Deleted Tweets From Albio Sires, D-N.J.
Albio Sires's accounts: RepSires, AlbioSiresNJ
Tracking Since: January 06, 2009
Today, #CongressGoesPurple to raise awareness about National #RecoveryMonth. Substance abuse & mental health disorders don’t discriminate. These issues affect us all, which is why we must work together to support those in recovery. Find help today:
RT @DonaldNorcross: It’s up to us to #MaskUp & stop the spread of #COVID19 in New Jersey. It's not a partisan issue. Join me & my NJ c…
@_ElFaro_ realiza reportajes de investigación sólidos e independientes. Desde que comenzó el mandato de @nayibbukele, se han documentado más de 60 ataques contra la prensa salvadoreña. Es hora de que el presidente @nayibbukele defienda los medios independientes y la #prensalibre.
Hoy, me uní con mis colegas para instar al presidente @nayibbukele a que cese sus ataques contra @_ElFaro. Una prensa independiente es indispensable para cualquier democracia. Estos esfuerzos por intimidar y silenciar a los medios en #ElSalvador deben terminar. (1/2)
@_ElFaro_ conducts strong and independent investigative reporting. Since @nayibbukele’s term began, over 60 attacks against the Salvadoran press have been documented. It is time for President @nayibbukele to stand up for independent media and #pressfreedom. (2/2)
Today, I joined my colleagues in urging President @nayibbukele to cease his attacks on @_ElFaro. An independent press is indispensable to any democracy. These efforts to intimidate and silence the media in #ElSalvador must end. (1/2)
September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month. This month, we recognize those who have been impacted by blood cancer, including patients, their families, and caregivers. I will continue to support funding for cancer research, and I believe that together, we can #CancelBloodCancer.
To learn more about what you can do to help patients and families impacted by blood cancer, visit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
A woman’s ability to choose is her fundamental right and I will continue to fight to protect women's health care
Twitter & Facebook: The #SCOTUS decision to strike down a Louisiana law that would have restricted access to abortion is a victory for women across the country.
I am a cosponsor of H.R. 35 and fully support it but due to a medical emergency, as reported at the time, I was unable to vote in favor of it when it passed the House earlier this year.
We must address the bias and historical lack of accountability in our policing systems. In addition, this bill includes H.R. 35, the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act, which would make lynching a federal crime.
so that he could walk to St. John’s for an insincere photo op. That is not leadership, that is the action of someone who’s sole consideration is himself, not the pain and grief of others. (2/2)
If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of coronavirus, there are sites located throughout the state where you can get tested. I have compiled a list of all the testing sites available in the 8th District below.
For more questions visit the #IRS website at or visit my website at #COVIDReliefIRS
If you are a Social Security beneficiary who is not typically required to file tax returns you do NOT have to file to receive your economic impact payment. This payment is automatic & will be sent by direct deposit or check, depending on how you typically receive your benefits.
RT @RepSires: Small business owners looking for relief, start here:
Visit my website for update on legislation related to Coronavirus:
RT @njdotcom: NJ has 3,347 new cases of #coronavirus overnight. We have 16,636 cases total. Overnight, 37 folks have died from t…