Deleted Tweets From Thomas Massie, R-Ky.
Thomas Massie's accounts: RepThomasMassie, ThomasMassieKY
Tracking Since: February 12, 2013
Joined @KennedyNation last night to discuss House Dems ramming through Patriot Act in this week’s spending bill, something few in media have been talking about. Watch here to learn more about the latest example of Nancy Pelosi’s cognitive dissonance:
Listen here if you missed me on @LelandShow this morning:
Listen here if you missed me on @LelandShow this morning (I'm on :40 in):
RT @TRHLofficial: Nationalists are not white supremacists, even if you put “white” in front of “Nationalist”, but the media is doubling down on making it a dirty word. This new speak should fast track that relatively quickly.
RT @dillyri: @RepThomasMassie MIT just called- you’re diploma is revoked
@indiucky Thesebeing back so many memories! Thanks for digging them out!!!
RT @CuffyMeh: If by hacking, you mean using Podesta's password ("password"). QT @DavidCornDC: 12 Russian intelligence officials charged with hacking into DNC and HRC campaign and disseminating info.)
RT @TERRYC70: @RepThomasMassie if you can't afford solar panels, under the new green deal, the government will heavily fine you till you can afford them.
@ispreadliberty @RandPaul But the government should never be able to charge you $ to exercise a god given right, not shouldthey be able to impose arbitrary impediments, such as “training.”
RT @instapundit: Snopes Rates Babylon Bee World's Most Accurate News Source
@KonstantineinCA Ah, so we shouldn’t put these things on their houses? I thought that was the green thing to do ?! It’s so refreshing to be able to talk to someone as technically educated as you are.
@BriceBone “Swamp” is fewer characters than “District of Criminals,” and this is Twitter. #sassywithmassie
RT @GaltsGirl: A judge ruling that states' safety concerns "dwarf" the First Amendment is the kind of thing that SHOULD spark mass…
I’ll be @LelandShow soon discussing “corporate gun control” and what it means for our Second Amendment rights. Tune in!
RT @HeyRhett: San Francisco should ban @cvspharmacy receipts before plastic straws
@CCerberus24 It’s a republic that I’ve signed up to protect.
RT @joannabalesca: Fan girling over one of my favorite defenders of liberty, @RepThomasMassie at #wiwpb