Lobbying Relationship


Pharmaceutical Care Management Association (PCMA)

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  • H.R. 4366 - Consolidated Appropriations Act of FY 2024 - Issues related to health care policy provisions included in the bill writ large. H.R. 2882 - Further Consolidated Appropriations Act of FY 2024 - Issues related to funding of the Department of Health and Human Services and agencies governing programs dedicated to the coverage of prescription medications. S. 2973 - Modernizing and Ensuring PBM Accountability Act - Issues related to the important role PBMs play in keeping drug prices low for public and private employers and their employees. S. 3430 Better Mental Health Care, Lower Cost Prescription Drugs and Extenders Act of 2023- Issues related to pharmacy benefit managers and their role in keeping drug prices lower for patients. H.R. 3561 - The PATIENT Act of 2023 - Issues related to PBMs and their ability to successfully support the national goal of bringing down the cost of prescription medications in the public and private sectors. H.R. 5378 - Lower Costs, More Transparency Act of 2023 - Issues related to PBMs and their ability to successfully support the national goal of bringing down the cost of prescription medications in the public and private sectors. S. 1967 - The PBM Act - Issues related to delinking and limiting current tools used by PBMS to manage pharmacy benefits in Medicare. S. 1339 - The Pharmacy Benefit Manager Reform Act - Issues focused on limiting spread pricing and requiring rebate pass through and other tools used to control the price of prescription medications. S. 127 - The PBM Transparency Act - Issues related to the study of Pharmacy Benefit Managers by the Federal Trade Commission. S. 150 - Affordable Prescriptions for Patients Act - Issues related to ensuring that people's access to affordable medications are not impeded and innovations to ensure fair pricing structures are promulgated to their fullest. Issues related to prescription drug supply chain integrity and transparency. Issues related to the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act for purposes of ensuring access to affordable medications for Medicare beneficiaries and people across the United States.
  • H.R. 4366 - Consolidated Appropriations Act of FY 2024 - Issues related to health care policy provisions included in the bill writ large. H.R. 2882 - Further Consolidated Appropriations Act of FY 2024 - Issues related to funding of the Department of Health and Human Services and agencies governing programs dedicated to the coverage of prescription medications. S. 2973 - Modernizing and Ensuring PBM Accountability Act - Issues related to the important role PBMs play in keeping drug prices low for public and private employers and their employees. S. 3430 Better Mental Health Care, Lower Cost Prescription Drugs and Extenders Act of 2023- Issues related to pharmacy benefit managers and their role in keeping drug prices lower for patients. H.R. 3561 - The PATIENT Act of 2023 - Issues related to PBMs and their ability to successfully support the national goal of bringing down the cost of prescription medications in the public and private sectors. H.R. 5378 - Lower Costs, More Transparency Act of 2023 - Issues related to PBMs and their ability to successfully support the national goal of bringing down the cost of prescription medications in the public and private sectors. S. 1967 - The PBM Act - Issues related to delinking and limiting current tools used by PBMS to manage pharmacy benefits in Medicare Issues related to prescription drug supply chain integrity and transparency. Issues related to the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act for purposes of ensuring access to affordable medications for Medicare beneficiaries and people across the United States.
  • H.R. 4366 - Consolidated Appropriations Act of FY 2024 - Issues related to health care policy provisions included in the bill writ large. H.R. 2882 - Further Consolidated Appropriations Act of FY 2024 - Issues related to funding of the Department of Health and Human Services and agencies governing programs dedicated to the coverage of prescription medications. S. 2973 - Modernizing and Ensuring PBM Accountability Act - Issues related to the important role PBMs play in keeping drug prices low for public and private employers and their employees. S. 3430 Better Mental Health Care, Lower Cost Prescription Drugs and Extenders Act of 2023- Issues related to pharmacy benefit managers and their role in keeping drug prices lower for patients. H.R. 3561 - The PATIENT Act of 2023 - Issues related to PBMs and their ability to successfully support the national goal of bringing down the cost of prescription medications in the public and private sectors. H.R. 5378 - Lower Costs, More Transparency Act of 2023 - Issues related to PBMs and their ability to successfully support the national goal of bringing down the cost of prescription medications in the public and private sectors. S. 1967 - The PBM Act - Issues related to delinking and limiting current tools used by PBMS to manage pharmacy benefits in Medicare. S. 1339 - The Pharmacy Benefit Manager Reform Act - Issues focused on limiting spread pricing and requiring rebate pass through and other tools used to control the price of prescription medications. S. 127 - The PBM Transparency Act - Issues related to the study of Pharmacy Benefit Managers by the Federal Trade Commission. S. 150 - Affordable Prescriptions for Patients Act - Issues related to ensuring that people's access to affordable medications are not impeded and innovations to ensure fair pricing structures are promulgated to their fullest. Issues related to prescription drug supply chain integrity and transparency. Issues related to the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act for purposes of ensuring access to affordable medications for Medicare beneficiaries and people across the United States.

Duration: to

General Issues: Health Issues, Medicare/Medicaid, Pharmacy

Spending: about $3,310,000 (But it's complicated. Here's why.)

Agencies lobbied since 2011: U.S. Senate, House of Representatives, Centers For Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Health & Human Services - Dept of (HHS), Executive Office of the President (EOP), Office of Management & Budget (OMB), Food & Drug Administration (FDA), White House Office, Commerce - Dept of (DOC), Centers For Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), U.S. Senate,, Centers For Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS),, Health & Human Services - Dept of (HHS)

Bills mentioned

S.637: Creating Transparency to Have Drug Rebates Unlocked (C-THRU) Act of 2017

Sponsor: Ron Wyden (D-Ore.)

S.771: Improving Access To Affordable Prescription Drugs Act

Sponsor: Al Franken (D-Minn.)

S.934: FDA Reauthorization Act of 2017

Sponsor: Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.)

H.R.2430: FDA Reauthorization Act of 2017

Sponsor: Greg Walden (R-Ore.)

S.CON.RES.3: A concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the...

Sponsor: Michael B. Enzi (R-Wyo.)

H.R.5327: Mental Health Awareness and Improvement Act of 2016

Sponsor: Ann McLane Kuster (D-N.H.)

S.524: Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016

Sponsor: Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.)

H.R.2646: Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2016

Sponsor: Tim Murphy (R-Pa.)

S.1945: Mental Health Reform Act of 2015

Sponsor: Bill Cassidy (R-La.)

H.R.244: MAC Transparency Act

Sponsor: Doug Collins (R-Ga.)

H.R.6: 21st Century Cures Act

Sponsor: Fred Upton (R-Mich.)

H.R.1367: FEHBP Prescription Drug Integrity, Transparency, and Cost Savings Act

Sponsor: Stephen F. Lynch (D-Mass.)

S.CON.RES.8: An original concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget...

Sponsor: Patty Murray (D-Wash.)

H.R.3204: Drug Quality and Security Act

Sponsor: Fred Upton (R-Mich.)

H.J.RES.59: Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014

Sponsor: Harold Rogers (R-Ky.)

H.R.1946: Preserving Our Hometown Independent Pharmacies Act of 2011

Sponsor: Tom Marino (R-Pa.)

S.3187: Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act

Sponsor: Tom Harkin (D-Iowa)

H.R.8: American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012

Sponsor: Dave Camp (R-Mich.)

H.R.4310: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013

Sponsor: Howard P. McKeon (R-Calif.)

H.R.3630: Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012

Sponsor: Dave Camp (R-Mich.)

H.R.1625: Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018

Sponsor: Edward Royce (R-Calif.)

H.R.1301: Continuing Appropriations Amendments Act, 2018

Sponsor: Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-N.J.)

H.R.6: SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act

Sponsor: Greg Walden (R-Ore.)

S.3120: HEAL Act of 2018

Sponsor: Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah)

H.R.3528: Every Prescription Conveyed Securely Act

Sponsor: Katherine Clark (D-Mass.)

S.2460: Every Prescription Conveyed Securely Act

Sponsor: Michael Bennet (D-Colo.)

S.2553: Know the Lowest Price Act of 2018

Sponsor: Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.)

S.2554: Patient Right to Know Drug Prices Act

Sponsor: Susan Collins (R-Maine)

S.340: CREATES Act of 2019

Sponsor: Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)

H.R.965: CREATES Act of 2019

Sponsor: David Cicilline (D-R.I.)

S.476: Creating Transparency to Have Drug Rebates Unlocked (C–THRU) Act of 2019

Sponsor: Ron Wyden (D-Ore.)

S.1895: Lower Health Care Costs Act

Sponsor: Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.)

H.R.3: Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act

Sponsor: Frank Pallone (D-N.J.)

H.R.1865: Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020

Sponsor: Bill Pascrell Jr. (D-N.J.)

H.R.748: CARES Act

Sponsor: Joe Courtney (D-Conn.)

H.R.6201: Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Sponsor: Nita M. Lowey (D-N.Y.)

H.R.6074: Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2020

Sponsor: Nita M. Lowey (D-N.Y.)

H.R.1425: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act

Sponsor: Angie Craig (D-Minn.)

H.R.6800: The Heroes Act

Sponsor: Nita M. Lowey (D-N.Y.)

H.R.8406: The Heroes Act

Sponsor: Nita M. Lowey (D-N.Y.)

H.R.133: Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021

Sponsor: Henry Cuellar (D-Texas)

H.R.3684: Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

Sponsor: Peter A. DeFazio (D-Ore.)

H.R.5376: Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

Sponsor: John Yarmuth (D-Ky.)

H.R.2571: AMIGOS Act

Sponsor: David Cicilline (D-R.I.)

S.1388: Prescription Pricing for the People Act of 2021

Sponsor: Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa)

S.4293: Pharmacy Benefit Manager Transparency Act of 2022

Sponsor: Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.)

S.2938: Bipartisan Safer Communities Act

Sponsor: Marco Rubio (R-Fla.)

S.3700: Affordable Insulin Now Act

Sponsor: Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.)

H.R.2617: Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023

Sponsor: Gerald E. Connolly (D-Va.)

S.127: Pharmacy Benefit Manager Transparency Act of 2023

Sponsor: Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.)

S.150: Affordable Prescriptions for Patients Act of 2023

Sponsor: John Cornyn (R-Texas)

S.1339: Pharmacy Benefit Manager Reform Act

Sponsor: Bernard Sanders (ID-Vt.)

H.R.3561: PATIENT Act of 2023

Sponsor: Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.)

H.R.5378: Lower Costs, More Transparency Act

Sponsor: Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.)

S.2973: Modernizing and Ensuring PBM Accountability Act

Sponsor: Ron Wyden (D-Ore.)

H.R.6363: Further Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act, 2024

Sponsor: Kay Granger (R-Texas)

H.R.5860: Continuing Appropriations Act, 2024 and Other Extensions Act

Sponsor: Kay Granger (R-Texas)

S.3430: Better Mental Health Care, Lower-Cost Drugs, and Extenders Act of 2023

Sponsor: Ron Wyden (D-Ore.)

H.R.4366: Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024

Sponsor: John Carter (R-Texas)

H.R.2882: Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024

Sponsor: Juan Ciscomani (R-Ariz.)

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Lobbyists named here were listed on a filing related to this lobbying engagement. They may not be working on it now. Occasionally, a single lobbyist whose name is spelled two different ways on filings may be represented twice here.

Lobbyist Covered positions?
Melanie Nathanson Policy Analyst, Sr. Policy Advisor- Sen. Bob Graham Senior Legislative Asst. - Rep Sander Levin
Megan Hauck Pd intern, LC, Scheduler, LA, Pol Advsr. - Sen. Don Nickles Deputy Asst. Secretary - DHHS Special Asst. to Potus - White House Sr. Policy Advisor - Senator Mitch McConnell

Disclosures Filed

Once a lobbying engagement begins, the lobbyist or firm is required to file updates four times a year. Those updates sometimes change which lobbyists are involved or add new issues being discussed. When lobbyists stop working for a client, the firm is also supposed to file a report disclosing the end of the relationship.

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Source: Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives and Secretary of the Senate

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