Deleted Tweets From John Cornyn, R-Texas
John Cornyn's accounts: TeamCornyn, JohnCornyn
Tracking Since: April 02, 2014
RT @ZaidJilani: Dr. Oz is the first Muslim to ever win a US Senate primary. And it's a Republican primary.
RT @GLFOP: What will it take for woke prosecutors & rogue DAs to wake up & start holding violent criminals accountable?! How…
RT @naftalibennett: Israel has successfully tested the new “Iron Beam” laser interception system. This is the world’s first energy-bas…
RT @mmgillwriter: .@JohnCornyn is doing a pretty good explainer of #FirstStepAct on Senate floor now. Good time should be least contr…
RT @TonyGonzales4TX: Let’s go vote! #TeamTony
RT @TonyGonzales4TX: Christina voted today for #TeamTony! #TX23
RT @TonyGonzales4TX: Blessed to baptize my two youngest - Gabriel Jack and Isabella Bethany at our family church - St. Mary Magdalene Ca…
RT @TonyGonzales4TX: It’s already been one week since you hired me to be your next member of Congress. I'm proud to represent #TX23, and…
RT @TonyGonzales4TX: Great to be home! The most important job I’ll ever have is to be a loving father to my children. Have a blessed wee…
RT @TonyGonzales4TX: Happy 2nd birthday to Gabriel Jack!
RT @TonyGonzales4TX: Today we rescued the newest member of the Gonzales tribe. �
RT @SenTuberville: .@POTUS's open border policies turn a blind eye to this sobering reality —> securing our southern border is crucial to Americans' safety.
RT @ChadPergram: Colleague Jacqui Heinrich rpts GOP PA Rep Fitzpatrick & GOP TX Rep Crenshaw are now in Ukraine. Will be the first l…
RT @jameshohmann: Sens. @JohnCornyn, @MikeLeeforUtah and @JerryMoran cosponsored @HawleyMO's resolution tonight that allows for for t…
RT @brianjameswalsh: Reid has forced every 2014 Senate Dem to reaffirm their support for the individual mandate & medical device tax. #AdsThatWriteThemselves
Thanks to Senator @ChrisCoons for joining me on this bipartisan bill. QT @MikeEmanuelFox: Final highlights of Senator @JohnCornyn bill-> Extend arrest authority to the Supreme Court Police when individuals…
RT @pmarca: That the elimination of college testing and grades is happening simultaneous with student loan “forgiveness” is no…
RT @alexbward: "Nord Stream 2 AG...has filed for bankruptcy, Silvia Thalmann-Gut, the econ director of the Swiss canton of Zug, re…