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Sonia Sotomayor

Associate justice since Aug. 8, 2009

313 Connections

$1.7M – $6.8M Investments (2023)

13 Gifts

158 Reimbursements

Sonia Sotomayor has disclosed financial or other links to 156 organizations, according to a ProPublica analysis of 22 financial disclosures filed since 1991. This includes disclosures from before Sotomayor was a Supreme Court justice, including nomination disclosures and disclosures from the federal judiciary. We do not have disclosures for 1992 to 2002.

Top Connections

Connections are organizations with which the justice has disclosed financial or other relationships. Some are direct financial relationships — for example, when an organization has paid or reimbursed justices — and some are nonfinancial, such as board memberships or universities they attended.

Name Category Mentions
Penguin Random House Publishers 31
New York University Colleges and universities 20
Columbia University Colleges and universities 17
JPMorgan Chase & Co. Banks and financial services 10
iCivics Nonprofits 10
Yale University Colleges and universities 9
Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group Publishers 8
Discover Banks and financial services 7
American Express Banks and financial services 7
Mastercard Banks and financial services 6


Noninvestment income (52)

Investments (21)

Spousal income (0)

Gifts (13)

Liabilities (41)

Noninvestment income ($4.5M)

Noninvestment income includes compensation from jobs the justice has had, such as teaching roles; jobs at law firms before they were judges; pension benefits; and royalties for intellectual property, such as books and copyrights.

Report Year Organization Name Amount Purpose
2023 Fred Rogers Productions $1,879.16 Other

Payment for voice performance in “Alma’s Way” animated television episode

2023 Penguin Random House $47,704.63 Royalties

Book royalties

2023 Penguin Random House $39,079.59 Royalties

Book royalties

2022 WildBrain $10,116.00 Other Book-Related Income

Second option fee

2022 Penguin Random House $29,999.70 Royalties

Book royalties

2022 Penguin Random House $79,428.00 Royalties

Book royalties

2022 Francis Sillau and Mark Kurtz $2,225.00 Other Book-Related Income

Payment for theater adaptation rights for “Just Ask”

2022 Penguin Random House $40,067.48 Royalties

Book royalties

2021 WildBrain $5,125.00 Other Book-Related Income

Option fee

2021 Penguin Random House $71,447.39 Royalties

Book royalties

2021 Penguin Random House $44,146.00 Royalties

Book royalties

2020 Penguin Random House $82,807.49 Royalties

Book royalties

2020 Penguin Random House $33,334.00 Royalties

Book advance

2020 Penguin Random House $62,707.23 Royalties

Book royalties

2020 Penguin Random House $33,333.00 Book Advance

Book advance

2019 Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators $2,000.00 Honorarium

Donation in lieu of honorarium

2019 Neighbors Club $2,000.00 Honorarium

Donation in lieu of honorarium

2019 Penguin Random House $10,947.53 Royalties

Book royalties

2019 Penguin Random House $10,586.11 Royalties

Book royalties

2018 Penguin Random House $12,500.00 Other Book-Related Income
2018 Penguin Random House $500.00 Other Book-Related Income
2018 Penguin Random House $10,000.00 Other Book-Related Income
2018 Penguin Random House $10,000.00 Other Book-Related Income
2018 The Diller – von Furstenberg Family Foundation $2,000.00 Honorarium

Donation in lieu of honorarium

2017 Penguin Random House $40,000.00 Other Book-Related Income
2017 Penguin Random House $317,500.00 Other Book-Related Income
2017 Penguin Random House $40,000.00 Other Book-Related Income
2017 American Association of University Women $2,000.00 Honorarium


2012 Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group $1,000,000.00 Book Advance

Book advance

2012 Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group $299.00 Other Book-Related Income

Reimbursed expenses for book promotion

2012 Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group $224.00 Other Book-Related Income

Reimbursed expenses for book promotion

2012 Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group $485.00 Other Book-Related Income

Reimbursed expenses for book promotion

2012 Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group $925,000.00 Book Advance

Book advance

2012 Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group $190.00 Other Book-Related Income

Reimbursed expenses for book promotion

2012 Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group $1,933.00 Other Book-Related Income

Reimbursed expenses for book promotion

2010 Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group $1,175,000.00 Book Advance
2009 Columbia University $13,440.00 Teaching/Speaking

Lecturer in law

2008 Columbia University $25,830.00 Teaching/Speaking

Lecturer in law

2008 Jackpot game winning $8,283.00 Other

Jackpot game winning

2007 Columbia University $10,000.00 Teaching/Speaking

Lecturer in law

2007 New York University $14,780.00 Teaching

Adjunct professor

2006 New York University $14,780.00 Teaching

Adjunct Proferssor

2006 Columbia University $10,000.00 Teaching/Speaking


2005 New York University $14,315.00 Teaching

Adjunct professor

2005 Columbia University $10,000.00 Teaching/Speaking

Lecturer in law

2004 New York University $13,205.00 Teaching

Adjunct professor

2004 Columbia University $10,000.00 Teaching/Speaking

Lecturer in law

2003 Columbia University $10,000.00 Teaching/Speaking


2003 New York University $14,600.00 Teaching

Adjunct Professor

1991 Pavia & Harcourt $151,761.00 Other

“In 1991 to date, I have received distributions from my firm in the amount of $133,544 (gross), but until Schedule K-1, Form 1065 is prepared for my tax filing in April, 1992, I will not know my exact gross income based on partnership allocations of income, credits, deductions, etc.”

1991 State of New York Mortgage Agency $300.00 Other

Payment of $100 per diem for service on boards of directors

1991 New York City Campaign Finance Board $1,000.00 Other

Payment of $100 per diem for service on boards of directors

Investments (2023)

Investments include cash accounts, property, stocks, investment funds, retirement plans and other financial instruments owned by justices, their spouses and dependent children in excess of certain value thresholds or generating more than $200 in income in a year. Justices are not required to disclose information about their personal residences unless they generate rental income.

All Investment Holdings: $1.7M – $6.8M

  Real estate (77%)
  Investment fund (10%)
  Cash account (8%)
  Retirement fund (5%)
  Stock (<1%)
Name Category Income Amount Income Type Gross Value Amount Gross Value Method
Rental property in New York, NY

Appraised 2021

Transaction Type Transaction Date
Real Estate $5,001 – $15,000 Rent $1,000,001 – $5,000,000 Appraisal
Citibank accounts
Transaction Type Transaction Date
Cash Account $0 – $1,000 Interest $250,001 – $500,000 Cash Market
Morgan Stanley Bank IRA
Transaction Type Transaction Date
Retirement Fund $0 – $1,000 Interest $100,001 – $250,000 Cash Market
Rental property in Margate, FL
Transaction Type Transaction Date
Real Estate $5,001 – $15,000 Rent $100,001 – $250,000 Other
SPDR Nuveen Bloomberg Municipal Bond ETF (TFI )
Transaction Type Transaction Date
Investment Fund $2,501 – $5,000 Dividend $100,001 – $250,000 Cash Market
SPDR Nuveen Bloomberg Short Term Municipal Bond ETF (SHM )
Transaction Type Transaction Date
Investment Fund $0 – $1,000 Dividend $50,001 – $100,000 Cash Market
BlackRock Global Allocation Fund, Inc. Investor A Shares (MDLOX )
Transaction Type Transaction Date
Retirement Fund $0 – $1,000 Dividend $15,001 – $50,000 Cash Market
PIMCO Unconstrained Bond Fund
Transaction Type Transaction Date
Retirement Fund $0 – $1,000 Dividend $15,001 – $50,000 Cash Market
iShares Core MSCI EAFE ETF (IEFA )
Transaction Type Transaction Date
Investment Fund $0 – $1,000 Dividend $15,001 – $50,000 Cash Market
iShares Russell 1000 Growth ETF (IWF )
Transaction Type Transaction Date
Investment Fund $0 – $1,000 Dividend $15,001 – $50,000 Cash Market
iShares Russell 1000 Value ETF (IWD )
Transaction Type Transaction Date
Investment Fund $0 – $1,000 Dividend $15,001 – $50,000 Cash Market
iShares 20 Plus Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT )
Transaction Type Transaction Date
Investment Fund $0 – $1,000 Dividend $15,001 – $50,000 Cash Market
JPMorgan Ultra-Short Income ETF (JPST )
Transaction Type Transaction Date
Investment Fund $0 – $1,000 Dividend $15,001 – $50,000 Cash Market
Morgan Stanley Bank
Transaction Type Transaction Date
Cash Account $0 – $1,000 Interest $0 – $15,000 Cash Market
Principal (PFG )
Transaction Type Transaction Date
Stock $0 – $1,000 Dividend $0 – $15,000 Cash Market

Spousal income

Spousal income includes earned income from jobs a justice’s spouse has held, as well as honoraria. Justices are required to report a spouse’s income that exceeded $1,000 but are not required to disclose specific amounts.

No spouse incomes

Gifts ($13K)

Gifts include gifts received by justices, their spouses or their dependent children from any source other than a relative. Justices are only required to disclose gifts whose aggregate value from the same source exceeds a certain threshold ($480 in 2023) within the reporting period and gifts that are individually worth more than 40% of that threshold. This only captures gifts that have been disclosed, which ProPublica reporting shows can be incomplete. Show more.

Report Year Source Description Value
2020 Thomas Jefferson Foundation Jeffreson Medal in Law

Donation to charitable organization

2019 Grateful American Foundation Grateful American Book Prize

Donated to iCivics

2011 Butler Family Fine china $1,400.00
2011 Robert Weingarten Translucent composite print $6,000.00
2010 Robert Berks Einstein sculpture $1,500.00
2009 Dawn Cardi Paid for services of a personal shopper $500.00
2009 Marie Antonicci Gift certificate to day spa $565.00
2009 Yale University Judicial robe $500.00
2009 Nancy Gray Watercolor of three owls for office $1,125.00
2009 Former law clerks Judicial robe $493.00
2009 Andrew Drexler Fountain pen $500.00
2009 Tom Bachtell Sketch $750.00
2004 Marge Shishido and Ralph Shishido Travel, lodging and meals to Hawaii to conduct memorial service for daughter, a friend


Liabilities include debts that exceeded $10,000 at any time during the reporting period for justices, their spouses or their dependent children. Because justices have to report these each year, some debts may show up multiple times in the table. Show more.

Report Year Creditor Description Value
2023 Wells Fargo Mortgage

Rental property, New York, NY

$250,001 – $500,000
2022 Wells Fargo Mortgage

Rental property, New York, NY

$250,001 – $500,000
2021 JPMorgan Chase & Co. Mortgage

Rental property, New York, NY

2021 Wells Fargo Mortgage

Rental property, New York, NY

$250,001 – $500,000
2020 JPMorgan Chase & Co. Mortgage

Rental property, New York, NY

$250,001 – $500,000
2019 JPMorgan Chase & Co. Mortgage

Rental property, New York, NY

$250,001 – $500,000
2018 JPMorgan Chase & Co. Mortgage

Rental property, New York, NY

$250,001 – $500,000
2017 JPMorgan Chase & Co. Mortgage

Rental property, New York, NY

$250,001 – $500,000
2016 JPMorgan Chase & Co. Mortgage

Rental property, New York, NY

$250,001 – $500,000
2015 JPMorgan Chase & Co. Mortgage

Rental property, New York, NY

$250,001 – $500,000
2014 JPMorgan Chase & Co. Mortgage

Rental property, New York, NY

$250,001 – $500,000
2013 Discover Credit card $0 – $15,000
2013 Visa Credit card $0 – $15,000
2013 Mastercard Credit card $0 – $15,000
2013 American Express Credit card $0 – $15,000
2013 JPMorgan Chase & Co. Mortgage

Rental property, New York, NY

$250,001 – $500,000
2012 Discover Credit card $0 – $15,000
2012 Visa Credit card $0 – $15,000
2012 Mastercard Credit card $0 – $15,000
2012 American Express Credit card $0 – $15,000
2012 Citibank Checking plus $0 – $15,000
2012 JPMorgan Chase & Co. Mortgage

Rental property, New York, NY

$250,001 – $500,000
2011 American Express Credit card $0 – $15,000
2011 Discover Credit card $0 – $15,000
2010 American Express Credit card $0 – $15,000
2010 Discover Credit card $0 – $15,000
2010 Visa Credit card $0 – $15,000
2010 Mastercard Credit card $0 – $15,000
2009 American Express Credit card $0 – $15,000
2009 Discover Credit card $0 – $15,000
2009 Visa Credit card $0 – $15,000
2009 Mastercard Credit card $0 – $15,000
2009 Martha Cortez Other

Dental work

$15,001 – $50,000
2008 American Express Credit card $0 – $15,000
2008 Discover Credit card $0 – $15,000
2008 Visa Credit card $0 – $15,000
2008 Mastercard Credit card $0 – $15,000
2007 American Express Credit card $0 – $15,000
2007 Discover Credit card $0 – $15,000
2007 Visa Credit card $0 – $15,000
2007 Mastercard Credit card $0 – $15,000

Travel Reimbursements

Reimbursements include any payment or thing of value received to cover travel-related expenses for justices and their families. They can include expenses that the third party paid directly or for which a justice paid upfront and was reimbursed, but justices are not required to report reimbursements’ dollar values. Show more.

Report Year Date Source Location Purpose Items Paid or Provided
2023 Nov. 13 – 15, 2023 Harvard University Cambridge, MA Moot Court

Judged Ames Moot Court final competition and visited with students

Food, Lodging, Transportation
2023 June 30 – July 2, 2023 Dwight D. Opperman Foundation Los Angeles, CA Ceremony

Presentation of the Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Woman of Leadership Award

Food, Lodging, Transportation
2022 Oct. 20 – 21, 2022 Just the Beginning - A Pipeline Organization Chicago, IL Conference/Symposium

Participation in nonprofit organization national conference

Food, Lodging, Transportation
2022 July 17 – 22, 2022 New York University Edinburgh, United Kingdom Conference/Symposium

Participation in New York University Law Leadership Conference

Food, Lodging, Transportation
2022 April 3 – 5, 2022 Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, MO Teaching

Meeting with students, meeting with local judges

Food, Lodging, Transportation
2019 Oct. 26 – 29, 2019 Penguin Random House Austin, TX Book Event

Participation at Texas Book Festival

Food, Lodging, Transportation
2019 Oct. 25 – 26, 2019 Penguin Random House New Orleans, LA Speaking

Conversation with participants at American Association of Pediatrics Conference

Food, Lodging, Transportation
2019 Oct. 18 – 20, 2019 Yale University New Haven, CT Ceremony, Meetings

Attended unveiling of portrait and met with dean and alumni and law school students

Food, Lodging, Transportation
2019 Oct. 18 – 20, 2019 Yale University New Haven, CT Academic - Other, Ceremony

Attended unveiling of portrait; met with dean, alumni and law school students

Food, Lodging, Transportation
2019 Sept. 13 – 17, 2019 National Women’s Hall of Fame Seneca Falls, NY Ceremony

Attendance at installation as a member

Food, Lodging, Transportation
2019 Sept. 13 – 17, 2019 Penguin Random House Seneca Falls, NY Book Event, Speaking

Participation in book event including Women’s National Hall of Fame

2019 Sept. 13 – 17, 2019 Penguin Random House Seneca Falls, NY Book Event

Participation in book event including Women’s National Hall of Fame

2019 Sept. 12 – 13, 2019 Tufts University Boston, MA Speaking, Teaching

Participation in question and answer session with students

Food, Lodging, Transportation
2019 Sept. 11 – 12, 2019 Penguin Random House Chicago, IL Book Event

Conversation with students sponsored by Women and Children First bookstore

Food, Lodging, Transportation
2019 Sept. 4 – 9, 2019 Penguin Random House Cincinnati, OH; Los Angeles and Oakland, CA; Portland, OR and Albuquerque, NM Book Event

Participation in various book-related events

Food, Lodging, Transportation







Positions are those where a justice was an officer, director, trustee, partner, proprietor, representative, employee or consultant for any organization other than the U.S. government at the time the disclosure was filed.

Report Years Organization Title
2016 – 2023 iCivics Governing director
2003 – 2009 Columbia University Lecturer in law
2003 – 2007 New York University Adjunct professor
1991 Candido Ortiz Trust for the benefit of Amanda Maria Valdez Trustee
1991 Candido Ortiz Trust for the benefit of Cheo Lopez Trustee
1991 Candido Ortiz Trust for the benefit of Christina Citron Trustee
1991 Candido Ortiz Trust for the benefit of Christopher Thompson Trustee
1991 Candido Ortiz Trust for the benefit of Christopher Valdez Trustee
1991 Candido Ortiz Trust for the benefit of David Thompson Trustee
1991 LatinoJustice PRLDEF Member, board of directors
1991 New York City Campaign Finance Board Member, board of directors
1991 Ortiz 1989 Family Trust Trustee
1991 Pavia & Harcourt Partner
1991 State of New York Mortgage Agency Member, board of directors


Employment is the justice’s job history, including clerkships, private practice experience, earlier judgeships and other government jobs.

Organization Job Title Dates
Supreme Court of the United States Associate justice Aug. 8, 2009 – Present
U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit Judge 1998 – 2009
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge 1992 – 1998
Pavia & Harcourt Associate, partner 1984 – 1992
Manhattan District Attorney’s Office Assistant district attorney 1979 – 1984


Agreements include any agreements into which a justice has entered, such as employment contracts, continuing payments from former employers and continuing participation in employee welfare or benefit plans maintained by a former employer.

Year Organization Terms
0 Pavia & Harcourt “As a partner in Pavia & Harcourt, I have a 1.5% of 106% interest in the firm which interest is currently valued at $25,616. The partners are currently discussing a redistribution of the percentage interest in the firm of deceased and retired partners. This redistribution may increase my interest and its value. The liquidation of a partner's interest is generally negotiated at the time of a resignation but the partnership has two years to pay the interest. My partners have advised me that they will attempt to liquidate my interest prior to my assumption of any public position.”


Education lists the justice's educational history, including where they obtained their undergraduate and law degrees.

School Degree
Yale University J.D., 1979
Princeton University B.A., 1976

About The Data

The bulk of the data we used came from the Free Law Project, which maintains a database of more than 35,000 financial disclosure records for federal judges, justices and magistrates, most of it dating back to 2003. These disclosures, which federal employees are required to file each year under the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, are maintained by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. The law, however, requires most of them to be destroyed after six years, making many disclosures from earlier years hard to find. Our disclosures cover most of those filed since 2003, as well as some financial information disclosed by some justices during their Senate confirmations in 1990, 1991 and 2000. Our database also includes eight of Clarence Thomas’ disclosures from 1992 to 1999 provided by Documented. (Do you have information about a Supreme Court justice’s finances from before 2003? Email us.)

Because much of the data was extracted from PDFs using optical character recognition, we designed our own database and imported and cleaned the Free Law Project’s data to fix scanning and other errors. We corrected spelling errors, edited fields for style and clarity and, where possible, attempted to add contextual information by, for example, categorizing organizations and transactions, standardizing certain fields, updating entity names or filling in missing information.

In some cases, such as when the Free Law Project did not have a specific disclosure or had not extracted data from a report, we extracted or transcribed the data manually.

After cleaning and standardizing the data, we spot-checked it for accuracy, looking primarily for transcription or categorization errors. If you believe you see an error in the database, please contact us at [email protected].

More from Friends of the Court

ProPublica has reported that justices have sometimes failed to disclose speaking engagements and gifts like private jet travel and luxury vacations from wealthy and influential people. Read our series: Friends of the Court.

Do you have any tips on the courts? Contact us securely or reach out to ProPublica reporters Justin Elliott and Josh Kaplan.

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