Deleted Tweets From Thomas Massie, R-Ky.
Thomas Massie's accounts: RepThomasMassie, ThomasMassieKY
Tracking Since: February 12, 2013
RT @LelandShow: Just sittin’ here wondering when @Twitter and @jack will be banning despotic totalitarian regime leaders who slaugh…
RT @MEDUMM: @RepThomasMassie Whats not addressed... THE FDA creating rules based on the patents!! The FDA approval process is t…
RT @JuliaTCheek: 1/ UPDATE � My proudest day ever at @everly_well is today. We’re launching the first solution in the U.S. to get te…
RT @KonniBurton: Consumers will see a price increase for beef at the grocery store as the supply chain has been encumbered by the pa…
RT @TPCarney: Oh, quick story: On Wednesday, my Twitter account was "restricted." This meant I was unable to post to Twitter. My…
RT @TPCarney: Some of us see war without end as unconservative.
RT @marcscribner: Here's my new report arguing for uncapping the Passenger Facility Charge, as was recently proposed by…
RT @ShadowSkaggs: Shoutout to @RepThomasMassie for 1) having the best twitter game ever 2) taking care of Kentucky. I appreciate you…
@SenMikeLee makes an important distinction. I would add that the Constitution guarantees every state in our country a republican form of government, not a democracy. BTW, the terms “republican” and “democracy” are not references to the names of the two major parties. QT @SenMikeLee: The word “democracy” appears nowhere in the Constitution, perhaps because our form of government is not a democracy…
RT @CassandraRules: Rep. Thomas Massie says [[REDACTED]] 'responded in self-defense' and 'I would not convict'…
In case you missed it, Friday night, I was a guest on @One America News Network's "In Focus" program. I discussed recent violence in Louisville, the media's complicity, and House Democrats' rejection of ballot security measures I introduced.
RT @CassandraRules: EXCLUSIVE DETAILS: Trump Assured Rand Paul That He Intends to End Wars in Afghanistan and Syria, Work With Him to R…
RT @CassandraRules: Updated this with @RepThomasMassie’s speech because it’s a must watch. Bipartisan Group of Representatives, Including Thomas Massie and Barbara Lee, Hold Press Conference to #StopEndlessWar
RT @CassandraRules: This is such a waste. It’s sad.
RT @CassandraRules: Just remembering this badass Massie moment in Congress. QT @RepThomasMassie: It was great to join @KennedyNation this week to talk about the WikiLeaks revelation from Michael Cohen's testimony…
Congratulations Paul Rousseau on earning your citizenship in the United States on September 9! Those of us who were born here take the blessing of living in the greatest country in the world for granted too frequently.
RT @KelbyCaplinger: My brain warning me every time I scroll through political threads on Twitter:
ICYMI: I joined @toddstarnes to talk about my appearance on @HBODocs "The Swamp."
I’ll be on with @gregkellyusa on @newsmax at 7:25 PM EST tonight discussing the Prime Act and the latest Coronavirus spending bill. Tune in at https:/
RT @dcexaminer: .@OHDems got a PPP loan: Just the kind of thing @RepThomasMassie warned about. The political org received more tha…