Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

Montezuma County, Colo., funds by Interior, Department of

Listing $17,876,976.05 in stimulus funds from Interior, Department of for Montezuma

Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Description Federal Dept./Agency Date
TRIAD WESTERN CONSTRUCTORS, INC. $5,695,320 The contract is for the design and construction of approximately thirty-one thousand feet of six inch diameter stainless steel pipe for the Mesa Verde National Park waterline replacement from Chapin Mesa to the North Park Boundary. The Project work items National Park Service 2/26/2010
TRIAD WESTERN CONSTRUCTORS, INC. $4,444,644 Design and construction of approximately 31,640 linear feet (6 miles) of 6 inch stainless steel main water line and various components between the existing Chapin Mesa water tanks and the Park's north boundary in the Montezuma Valley. The new line will be
This spending item is part of a $7,222,347 allocation. See details
National Park Service 2/26/2010
UTE MOUNTAIN UTE TRIBE $1,977,000 Road Maintenance_Indian Roads Bureau of Indian Affairs, Road Repair and Restoration, Indian Reservation Roads Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/25/2010
MONTEZUMA VALLEY IRRIGATION CO $1,521,288 Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Program Cooperaitive Agreement NO. R09AC40R05 Between Bureau of Reclamation and Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Lone Pine Canal Piping Project. The Project involves the MVIC replacing approximately 25,51... Show more Bureau of Reclamation 8/21/2009
CREATIVE ENERGIES LLC $492,674 Design and construction of Photovoltaic Systems at Water Treatment Plant at Mesa Verde National Park, CO. National Park Service 1/19/2010
CREATIVE ENERGIES LLC $492,674 Design and construction of the Photovoltaic Systems at Water Treatment Plant at Mesa Verde National Park, CO. National Park Service 1/19/2010
PCC PREFERRED CONTRACTING & CONSULTING LLC $458,570 Tram Shelter and Fueling Station Design Build Construction of prefabricated steel shade shelter and biodiesel fueling system. National Park Service 5/12/2010
UTE MOUNTAIN UTE TRIBE $437,649 Highway Planning and Construction Indian Reservation & Construction of UMU Ute Trail Rd. Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/04/2010
PCC PREFERRED CONTRACTING & CONSULTING LLC $420,980 RECOVERY/ARRA Provide all labor, equipment and materials to replace approximately 3900 feet of corroded 2 and 3-inch galvanized pipe in Morefield Campground and Village with 2-inch line; twenty-two (22) 2-inch gate valves and curb boxes; and 1,800 feet of National Park Service 10/23/2009
D.E.S., INC. $305,650 Demo, Site Utilities Upgrade, and Construction of new Classroom/ Library shall be performed
This spending item is part of a $1,226,200 allocation. See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/24/2010
Stanley Electric, LLC $231,956 Colorado Ute Indian Water Rights Settlement Act The Principal components of work to be performed under this ARRA Award includes the design and construction of a new building for the Permanent Operations Facility in Durango, Colorado for the Animas-La Plata Project. The total building shall be approx... Show more
This spending item is part of a $2,940,099 allocation. See details
Bureau of Reclamation 3/04/2010
JOHN DEERE SHARED SERVICES, INC. $228,124 JOHN DEERE 672G MOTOR GRADER Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2011
WOODS CANYON ARCHEAOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS INC $135,224 The McInnis Canyons National Conservation Area Trails Project is a Class III cultural resource survey of existing and proposed new trails throughout the McInnis Canyons National Conservation Area (MCNCA) on public lands managed by the BLM Grand Junction F Bureau of Land Management 3/17/2010
ALPHA CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING CORPORATION $109,619 Replace Waterline: Chapin Mesa to North Park Boundary, Mesa Verde National Park, MEVE 103765 The primary waterline serving Mesa Verde National Park is beyond its useful life and must be replaced. The current waterline is exposed or in a shallow bury con
This spending item is part of a $264,314 allocation. See details
National Park Service 3/12/2010
TUSCA II, INC. $88,577 Provide all labor, equipment and materials to replace approximately 580 linear feet of obsolete water line and removal of 150 linear feet of abandoned water line at the Nusbaum Pass area of Mesa Verde National Park. National Park Service 6/11/2009
RIDGWAY VALLEY ENTERPRISES, INC. $68,777 Remodel bathroom into ADA compliant bath, remove carpet, install tile and plastic laminate flooring, Install concrete garage apron Bureau of Land Management 7/23/2010
RIDGWAY VALLEY ENTERPRISES, INC. $68,777 Convert bathroom to ADA, change out flooring to be ADA compliant, change doors, hardware Bureau of Land Management 7/23/2010
WRIGHT PAINTING $66,450 Colorado Ute Indian Water Rights Settlement Act The Principal components of work to be performed under this ARRA Award includes the design and construction of a new building for the Permanent Operations Facility in Durango, Colorado for the Animas-La Plata Project. The total building shall be approx... Show more
This spending item is part of a $2,940,099 allocation. See details
Bureau of Reclamation 3/04/2010
Simbeck and Associates, Inc. $57,338 UPGRADE SEWER LAGOON
This spending item is part of a $201,759 allocation. See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/25/2009
INTERIOR WEST CONSULTING, LLC $55,722 Interior West was contracted to complete a Class III cultural resource inventory at the Warren Bridge Public Access Site, Sublette County, Wyoming. Bureau of Land Management 6/04/2010
Flying Eagle Construction Corp $50,480 UPGRADE SEWER LAGOON
This spending item is part of a $201,759 allocation. See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/25/2009
DOLORES SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT $40,000 Eradication of 300 acres of Tamarisk in the Canyon of the Ancients National Monument Bureau of Land Management 3/18/2010
DOLORES SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT $40,000 Fish, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Resource Management Eradication of 300 acres of Tamarisk in the Canyon of the Ancients National Monument Bureau of Land Management 3/18/2010
MILLENNIUM WATERPROOFING, INC. $39,250 Demo, Site Utilities Upgrade, and Construction of new Classroom/ Library shall be performed
This spending item is part of a $1,226,200 allocation. See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/24/2010
RIDGWAY VALLEY ENTERPRISES, INC. $33,068 Remove old porch install ADA ramp at both entrances, remove old furnace install new furnace and duct work Bureau of Land Management 5/03/2010
MONTEZUMA, COUNTY OF $30,000 Invasive and Noxious Plant Management Bureau of Land Management 3/18/2010
MONTEZUMA, COUNTY OF $30,000 Invasive species and noxious weed control on public lands. Bureau of Land Management 3/18/2010
MONTEZUMA, COUNTY OF $30,000 Fish, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Resource Management Invasive and Noxious Plant Management Bureau of Land Management 3/18/2010
MONTEZUMA, COUNTY OF $30,000 Fish, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Resource Management Noxious weed control, inventory and monitoring within the Bureau of Land Management Canyon of the Ancients National Monument. Bureau of Land Management 3/18/2010
SOUTHWEST SEED, INC $27,259 Procure and provide native grass seed for the Canyon of the Ancients Habitat Improvement. Bureau of Land Management 6/01/2010
SOUTHWEST SEED, INC $27,259 Procure and provide native grass seed for the Canyon of the Ancients Habitat Improvement. Bureau of Land Management 6/01/2010
STRATIFIED ENVIRONMENTAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SERVICES, LLC $17,883 Dawson Draw 2 Class III Cultural Inventory: This is an intensive survey of 484.3 acres in 4 parcels identified by the BLM for habitat restoration for the Gunnison Sagegrouse and Desert Bighorn. The area will be intensively surveyed for cultural resource Bureau of Land Management 9/16/2010
TIMBERLINE TILE OF CORTEZ, INC $13,291 Colorado Ute Indian Water Rights Settlement Act The Principal components of work to be performed under this ARRA Award includes the design and construction of a new building for the Permanent Operations Facility in Durango, Colorado for the Animas-La Plata Project. The total building shall be approx... Show more
This spending item is part of a $2,940,099 allocation. See details
Bureau of Reclamation 3/04/2010
LANE & CO., INC. $10,542 Supplies only: Water Meters with hot rods and wire 1) 6 4) 4 6) 1x1 National Park Service 9/15/2010
PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN INC. $9,240 Herbicide and Seed oil Bureau of Land Management 8/27/2010
B & P CONSORT, INC $6,277 Meter main combination product only Mesa Verde National Park Mesa Verde, CO 81330 National Park Service 4/17/2010
Whatcott Plastering Inc $5,996 Colorado Ute Indian Water Rights Settlement Act The Principal components of work to be performed under this ARRA Award includes the design and construction of a new building for the Permanent Operations Facility in Durango, Colorado for the Animas-La Plata Project. The total building shall be approx... Show more
This spending item is part of a $2,940,099 allocation. See details
Bureau of Reclamation 3/04/2010