Deleted Tweets From Thomas Massie, R-Ky.
Thomas Massie's accounts: RepThomasMassie, ThomasMassieKY
Tracking Since: February 12, 2013
RT @SharylAttkisson: Check it out Sunday! Both sides in the vaccine mandate debate. @FullMeasureNews QT @FullMeasureNews: Covid vaccine mandates are already here for millions of Americans. This week on Full Measure, the raging debate ove…
RT @AmberSmithUSA: This is insane - it is still a experimental vaccine. If they are going to make this mandatory they need to grant early E… QT @FoxNews: BREAKING: Secretary of Defense Austin to announce mandatory vaccine policy for all active duty military
RT @SharylAttkisson: PODCAST: More on my investigation into miscounting Covid deaths Listen to "After Hours: Over-counting Covid-19 Deat…
RT @SharylAttkisson: (READ) CDC changes definition of "vaccines" to fit Covid-19 vaccine limitations @RepThomasMassie
RT @ShaunPTyson: The elusive “Water Karen”
RT @SharylAttkisson: Maybe we're not that smart, but if we wait for the Einsteins who have led us so far to figure this out, it might no…
RT @LetThemLearnMN: What in the heck are these people doing? This is child abuse. @AlexBerenson @drscottjensen
RT @JesseKellyDC: Remember when people were saying the coronavirus madness would end if Biden won the election and I told you all tha…
Pronoun-professor should delete her thread now. ♂️ QT @AnstrutherMary: I want to get the black community fully vaccinated. It’s time for @KFC, @Popeyes and @ChurchsChicken to step up to…
RT @HawgTexas: This is a HUGE deal for small ranches like mine. If we can have our steers processed locally and sold locally it totally cha… QT @RepThomasMassie: Great article about our bipartisan bicameral PRIME Act in Reason magazine! @chelliepingree
RT @SharylAttkisson: CDC experts falsely told the public and medical professionals that studies showed Covid-19 vaccine is effective for th… QT @CDCgov: If you’ve already had #COVID19 and recovered, you should still get vaccinated against COVID-19.)
RT @SharylAttkisson: “You are a pathetic liar”: CDC senior scientist to CDC's head of immunization (DOCUMENT)
RT @SharylAttkisson: Rep. @RepThomasMassie is the one who discovered CDC giving false info about studies on Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness… QT @RepThomasMassie: She asked if I’ve been vaccinated...)
RT @OfficialTRHL: @RepThomasMassie ○ く|)へ Rep. Massie 〉 ____ ┗┓ ヾ○シ ┗┓ ヘ/ journos who…
RT @SharylAttkisson: A rational discussion about COVID-19’s true origins should’ve taken place starting in Feb. last yr if not sooner. B…
@Rt4Alt Greta point! It will in fact forbid disparate treatment toward those who have not taken the vaccine.
RT @SebGorka: REMINDER: This is the Chancellor of Germany QT @ezralevant: Watch till the end. Angela Merkel says: we have to take away your freedom of speech, or else society won’t be free.
RT @SharylAttkisson: It was always credible. That didn't change. It's just that the media's reporting of it has changed. QT @GlennKesslerWP: NEW #FactChecker --> Timeline: How the Wuhan lab-leak theory suddenly became credible