Bills Cosponsored by Laura Richardson (D-Calif.)

Rep. Richardson cosponsored 581 bills in the 112th Congress (2011-12). See other congresses: 111th | 110th

Cosponsor Date Title Sponsor Latest Action
Nov. 2, 2011 H.R.3163: Easy Voting Act of 2011 Corrine Brown (D-Fla.)
Nov. 1, 2011 H.R.3286: Local Farms, Food, and Jobs Act of 2011 Chellie Pingree (D-Maine)
Nov. 1, 2011 H.RES.451: Honoring Shirley Anita St. Hill Chisholm on the 87th year of her birth. Yvette D. Clarke (D-N.Y.)
Nov. 1, 2011 H.RES.452: Recognizing the importance labor unions play in ensuring a strong middle class by advocating for more equitable wages, humane work conditions, improved benefits, and increased civic engagement by everyday workers. Donald M. Payne (D-N.J.)
Oct. 27, 2011 H.R.3270: America's Cup Act of 2011 Brian P. Bilbray (R-Calif.)
Oct. 27, 2011 H.R.3277: To amend title 38, United States Code, to improve and make permanent the Department of Veterans Affairs loan guarantee for the purchase of residential cooperative housing units, and for other purposes. Carolyn B. Maloney (D-N.Y.)
Oct. 27, 2011 H.R.3178: Employee Misclassification Prevention Act Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.)
Oct. 26, 2011 H.R.12: American Jobs Act of 2011 John B. Larson (D-Conn.)
Oct. 26, 2011 H.RES.376: Calling for the repatriation of POW/MIAs and abductees from the Korean War. Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.)
Oct. 26, 2011 H.RES.433: Supporting the goals and ideals of National Adoption Day and National Adoption Month by promoting national awareness of adoption and the children in foster care awaiting families, celebrating children and families involved in adoption, recognizing current Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.)
Oct. 25, 2011 H.RES.98: Expressing the Sense of the House of Representatives that the Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration should give the greatest weight in making critical policy decisions to readily available hard science data, including evidence from the natural Stephen Fincher (R-Tenn.)
Oct. 24, 2011 H.R.2569: Free File Program Act of 2011 Peter Roskam (R-Ill.)
Oct. 24, 2011 H.R.2809: Microenterprise and Youth Entrepreneurship Development Act of 2011 Cedric Richmond (D-La.)
Oct. 24, 2011 H.RES.446: Supporting the goals and ideals of National Cyber Security Awareness Month and raising awareness and enhancing the state of cyber security in the United States. Jim Langevin (D-R.I.)
Oct. 14, 2011 H.R.2346: Balancing Act of 2011 Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.)
Oct. 14, 2011 H.R.3225: Community Agriculture Development and Jobs Act Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio)
Oct. 14, 2011 H.R.3233: Eliminate Auto Test (EAT) Act of 2011 Gary Peters (D-Mich.)
Oct. 13, 2011 H.R.3186: STOP Act Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas)
Oct. 13, 2011 H.R.3200: Local Flexibility for Transit Assistance Act Russ Carnahan (D-Mo.)
Oct. 12, 2011 H.R.1322: Earned Retiree Healthcare Benefits Protection Act of 2011 John F. Tierney (D-Mass.)
Oct. 12, 2011 H.R.2668: Brian A. Terry Memorial Act Darrell Issa (R-Calif.)
Oct. 12, 2011 H.RES.432: Celebrating the life and achievements of Reverend Fred Lee Shuttlesworth and honoring him for his tireless efforts in the fight against segregation and his steadfast commitment to the civil rights of all people. Terri Sewell (D-Ala.)
Oct. 11, 2011 H.R.3067: Accelerating the End of Breast Cancer Act of 2011 Karen Bass (D-Calif.)
Oct. 6, 2011 H.R.324: To amend title 10, United States Code, to provide police officers, criminal investigators, and game law enforcement officers of the Department of Defense with authority to execute warrants, make arrests, and carry firearms. Bob Filner (D-Calif.)
Oct. 6, 2011 H.R.1348: Fire Police Fairness Act Joe Courtney (D-Conn.)
Oct. 6, 2011 H.R.2920: Detroit Jobs Trust Fund Act Hansen Clarke (D-Mich.)
Oct. 6, 2011 H.R.3046: Military Spouse Job Continuity Act of 2011 Russ Carnahan (D-Mo.)
Oct. 6, 2011 H.R.3134: DIAPER Act Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.)
Oct. 6, 2011 H.R.3138: American Innovation in Manufacturing Act Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.)
Oct. 5, 2011 H.R.689: 21st Century Investment Act of 2011 Donna Edwards (D-Md.)
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