Deleted Tweets From Dan Bishop, R-N.C.
Dan Bishop's accounts: jdanbishop
Tracking Since: December 10, 2017
The rules of course won’t apply to Mayor Bowser again. QT @JWPascale: D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser announces vaccine mandate for indoor dining, bars, gyms, meetings, and entertainment. Goes…
Empty promises and divisive rhetoric will do that. QT @thehill: Biden approval rating at historic low in NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll
Start by looking at the party that approved of “peaceful protest” rioting last year. QT @TPostMillennial: Nancy Pelosi: "There is an attitude of lawlessness in our country that springs from I don't know where. Maybe you d…
Wuhan lab always the most plausible origin, it just didn't fit the narrative. QT @disclosetv: JUST IN - Lab leak "now the most likely origin of Covid", UK MPs told. MIT and Harvard scientist: Risk that…
RT @MaryVought: The messaging on inflation from Dems and their media mouthpieces has been a disaster, to say the least. From "shut…
RT @RMConservative: He already had multi organ failure before they got a chance to administer it thanks to the delay. Do some real journali… QT @thehill: Man whose wife won legal ruling dies one week after receiving ivermectin
RT @NewsPolitics: Can you imagine if all the texts between @CNN anchors and say Adam Schiff came out? �
So they’re refunding the police now after a massive crime wave. Democrats’ Defund the Police movement came with obvious consequences from the beginning, they own this. QT @Breaking911: JUST IN: Minneapolis police department budget to be restored to what it was before it was defunded - StarTribune)
More 2/3 of Americans disapprove of Biden’s agenda. Let that sink in.
This state Supreme Court order is one of the most astonishing orders I’ve seen in my entire legal career. And they did it right in the middle of the filing period. #ncpol
RT @realchrisrufo: A good time to remind you that critical race theory teaches explicitly that "all white people are racist" (Applebaum, 20… QT @paraga: "If they are not gonna make a distinction between muslims and extremists, then why should I distinguish between white people and racists.")
Who could have possibly seen this coming… #FireFauci QT @nypost: Fauci says COVID-19 booster might become new standard for being vaccinated
RT @RepDanBishop: From the Hunter Biden laptop story to COVID’s origins, @Twitter & Big Tech continue to prove that their main object…
Stellar job, PolitiFact. QT @PolitiFactWisc: A Facebook post says, “At 17 years old Kyle (Rittenhouse) was perfectly legal to be able to possess that rifle with…
Finally, some comedic relief on the horizon. QT @BetoORourke: I’m running for governor. Together, we can push past the small and divisive politics that we see in Texas today —…
RT @RepDanBishop: The freedoms we celebrate today are only possible because of the sacrifices men and women in uniform have made thro…
“The rising costs aren’t a problem, because the shelves are empty anyway.” QT @MSNBC: Why the inflation we're seeing now is a good thing
RT @seanmdav: Say their victims’ names, you deranged nutjob. QT @CoriBush: The 13 people murdered by Trump's death row killing spree: Daniel Lee Wesley Purkey Dustin Honken Lezmond Mitchel…
RT @stillgray: They passed it with the help of some RINOs. The Democrats had a backchannel all along. QT @axios: BREAKING: The House has passed the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill
RT @CarolinaJournal: � BREAKING� Some members of the NC House are openly advocating for impeaching Democratic state Supreme Court Justi…