Deleted Tweets From John Cornyn, R-Texas
John Cornyn's accounts: TeamCornyn, JohnCornyn
Tracking Since: April 02, 2014
RT @cassandrajar: .@JohnCornyn's top legislative priority: the budget. #TTFKeynote #tribunefest
RT @SecretsBedard: Buzz: Unstoppable @mschlapp readies @CPAC and debut of new book @NRA_GAOS attendance surprises with near record…
RT @nbpc2509: Did you know that Valentine, Texas is in the Big Bend Sector? Valentine is also home to the world famous “Prada Marfa” #Bord… QT @JohnCornyn: On Valentine’s Day, many of us know about the one special Texas town that shares the same name. How did Valentine…
RT @RobertBluey: Half of Americans Haven’t Seen the Planned Parenthood Videos. Here’s What They Need to Know.
Enjoyed meeting @ElbridgeColby and discussing important contribution to America’s freedom, security and prosperity
RT @JJCarafano: Will HR 1 in 2023 be a border and enforcement bill? QT @JohnCornyn: ICE Deportations Down 70 Percent in 2021 Under Biden
RT @apmassaro3: Top 10 biggest lobbying contracts of the year – #5 Nord Stream 2, #8 Huawei. Kremlin & CCP among the biggest spende…
RT @JakeWilkns: McConnell on the floor: "There’s a saying that’s been around quite a while. If Hamas laid down its weapons tomorro…
RT @TDEM: Be ready for the winter weather. Prepare your emergency kit TODAY❗️ For more information on building an emergency…
RT @AndrewCQuinn: If you haven't gotten a pay raise of 6.2% or greater since last Thanksgiving, you have gotten an effective pay cut under… QT @byHeatherLong: BREAKING: U.S. inflation was up 6.2% in October over a year ago. That’s the highest inflation in 31 years. Inflati…
RT @AndrewCQuinn: This is straight-up disinformation. Senators like @JohnCornyn opposed the unlawful CDC power grab in part *because* Congr… QT @jbendery: Life comes at you fast, John Cornyn.
RT @AndrewCQuinn: Update: No wraparound. The Senate's budget resolution is going over to the House Democrats *with* the Republican amendmen… QT @AndrewCQuinn: Watch for the wraparound at the end of the night. We have previously seen Sen. Manchin vote with Schumer to wipe ou…
RT @AndrewCQuinn: Manchin: Tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve a "Band-Aid" that "does not solve the self-inflicted wound [of] sh…
RT @AndrewCQuinn: Former Senate Democrats who mostly got crushed by Republicans for being way too far left and are now private citizens as… QT @elizupnick: From moderate former Senators Daschle, Conrad, Dorgan, Graham, Heitkamp, Jones, Landrieu,Lincoln, Pryor, Udall, & B…
RT @HotlineJosh: Sinema net favorability four points ahead of Kelly and 17 points ahead of Biden —> QT @HotlineJosh: Overall favorability in ARIZONA: Sinema: 42/45 Kelly: 41/48 Biden: 33/54)
RT @GWFulce: Spirits are high as we wait to hear from @GregAbbott_TX and @JohnCornyn @TeamCornyn here at the @fbcgop HQ #hd26…
There will be pressure from the left to replace Justice Breyer with a partisan who will legislate from the bench. Instead President Biden should honor the Justice's legacy & nominate an experienced jurist who respects the current structure and limited role of the Supreme Court.
Justice Breyer has faithfully served the US judicial system for more than 4 decades. I thank Justice Breyer for his devoted service to our country & wish him and his family a happy & well-deserved retirement.
Today, a bipartisan group of Senators & I introduced the Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act in response to Russia’s threats to Ukraine President Biden, there is no such thing as a “minor incursion” for Vladimir Putin and his ambitions don’t stop there