Bills Cosponsored by Jon Stevens Corzine (D-N.J.)

Sen. Corzine cosponsored 410 bills in the 107th Congress (2001-02). See other congresses: 109th | 108th

Cosponsor Date Title Sponsor Latest Action
Sept. 20, 2001 S.1119: Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)
Sept. 19, 2001 S.1434: Honoring the Passengers and Crew of United Flight 93 Act Arlen Specter (D-Pa.)
Sept. 13, 2001 S.497: Landmine Elimination and Victim Assistance Act of 2001 Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)
Sept. 12, 2001 S.J.RES.22: Thomas A. Daschle (D-S.D.)
Sept. 10, 2001 S.119: Building, Renovating, Improving, and Constructing Kids' Schools Act Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine)
Sept. 10, 2001 S.826: Improved Access to Osteoporosis Testing Act of 2001 Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.)
Sept. 10, 2001 S.1256: Breast Cancer Research Stamp Act of 2001 Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)
Sept. 10, 2001 S.1286: Child Care Affordability for Federal Employees Act Jean Carnahan (D-Mo.)
Sept. 6, 2001 S.1084: Clean Diamonds Act Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.)
Sept. 5, 2001 S.1249: Victims' Economic Security and Safety Act Paul D. Wellstone (D-Minn.)
Sept. 4, 2001 S.1399: Identity Theft Prevention Act of 2001 Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)
Aug. 3, 2001 S.RES.151: Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.)
Aug. 3, 2001 S.1390: Children's Health Coverage Improvement Act of 2001 Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.)
Aug. 2, 2001 S.177: Postmasters Fairness and Rights Act Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii)
Aug. 2, 2001 S.1200: Jewish War Veterans Act of 2001 Max Cleland (D-Ga.)
Aug. 2, 2001 S.1320: Weekend Voting Act Herb Kohl (D-Wis.)
Aug. 2, 2001 S.1335: Linking Educators and Developing Entrepreneurs for Reaching Success Act of 2001 Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.)
Aug. 2, 2001 S.1343: Family Planning State Empowerment Act of 2001 Lincoln D. Chafee (R-R.I.)
July 31, 2001 S.1275: Community Access to Emergency Defibrillation Act of 2002 William H. Frist (R-Tenn.)
July 31, 2001 S.1284: Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2002 Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.)
July 31, 2001 S.1285: Strategic Arms Flexibility Act of 2001 Jon Stevens Corzine (D-N.J.)
July 27, 2001 S.1265: CARE Act Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.)
July 27, 2001 S.1266: SCHIP Enhancement Act of 2001 Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.)
July 26, 2001 S.1253: Gun Sale Anti-Fraud and Privacy Protection Act Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.)
July 25, 2001 S.1009: Meningitis Immunization Awareness Act Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas)
July 25, 2001 S.1244: FamilyCare Act of 2001 Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.)
July 25, 2001 S.1248: National Affordable Housing Trust Fund Act of 2001 John Kerry (D-Mass.)
July 24, 2001 S.1223: Contracted Automobile Regulatory Relief Act of 2001 Robert G. Torricelli (D-N.J.)
July 23, 2001 S.RES.138: Conrad Burns (R-Mont.)
July 23, 2001 S.159: Department of Environmental Protection Affairs Act of 2001 Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.)
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