Deleted Tweets From Donna Shalala, D-Fla.
Donna Shalala's accounts: RepShalala, DonnaShalala
Tracked Between: January 03, 2019-December 30, 2020
DonnaShalala (D-Fla.)
RT @DebbieforFL: My first ad of 2020! �� I came to America at age 14 and made my way from working in a donut shop to fighting for y…
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
During these difficult times, I look to keep our #SoFla communities informed & prepared to combat #COVID19. General info & helpful resources can be found on my website: Remain informed by signing up to my weekly e-newsletters:
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
If wasn't for the nepotism, corruption, and willful ignorance of our president and his administration, our country could have prevented the deaths of thousands. This is why leadership matters.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Happening soon! Join me at 7:15 PM for a #COVID19 video town hall. We'll be discussing the spike in #FL & how to keep safe during this crisis, what to expect from Washington, and any questions & concerns you may have. Register in advance here:
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Excited to be joined by Dr. Bernard Ashby MD for Thursday's #Coronavirus Video Town Hall. Have your questions ready for me or Dr. Ashby. We're looking forward to helping #SoFla stay informed and safe during this health crisis. WHEN: Thursday TIME: 7:15 PM
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Hey @GovRonDeSantis - President Trump just out by cancelled the GOP convention in Florida. Now we get that he bailed you out, how about you issue a state wide mask mandate. What do you say?
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Venezuela is in crisis and the Maduro is repressing how dire the situation is inside the country. The better we understand the situation on the ground, the sooner we can remove Nicolas Maduro and his band of thugs from power.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Ayer envié a mi constituyentes un boletín electrónico para comprender mejor los datos #COVID19 y lo que recomiendan los expertos. Léalo aquí: También quiero saber de usted, ¿cree que el Senado debería aprobar la #HEROESAct? Vote:
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Yesterday I sent my #FL27 constituents an enewsletters to better understand the #COVID19 data & what the experts recommend. Read it here: I also want to hear from you, do you believe the Senate should pass the #HEROESAct? Vote:
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
W/ new #COVID19 cases rising to over 70,000 per day, the highest number of cases since the start of the pandemic, and infection & hospitalization rates increasing in various U.S. states, Trump must finally use the full power of the Defense Production Act to address PPE shortages.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
The ongoing #COVID19 pandemic has made it clear that many of our neighbors will need help paying their rent. The FINAL application deadline for the rental assistance program in #MiamiDade County is at 5:00 PM today.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
¡Tome el #2020Census hoy! Las respuestas determinarán cómo se distribuyen $675 billoned cada año a las comunidades de todo el país para clínicas, escuelas, carreteras y más. Asegurémonos que nuestra comunidad cuente. Visite:
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Take the #2020Census today! Responses will determine how $675 billion are distributed each year to communities nationwide for clinics, schools, roads, and more. Let's make sure #MiamiDadeCounts! Visit:
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
With @HealthyFla reporting 13,965 new cases of #COVID19 this Thursday, bringing the state of #Florida to a total of 315,775 confirmed cases-- I want to hear from you. Do you believe Florida should shut down again? Tell me your answer here:
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
RT @conarck: .@MiamiHerald EXCLUSIVE; @RepShalala has adopted a stray Coral Gables dog. She named him “Fauci.”
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
RT @CityofMiami: Protect your home against mosquitoes. Clean your rain gutter, fix water leaks, keep grass short & install screens o…
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Let's see 'em! QT @NPR: BREAKING: The Supreme Court has handed President Trump a giant defeat — ruling that he is not “categorically immune…
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Nuestras comunidades en el sur de la Florida han sido puesto en peligro innecesariamente debido a la temprana reapertura. Ahora miami es un epicentro. Debemos combatir este virus practicando el distanciamiento social, lavándonos las manos y usando máscaras con frecuencia.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Our #SoFla communities have been put in unnecessary danger due too reopening to soon. Now Miami is an epicenter for rising #COVID19 infections. We must continue to combat this virus by practicing social distancing, washing our hands and wearing masks as often as possible. QT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING: Miami-Dade County is closing restaurants — with the exception of delivery and takeout services — as a res…
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Nuestras comunidades en el sur de la Florida han sido puesto en peligro innecesariamente debido a la temprana reapertura. Ahora miami es un epicentro. Debemos combatir este virus practicando el distanciamiento social, lavándonos las manos y usando máscaras con frecuencia.