Deleted Tweets From Dan Bishop, R-N.C.
Dan Bishop's accounts: jdanbishop
Tracking Since: December 10, 2017
RT @seanmdav: We were told Obama never interfered in any investigations, that nothing was political, that everything was "by the book," and… QT @JonathanTurley: ...Unmasking is more routine for intelligence officials but the involvement of figures like Biden magnify these con…
RT @SidneyPowell1: Make #hydroxychloroquine available over the counter! It will prevent and stop it for next to nothing! This is all outra… QT @AlexBerenson: Remember: right now, most Sunbelt states appear to be past peak. They have not locked down, they have not faced hos…
Happy see #NC innovation at work w/@realdonaldtrump. He’s pushing hard for #AmericaFirst with #OperationWarpSpeed to bring a safe, healthy vaccine to all Americans as quickly as possible. Glad to have his leadership.
Saw Chris Wallace gaslighting @RealJackDBishop on whether Biden is for defunding police. (Biden has said he is for redirecting police funding.) Media should ask Biden if he rejects @SpeakerPelosi’s anti-law rhetoric. QT @tedcruz: Cops are not stormtroopers. Arrests are not kidnappings. ANTIFA terrorists are not protestors. Dems are making t…
RT @SenJeffMerkley: .@realDonaldTrump: Get your DHS lackey and uninvited paramilitary actions out of my state. Our communities are not…
RT @mjrusher: This is shocking news and terrible for our democracy. #ncpol
But don’t worry, we only voted on green new deal proposals, a major infrastructure package, bills that would affect your credit, and a bill to raise housing funds to historic levels. 4/
Hey! Can you find your Congressmember on this list?! If so, you lost your voice in the #House last week. Explain yourselves... #ProxyVote @RepCardenas @repcleaver @RepDeSaulnier @RepLoisFrankel @RepEBJ @RoKhanna 1/
.@jack, is this tweet shadow-banned? It’s not showing up in my tweets nor circulating normally. #ncpol. QT @jdanbishop: @RoyCooperNC owns this. His leadership has been catastrophically bad for NC all along. Other SE regional govs are s…
RT @MurphinDC: NC Reps @RepTedBudd @DavidRouzer @jdanbishop introduce "No Pay for Proxy Voting Act."
RT @MarineTimLee: I’m in a wheelchair because I gave both of my legs to America. I will gladly set for hours in line to vote. Even 6’ apart… QT @SpeakerPelosi: Voting at home shouldn’t be a question of politics. It’s a health issue. No American should have to choose between…
Proxy voting: Speaker Palpatine dissolves the House.
@Visible_NC @StepsOnLegos @SpeakerPelosi You have a point. My forebears were all Democrats.
RT @RepVernonJones: Yesterday, I announced my intentions to resign from my office. But shortly thereafter, the outpour of support I re…