Deleted Tweets From Scott Gottlieb, R-D.C.
Scott Gottlieb's accounts: SteveFDA
Tracked Between: October 20, 2017-January 20, 2021
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @tmprowell: Guidelines updated to recommend #flushot in people with #foodallergy to eggs. Very important for kids w/ #asthma wh…
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
3/3 At #FDA, we hope to work on these and similar broader policy issues next year, to make sure we’re continuing to deliver on the great purpose and promise of the orphan drug program. We’ll be conducting new analysis in 2018 to support and inform sound p
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
1/3 There’s some lament re:orphan grants on secondary indications. But we also see promising uses of approved drugs in very rare diseases go unstudied. Could we change incentive structure when it comes to secondary indications to better target unmet need? QT @statnews: The Orphan Drug Act has created lots drugs for rare diseases. But, Scott Gottlieb says, the times may be changing.
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
2/3 For example, could we narrow the population we target when it comes to orphan grants in secondary indications to better target ultra rare conditions; but at same time change incentive structure in that setting to coax more development when it comes to
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
Thank you to the dedicated staff of #FDA and their efforts to advance and protect public health: In 2017 FDA notched an all-time record number of novel drug approvals and an all-time record number of generic drug approvals
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @sarahdespres: #antibioticresistance & threat of #measles on @WSJ list of 6 health stories to watch in 2018. Oh and #VaccinesWork
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
FDA and CTTI launch the Patient Engagement Collaborative. This new forum will bring together the patient community and regulators to discuss patient engagement across FDA’s product centers
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
This year #FDA approved a record number of generic drugs. For the 11 months from Jan-Nov FDA gave 771 full and 168 tentative generic approvals. Plus, the Dec total is still to come. That compares to the second highest record, in 2016, with a 12-month tota
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @FDAOncology: Broadening Eligibility Criteria to Make Clinical Trials More Representative: @ASCO @CancerResrch Joint Statement
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
Do a rotation w/ @FDAOncology! Applications invited for 8-week Oncology Center of Excellence Fellows Program
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
#PatientReportedOutcome measures to inform tolerability- PRO experts, international regulators, @theNCI & patients discuss uses of PRO in cancer trials- @FDAOncology @CPathInstitute 2017 workshop summary #OCEpub
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
FDA issued its first "90-classification letter" under the agency's new approach to the inspection of drug manufacturing sites. This ConOps policy will deliver much timelier inspections and approvals of new manufacturing sites; and enable faster, more effi
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @EricTopol: Inspired by this prize winning essay: "You Don't Know Me" by Kate Rowland MD @TheLancet the…
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @FDAfood: Wishing you & yours a very Merry Christmas from the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @tmprowell: Merry Christmas to those serving in our military around the world, and to their families, who also serve. We give thanks fo… QT @NewsHour: WATCH: Members of the U.S. armed forces — including @USAFBandPacific, @USCG Band, @marineband, @AF_Academy Cadet Ch…
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
#FDA is taking new steps to stem pricing abuses. Branded companies can help too, by contracting carefully when they choose to out-license old generic drugs; building into these contracts provisions that would help prevent abusive pricing by the acquirers
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
#FDA’s new risk-based approach to the oversight of homeopathic products focuses on drugs with potential to cause harm in absence of any benefit QT @fdalawblog: FDA Updates Guidance for Homeopathic Drugs; Increased Scrutiny for Certain Categories of Products -
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @FDA_MCMi: .@HHSGov seeks tick-borne disease experts to serve on subcommittees to its new Tick-Borne Disease Working Group - a…
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @FDAOncology: Digital footprint in drug development: a perspective from @FDAOncology @DgtBiomarkers #DigitalHealth #MedTech
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @US_FDA: Holiday leftovers? How long is too long? Even when your refrigerator is chilling foods at the right temps, there ar…