Bills Cosponsored by Mary L. Landrieu (D-La.)

Sen. Landrieu cosponsored 458 bills in the 107th Congress (2001-02). See other congresses: 113th | 112th | 111th | 110th | 109th | 108th | 106th | 105th

Cosponsor Date Title Sponsor Latest Action
May 21, 2001 S.CON.RES.17: Paul S. Sarbanes (D-Md.)
May 17, 2001 S.CON.RES.40: Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah)
May 17, 2001 S.RES.57: Christopher S. Bond (R-Mo.)
May 17, 2001 S.394: Urgent Defense Health Appropriation Act, 2001 Pete V. Domenici (R-N.M.)
May 17, 2001 S.565: Martin Luther King, Jr. Equal Protection of Voting Rights Act of 2002 Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.)
May 17, 2001 S.724: Mothers and Newborns Health Insurance Act of 2002 Christopher S. Bond (R-Mo.)
May 16, 2001 S.RES.90: Bob Graham (D-Fla.)
May 16, 2001 S.904: Teacher Relief Act of 2001 Susan Collins (R-Maine)
May 9, 2001 S.RES.86: Christopher S. Bond (R-Mo.)
May 9, 2001 S.525: Andean Trade Preference Expansion Act Bob Graham (D-Fla.)
May 9, 2001 S.853: Targeted Marriage Tax Penalty Relief Act of 2001 Evan Bayh (D-Ind.)
May 9, 2001 S.856: Small Business Technology Transfer Program Reauthorization Act of 2001 John Kerry (D-Mass.)
May 7, 2001 S.RES.80: Patty Murray (D-Wash.)
April 24, 2001 S.CON.RES.11: Building Health Promotion and Disease Prevention into the National Agenda Resolution of 2001 Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)
April 24, 2001 S.RES.72: Arlen Specter (D-Pa.)
April 24, 2001 S.661: Transportation Tax Equity and Fairness Act Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.)
April 6, 2001 S.RES.66: Craig Thomas (R-Wyo.)
April 6, 2001 S.656: Liberian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act of 2001 Jack Reed (D-R.I.)
April 6, 2001 S.726: Municipal Utility Natural Gas Supply Act of 2001 John B. Breaux (D-La.)
April 6, 2001 S.739: Heather French Henry Homeless Veterans Assistance Act Paul D. Wellstone (D-Minn.)
April 6, 2001 S.753: John B. Breaux (D-La.)
April 5, 2001 S.281: Commemorative Works Clarification and Revision Act of 2002 Chuck T. Hagel (R-Neb.)
April 5, 2001 S.720: Women's Health Environmental Research Centers Act of 2001 Mary L. Landrieu (D-La.)
April 4, 2001 S.697: Railroad Retirement and Survivors' Improvement Act of 2001 Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah)
April 3, 2001 S.677: Housing Bond and Credit Modernization and Fairness Act of 2001 Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah)
April 3, 2001 S.682: Blind Persons Earnings Equity Act of 2001 John McCain (R-Ariz.)
April 3, 2001 S.685: Strengthening Working Families Act of 2001 Evan Bayh (D-Ind.)
April 2, 2001 S.RES.55: Paul D. Wellstone (D-Minn.)
April 2, 2001 S.674: Access to Affordable Health Care Act Susan Collins (R-Maine)
March 30, 2001 S.570: Violence Against Women Office Act Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.)
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