Deleted Tweets From Dan Bishop, R-N.C.
Dan Bishop's accounts: jdanbishop
Tracking Since: December 10, 2017
RT @seanmdav: Looks like all that money the CCP funneled to the Biden family finally paid off. QT @greg_price11: Kirby: "We do not support Taiwan independence."
RT @seanmdav: Why is D.C. only nuking the mandates at private businesses? Easy. The mandates destroyed the economy and the city's tax base,… QT @GarrettHaake: NEWS: DC's @MayorBowser says District's indoor mask mandate will expire on Feb 28th. That means no mask requiremen…
RT @seanmdav: Summer. Summer is behind it. QT @Reuters: Explainer: What is behind the heat waves affecting the United States?
RT @seanmdav: It should be lower. QT @FDRLST: Poll: Americans’ Confidence In Media Plummets To All-Time Low
RT @seanmdav: What an absolute joke. QT @JerryDunleavy: Statements by the U.S. Capitol Police and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia on the declinatio…
RT @seanmdav: She and Fauci should both be in prison. QT @jeffreyatucker: Before posting my final review of D. Birx's book, I offer you one more excerpt on how she doctored the weekly Covid…
RT @seanmdav: That’s exactly why they banned James Lindsay. People like James who tell the truth — that boys and girls are different, that… QT @SwipeWright: 1/ If it hadn't been for James Lindsay, I may not have ever spoken up about gender ideology. In 2018, while a post…
RT @seanmdav: Mark Zuckerberg’s $350 Million In Election Funding Went To Far-Left Activists, Not ‘Nonpartisan’ Outfits
RT @seanmdav: So do you approve of the CCP’s genocide and enslavement of its own people, or not? Really shouldn’t be a difficult question t… QT @WarriorsPR: Warriors statement re: Chamath Palihapitiya:
RT @seanmdav: While @JohnCornyn and @LeaderMcConnell play footsy with Dems to illegally destroy your 2nd Amendment rights, the Biden Admini… QT @FDRLST: White House Aims To Shut Down Ammunition Sales While Dems Claim To Engage In Good Faith Gun Talks
RT @seanmdav: Twitter permanently banned Donald Trump after he denounced violence and rioting and told election protesters to sta…
RT @seanmdav: Democrats Wanted To Intimidate Justices. Now It’s Getting Dangerous
RT @seanmdav: Was your favorite part the carjacking that never happened, the hordes of AR-15-toting mercenaries who were never there, or th… QT @SethAMandel: Washington Examiner editorial: "Cassidy Hutchinson’s Tuesday testimony ought to ring the death knell for former Pre…
RT @seanmdav: Everyone who agrees with that should be banned from being anywhere near children. QT @WashTimes: Pride Month drag queen events and gender discussions are necessary for the healthy development of small children, L…
RT @seanmdav: Thanks, @JoeBiden. Gas costs over $1/gallon more today than it did a year ago. QT @dccc: Thanks, @JoeBiden.
RT @seanmdav: oNe oF tHeSe cHanNeLs iS nOt LiKe tHe oThErs
RT @seanmdav: Caption This: QT @ericswalwell: Caption This:
RT @seanmdav: Even *after* Kyle Rittenhouse was unanimously acquitted by a jury, Twitter kept banning people for saying he did no…
RT @seanmdav: Those numbers are shockingly bad, especially given the fact that Quinnipiac is notorious for issuing polls that are absurdly… QT @TomBevanRCP: Biden job approval in new Quinnipiac poll is 33% among adults - and just 25% with Indies. Among registered voters i…
RT @JonSchweppe: “This is what democracy looks like!”