Deleted Tweets From Scott Gottlieb, R-D.C.
Scott Gottlieb's accounts: SteveFDA
Tracked Between: October 20, 2017-January 20, 2021
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
#FDA is committed to helping get the #PR medical products industry back to full capacity to ensure Americans have access to the care they need and to restore #puertorico’s economy QT @baxter_intl: #HurricaneMaria recovery continues. Baxter’s last manufacturing site in #PuertoRico is now connected to the electri…
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
Digitally connected devices and #MobileTech are providing new opportunities for patients to take control of their health. Expanding these opportunities is a focus of #FDA’s in 2018.
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @FDA_ORA: DYK #FDAORA’s #OCI also investigates “cyber crime”? LEARN MORE about the different types of criminal cases OCI inve…
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
#FDA Workshop: Weighing the Evidence - Variant Classification and Interpretation in Precision Oncology - to discuss how #genetic #sequencing data is best implemented in patient management. Jan 29 at FDA or online #NGS
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
#FDA will advance soon a comprehensive initiative for how it intends to continue to implement a modern framework for drug compounding, assure safety, protect the practice of pharmacy, and expand the opportunities for pharmacies to become “503B” outsourcer
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
Learn about food product dating and how long you can safely store various foods in pantry, fridge and freezer #foodsafety
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @FDA_MCMi: How to enroll in the pilot, which begins Jan. 2: QT @FDAcdrhIndustry: New Case for Quality Voluntary Medical Device Manufacturing and Product Quality Pilot Program #fda #medicaldevice)
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
New Case for Quality: Voluntary Medical Device Manufacturing and Product Quality Pilot Program #fda #medicaldevice
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
FDA is committed to food safety. OIG report examined ‘12-‘15 practices but much has changed. We’ve made many improvements on speed and scope of our recalls. We'll release new policies in 2018, and updated data to document progress (data from 2017 not 2012
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @FDA_Track: Toward Better-Quality #Compounded Drugs — An Update from the FDA — NEJM #JanetWoodcock
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @FDA_ORA: #FDAORA issues #warningletter to a Nebraska #dairy operation after investigation w/@USDAFoodSafety revealed violati…
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @califf001: Good stuff. Effective meetings between developers and FDA staff are SO under-appreciated except by those who actually do dr… QT @SGottliebFDA: New #FDA policies issued today will improve drug development efficiency by helping product developers avoid costly…
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @drJoshS: Still a long way to go, but important to pay attention to areas of progress on opioids. A key step in RI and MA in…
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
New #FDA policies issued today will improve drug development efficiency by helping product developers avoid costly development delays that can unnecessarily impede access to beneficial new medicines:
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @FDAWomen: Get tips on storing breast milk and handling your baby’s food.
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
#FDA advances new policies to promote more efficiency in the earlier stages of the new drug development process
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @ASlavitt: Congratulations to @SGottliebFDA and all the people of the @US_FDA and thank you for service. QT @SGottliebFDA: Thank you to #FDA team for their dedication to public health: In 2017 the agency approved the highest ever number o…
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
Thank you to #FDA team for their dedication to public health: In 2017 the agency approved the highest ever number of generic drugs (>1,000); the most ever novel drugs (46); the most ever novel devices, and the first ever gene therapies #AdvancingPublic
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @Atul_Gawande: New @WHO data demonstrates the immense value of vaccination: it has dropped worldwide measles deaths from 2.6M in 1…
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @thegerribaer: @SGottliebFDA It’s my absolute honor to work at FDA and serve the youngest, smallest patients!