Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

30093 Silver Bow County, Mont.

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U.S. Montana Silver Bow
Population 308,745,538 989,415 34,234
Total recovery funding $522,082,377,600 $2,397,066,858 $62,121,206
Funding per Capita $1,691 $2,423 $1,815
Unemployment Rate, 7/08 – 7/12

This site was updated in September 2012. It includes recipient-reported data through the second quarter of 2012, which was released in July 2012.

Important: This interactive database is not kept up-to-date and should be treated as a historical snapshot. As records may have changed since we stopped making updates, researchers and consultants wishing to use the data should check against original sources for accuracy before using any data published here.

Those wishing to download the data can find it at the ProPublica Data Store.

Funding by Federal Agency and Department

Click total to see spending list
Agriculture, Department of $14,877,283
Education, Department of $12,413,815
Transportation, Department of $11,336,957
Energy, Department of $7,269,721
Small Business Administration $6,933,900
Health and Human Services, Department of $2,586,455
Social Security Administration $1,951,250
Environmental Protection Agency $1,465,530
Employment and Training Administration $1,269,102
Housing and Urban Development, Department of $775,851
Justice, Department of $464,011
National Science Foundation $345,842
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers $332,970
Interior, Department of $98,519

Show more/fewer agencies


Stimulus contracts, grants and loans in Silver Bow County, Mont. Data last updated on September 2012.
We have CSV files available for download. Sign up here.

Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Type Description Federal Dept./Agency Date
TRANSPORTATION, MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF $7,302,564 Grant Highway Planning and Construction Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant; Areas with Population equal to or less than 200K Transportation, Department of / Federal Highway Administration 11/03/2009
MSE INC. $5,650,000 Loan Unknown Business and Industry Loans - ARRA Agriculture, Department of / Rural Business Cooperative Service 9/23/2010
MONTANA TECH OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA $4,965,241 Grant State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Education State Grants, Recovery Act State Fiscal Stabilization Fund - Education Fund: For the support of public elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education and as applicable, early childhood education programs and services.
This spending item is part of a $121,628,250 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 7/02/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $4,920,177 Loan Very Low to Moderate Income Housing Loans - Guaranteed Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loans - ARRA Agriculture, Department of / Rural Housing Service 5/31/2009
BUTTE PARK ROYAL LLC $4,000,000 Loan Unknown Business and Industry Loans - ARRA Agriculture, Department of / Rural Business Cooperative Service 4/30/2010
HUMAN RESOURCES COUNCIL DISTRICT XII $2,991,305 Grant Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons ARRA - Supplemental Funding for Weatherization Assistance to Low-Income Persons: To reduce energy costs for low-income families, particularly for the elderlly, people with disabilities and children, by improving the energy efficiency of their homes wh... Show more
This spending item is part of a $27,467,047 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 4/03/2009
NORTHWESTERN CORPORATION $2,101,035 Grant Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, Research, Development and Analysis Title: Pacific Northwest Smart Grid Demonstration Purpose: This demonstration will validate new smart grid technologies and inform business cases; provide two-way communication between distributed generation, storage,... Show more
This spending item is part of a $88,821,251 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 2/01/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $1,914,250 Direct P Social Security Economic Recovery Act Payments Social Security Administration 6/30/2009
Mile High Agency Inc. $1,669,900 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 2/19/2010
TRANSPORTATION, MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF $1,531,273 Grant Highway Planning and Construction Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Areas with Population equal to or less than 200K Transportation, Department of / Federal Highway Administration 3/24/2009
MONTANA TECH OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA $1,449,722 Grant State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Government Services, Recovery Act Government Services Fund- for public safety and other government services, which may include assistance for elementary and secondary education and public institutions of higher education, and for modernization, renovation, or ... Show more
This spending item is part of a $27,061,542 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 7/02/2009
TRANSPORTATION, MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF $1,293,112 Grant Highway Planning and Construction Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Areas with Population equal to or less than 200K, Available for Use in Any Area (flexible) Transportation, Department of / Federal Highway Administration 1/25/2010
BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 $1,194,711 Grant Special Education Grants to States, Recovery Act Assist states in providing special education and related services to children with disabilities in accordance with Part B of the IDEA.
This spending item is part of a $36,708,056 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services 4/02/2009
BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 $1,101,097 Grant State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Education State Grants, Recovery Act State Fiscal Stabilization Fund - Education Fund: For the support of public elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education and as applicable, early childhood education programs and services.
This spending item is part of a $121,628,250 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 7/02/2009
MONTANA TECH OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA $1,072,744 Grant Renewable Energy Research and Development A demonstration system for capturing geothermal energy from mine waters beneath Butte, Montana. Energy, Department of 1/29/2010
MONTANA TECH OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA $958,437 Direct P Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM Education, Department of / DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 5/13/2009
BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 $943,551 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards.
This spending item is part of a $34,650,000 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 8/31/2009
BUTTE-SILVER BOW PRIMARY HEALTH CARE CLINIC, INC $784,170 Grant ARRA Health Center Integrated Services Development Initiative[g1] ARRA Capital Improvement Project: Repair and rennovate the CHC sites at 445 Centennial AVe Butte Mt and Sheridan CHC in Sheridan Mt. The Butte site encompasses repairs to the roof, the HVAC system the storm water drainage system;renno... Show more Health and Human Services, Department of / Health Resources and Services Administration 6/25/2009
Synesis 7 Corporation $750,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 12/20/2010
BUTTE-SILVER BOW, CITY AND COUNTY OF $750,000 Grant Capitalization Grants for Clean Water State Revolving Funds This is a Federal Fiscal Year 2009 Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) stimulus grant under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. It provides a source of financing throughout Montana for the construction of wastewater trea... Show more
This spending item is part of a $19,239,100 allocation. See details
Environmental Protection Agency 5/18/2009
BUTTE-SILVER BOW, CITY AND COUNTY OF $715,530 Grant Capitalization Grants for Drinking Water State Revolving Funds This is a Federal Fiscal Year 2009 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) stimulus grant under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. It provides a source of financing throughout Montana for the construction of water tre... Show more
This spending item is part of a $19,500,000 allocation. See details
Environmental Protection Agency 5/18/2009
BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 $678,482 Grant State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Education State Grants, Recovery Act State Fiscal Stabilization Fund - Education Fund: For the support of public elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education and as applicable, early childhood education programs and services.
This spending item is part of a $121,628,250 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 7/02/2009
SILVER BOW JATC $640,772 Grant Program of Competitive Grants for Worker Training and Placement in High Growth and Emerging Industry Sectors Energy Training Partnership Grant-The Green Ready Workforce Competency model is training and hands on experience for a green energy workforce as well as upgrading the skills of the current wor... Show more
This spending item is part of a $5,000,000 allocation. See details
Employment and Training Administration 1/15/2010
BERT MOONEY AIRPORT AUTHORITY $625,008 Grant Airport Improvement Program Airport Development: Rehabilitate Runway 15-33 Lighting, Including Shoulder Grading Transportation, Department of / Federal Aviation Administration 6/12/2009
MONTANA TECH OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA $625,000 Grant ARRA - Health Information Technology Professionals in Health Care Region A Community College Consortium Proposal provides funding to improve the capactiy of community colleges in Region A to train health professionals in the use of electronic health records. Region A community colleges will train ap... Show more
This spending item is part of a $6,413,261 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of 4/02/2010
PUBLIC HOUSING AUTHORITY OF BUTTE $618,461 Grant Public Housing Capital Fund Stimulus (Formula) Recovery Act Funded Conduct modernization of kitchens and bathrooms at one family development consisting of 35 units. Improvements include new cabinets, countertops, floors, sinks, faucets, tubs and energy star appliances. All windows are being replaced ... Show more Housing and Urban Development, Department of 3/18/2009
MONTANA TECH OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA $602,421 Direct P Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM Education, Department of / DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 5/12/2010
BUTTE-SILVER BOW, CITY AND COUNTY OF $585,000 Grant Formula Grants for Other Than Urbanized Areas ARRA grant will be used to invest in public transportation by purchasing new vans and buses for 26 different agencies throughout the state of Montana. There will also be jobs created or sustained by building new facilities and upgrading some existing fac... Show more
This spending item is part of a $11,279,390 allocation. See details
Transportation, Department of / Federal Transit Administration 8/13/2009
MONTANA TECH OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA $401,009 Grant Renewable Energy Research and Development Make large quantities of geothermal-relevant geoscience data available to the public through a national, sustainable, distributed, and interoperable network of data providers. The state geological surveys will develop, collect, serve, and maintain geothe
This spending item is part of a $21,858,224 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 1/08/2010
MONTANA STATE SHEET METAL $395,500 Grant Program of Competitive Grants for Worker Training and Placement in High Growth and Emerging Industry Sectors Energy Training Partnership Grant-The Green Ready Workforce Competency model is training and hands on experience for a green energy workforce as well as upgrading the skills of the current wor... Show more
This spending item is part of a $5,000,000 allocation. See details
Employment and Training Administration 1/15/2010
HUMAN RESOURCES COUNCIL DISTRICT XII $363,508 Grant ARRA - Community Services Block Grant Recovery funding that allows the Montana Community Action Agencies (HRDCs) network to expand existing activities and provide services for up to 15,000 additonal households. The funding provides additonal opportunties in that each of the 10 HRDCs develope
This spending item is part of a $4,697,685 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / Administration for Children and Families 4/10/2009
HUMAN RESOURCES COUNCIL DISTRICT XII $361,066 Grant ARRA - Community Services Block Grant ARRA - Community Services Block Grant - Provide assistance to States and local communities, working through a network of community action agencies and other neighborhood based organizations, for the reduction of proverty, revitalization of low income com
This spending item is part of a $4,697,685 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / Administration for Children and Families 4/10/2009
BUTTE-SILVER BOW, CITY AND COUNTY OF $347,700 Grant Public Safety Partnership and Community Policing Grants The COPS Hiring Recovery Program (CHRP) provides funding directly to law enforcement agencies to hire and/or rehire career law enforcement officers in an effort to create and preserve jobs, and to increase their community policing capacity and c... Show more Justice, Department of 7/01/2009
SPARKY'S GARAGE II $325,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees RURAL LENDER ADVANTAGE Small Business Administration 3/19/2009
Timberline Fencing $300,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 3/12/2010
BUTTE-SILVER BOW PRIMARY HEALTH CARE CLINIC, INC $298,307 Grant ARRA Health Center Integrated Services Development Initiative[g1] Icnreased Demand for Servicers grant via HRSA:Increase dental services by hiring a new dentist, dental assistant, case manager and IT staff. We have seen over 2000 new patients because of these funds. I need Julie Baitty to call me d... Show more Health and Human Services, Department of / Health Resources and Services Administration 3/27/2009
BUTTE-SILVER BOW, CITY AND COUNTY OF $261,300 Grant Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG) The primary goals of the Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) program are to reduce energy consumption in local government buildings, facilities and operations, increase the use of renewable energy resources when it is cos... Show more
This spending item is part of a $9,593,500 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 9/30/2009
Synesis 7 Corporation $250,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 12/20/2010
Timeberline Fencing & Contractor $249,000 Loan 504 Certified Development Loans TO ASSIST SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS BY PROVIDING LONG TERM FINANCING THROUGH THE SALE OF DEBENTURES TO THE PRIVATE SECTOR Small Business Administration 9/19/2009
AREA V AGENCY ON AGING $247,492 Grant State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Government Services, Recovery Act Government Services Fund- for public safety and other government services, which may include assistance for elementary and secondary education and public institutions of higher education, and for modernization, renovation, or ... Show more
This spending item is part of a $27,061,542 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 7/02/2009
VU VILLA $231,400 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees RURAL LENDER ADVANTAGE Small Business Administration 7/27/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $210,367 Loan Very Low to Moderate Income Housing Loans - Direct SECTION 502 SINGLE FAMILY HSNG DIRECT LN - 2009 ARRA Agriculture, Department of / Rural Housing Service 6/30/2010
HUMAN RESOURCES COUNCIL DISTRICT XII $207,348 Grant WIA Youth Activities WIA YOUTH-ARRA CFDA # 17.259 Total Award Amount $2,918,025: Provide summer employment opportunities to youth ages 14-24 to help them attain work readiness skills through work experiences and for older youth the skills needed to obtain permanent employmen
This spending item is part of a $5,908,469 allocation. See details
Employment and Training Administration 2/17/2009
BUTTE-SILVER BOW, CITY AND COUNTY OF $180,000 Grant Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Idaho, & Wyoming Environmental Infrastructure (Section 595) - ARRA Historical Information G?? The Butte-Silver Bow (BSB) Metro Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) was originally designed in 1968, and has undergone two significant plant modifications in the past four... Show more U.S. Army Corps of Engineers / U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only 10/08/2009
RESODYN ACOUSTIC MIXERS, INCORPORATED $179,378 Contract General Description: Accelerate the processing and disposal of contract-handled (CH) transuranic (TRU) waste and (mixed) low level waste (MLLW/LLW) from the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). Detailed Description: April 13, 2009 through September 30, 2
This spending item is part of a $22,500,000 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 4/13/2009
HUMAN RESOURCES COUNCIL DISTRICT XII $157,390 Grant Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (Recovery Act Funded) ARRA HPRP - To provide financial and other assistance to prevent individuals and families from becoming homeless and help those who are experiencing homelessness to be quickly re-housed and stablilized.
This spending item is part of a $3,731,327 allocation. See details
Housing and Urban Development, Department of / Community Planning and Development 7/16/2009
MSE TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS, INC. $152,970 Contract Scope of Work consists of upgrading the Dual MC3000 SCADA Master at Old Hickory and Remote Terminal Units (RTU's) at J. Percy Priest and Cheatham power houses. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers / U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only 5/14/2009
RESODYN CORPORATION $150,000 Grant Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support The purpose of this project is to develop a new way of synthesizing well-dispersed polyaniline (PANI) nanostructures on the surface of selected thermoplastic microparticles to form core-shell composites. Another purpose is to determine the feasibility of National Science Foundation 6/23/2009
MONTANA TECH OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA $145,332 Grant Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Fiber-Optic Strain Monitoring of Rock Masses in large Underground Facilities National Science Foundation 8/07/2009
BUTTE-SILVER BOW, CITY AND COUNTY OF $138,700 Grant Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG) Energy conservation and efficiency measures through lighting retro-fits of nine Butte-Silver Bow Government buildings. Energy, Department of 9/14/2009
Kelli Harrington $120,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 5/11/2010
BUTTE-SILVER BOW, CITY AND COUNTY OF $116,311 Grant Recovery Act - Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program / Grants To Units Of Local Government BJA FY 09 Recovery Act Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program Justice, Department of 8/06/2009
SUNRISE FLY SHOP $111,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees RURAL LENDER ADVANTAGE Small Business Administration 8/15/2009
HUMAN RESOURCES COUNCIL DISTRICT XII $109,274 Grant ARRA - Head Start ARRA cost of Living Adjustment, and Quality Improvement Funding consistent with the provisions of Section 640(a)(5) of the Head Start Act. Health and Human Services, Department of / Administration for Children and Families 6/30/2009
T&D CONSULTING ENGINEERS, LLC $95,000 Contract A comparative case study on the cost and benefits of flywheels, CAES, and battery technologies for grid support such as load shifting, wind farm diurnal operations, ramping control, frequency regulation services, and distributed energy storage.
This spending item is part of a $1,500,000 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 6/15/2010
McLaughlin $75,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 8/06/2009
BUTTE ACADEMY OF BEAUTY CULTURE $67,271 Direct P Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM Education, Department of / DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 4/09/2010
RENEWABLE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. $66,553 Contract This contract is for the preparation of an historic overview covering the West Fork of Rock Creek drainage in the Beartooth Ranger District of the Custer National Forest, Montana. This work, scheduled in part as cultural resource mitigation for recent hi Agriculture, Department of / Forest Service 9/10/2010
M & M Repossession & Transport LLC $64,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 5/28/2010
Ramsay School District 3 $59,096 Grant State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Education State Grants, Recovery Act State Fiscal Stabilization Fund - Education Fund: For the support of public elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education and as applicable, early childhood education programs and services.
This spending item is part of a $121,628,250 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 7/02/2009
M & M Repossession & Transport LLC $55,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 5/27/2010
MONTANA TECH OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA $50,926 Grant Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program Upgrade of Selected Montana Regional Seismograph Network Stations Interior, Department of / Geological Survey 9/29/2009
INGRAHAM ENVIRONMENTAL, INCORPORATED $50,510 Grant Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Renovation of the Thermal Biology Institute's main laboratory space.
This spending item is part of a $1,815,163 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 8/17/2010
RENEWABLE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. $47,593 Contract The purpose of this contract is to complete an intensive Class III cultural resource inventory of Bureau of Land Management lands encompassing the Square Butte Area of Critical Environmental Concern in central Montana. This Class III field inventory will Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 12/31/2009
BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 $38,309 Grant Special Education - Preschool Grants, Recovery Act Assist States to make available special education and related services for children with disabilities age 3 through 5 years, and at a state's discretion, to 2 year old children with disabilities who will reach age three during the school year.
This spending item is part of a $1,260,947 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services 4/02/2009
MARK RULE AND COMPANY $35,000 Loan America's Recovery Capital Loans ARC GUAR LOANS Small Business Administration 2/01/2010
Asphalt LLC $35,000 Loan America's Recovery Capital Loans ARC GUAR LOANS Small Business Administration 10/29/2009
COPPER CITY SIGNS AND AWNING LLC $35,000 Loan America's Recovery Capital Loans ARC GUAR LOANS Small Business Administration 4/28/2010
RENEWABLE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. $30,186 Contract archaeological testing of a prehistoric site in central Idaho. consisted of excavation of five 1 x 1 meter units and roughly 50 shovel probes to determine the size and importance of the prehistoric site. in addition to testing, work included surface art Agriculture, Department of / Forest Service 3/17/2010
THE HUMMING BIRD CAFE $30,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees RURAL LENDER ADVANTAGE Small Business Administration 2/12/2010
AREA V AGENCY ON AGING $29,650 Grant Aging Congregate Nutrition Services for States ARRA provided funding for Congregate Nutrition Services. Established in 1972 under the Older Americans Act, the program provides meals to older Americans in congregate facilities such as senior centers, adult day centers, and faith-based settings.
This spending item is part of a $325,000 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / Administration on Aging 3/18/2009
BUTTE ACADEMY OF BEAUTY CULTURE $29,511 Direct P Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM Education, Department of / DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 5/12/2010
Energy Resource Mngmnt $29,250 Grant State Energy Program The Montana State Energy Program (SEP) ARRA plan will create and retain Montana jobs, save significant amounts of energy and taxpayer dollars in public and residential buildings, and lead to an increase in renewable energy production. SEP ARRA fund expend
This spending item is part of a $25,855,000 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 7/02/2009
MONTANA TECH OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA $28,017 Direct P Federal Work-Study Program CAMPUS-BASED /FWS Education, Department of / DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 4/01/2009
WETONA'S COFFEE HOUSE & DELI LLC. $27,700 Loan America's Recovery Capital Loans ARC GUAR LOANS Small Business Administration 5/06/2010
Ramsay School District 3 $27,397 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards.
This spending item is part of a $34,650,000 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 8/31/2009
CAREER FUTURES INC $25,482 Grant WIA Youth Activities WIA YOUTH-ARRA CFDA # 17.259 Total Award Amount $2,918,025: Provide summer employment opportunities to youth ages 14-24 to help them attain work readiness skills through work experiences and for older youth the skills needed to obtain permanent employmen
This spending item is part of a $5,908,469 allocation. See details
Employment and Training Administration 2/17/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $17,500 Direct P Social Security Economic Recovery Act Payments Social Security Administration 9/30/2009
AREA V AGENCY ON AGING $15,480 Grant Aging Home-Delivered Nutrition Services for States ARRA Home Delivered Nutrition Services for States - Provide grants to States to support nutrition services including nutritious meals, nutritious education and other appropriate nutrition services for Older Americans in order to maintain health, inde... Show more
This spending item is part of a $160,000 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / Administration on Aging 3/18/2009
MONTANA TECH OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA $15,316 Direct P Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM Education, Department of / DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 6/04/2009
BUTTE ACADEMY OF BEAUTY CULTURE $7,744 Direct P Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM Education, Department of / DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 5/05/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $6,000 Direct P Social Security Economic Recovery Act Payments Social Security Administration 12/31/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $5,250 Direct P Social Security Economic Recovery Act Payments Social Security Administration 6/30/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $3,000 Direct P Social Security Economic Recovery Act Payments Social Security Administration 3/31/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $3,000 Direct P Social Security Economic Recovery Act Payments Social Security Administration 9/30/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $2,250 Direct P Social Security Economic Recovery Act Payments Social Security Administration 12/31/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $0 Loan Very Low to Moderate Income Housing Loans - Direct SECTION 502 SINGLE FAMILY HSNG DIRECT LN - 2009 ARRA Agriculture, Department of / Rural Housing Service 2/28/2010
Butte Physical Therapy Center Inc. -$10,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 4/01/2011