FL’s early learning centers, including over 2,000 in #SoFla. With #ClearMasks, we ensure our children pick-up critical cognitive skills in their early developments.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Our infants need the ability to observe their caregiver's face during their early development. W/ masks on, they are missing essential expressions & non-verbal cues. Today, I'm thrilled to join @FloridaAIMH, @UnitedWayMiami & #BiscayneBayKiwanis... (1/2)
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
This is a state-wide initiative to supply life-altering masks to all of Florida’s early learning centers, including over 2,000 in #SoFla. With #ClearMasks, we ensure our children pick-up critical cognitive skills during their early developments. (2/2)
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Our infants need the ability to observe their caregiver's face during their early mental development. With masks on, they are missing essential expressions & non-verbal cues. Today, I'm thrilled to join @FloridaAIMH in this wonderful #FacesAreEssential initiative. (1/2)
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
RT @RepDarrenSoto: Whether you choose to cast your ballot by mail or in person, you can #VoteSafe in Florida this year. Early voting s…
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
RT @RepKClark: America needs to save the @USPS. QT @Jim_Jordan: America needs college football.)
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
If Trump follows through on making the payroll tax cut permanen,, it will be the end of Social Security as we know it.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Trump’s payroll tax cut will cut taxes for people that have jobs and pay for it with cuts in Social Security and Medicare funding. This is robbing Peter to Paul. This stunt destroys Social Security and undermines our limited social safety net when we need it most.