Textbooks for Afghan Students

Planned Start Month

March 2008

Estimated Cost






Regional Command


Project Description

This project will provide 13,476,000 Textbooks to Afghan students. The purpose is to augment the MoE's efforts to provide books to schools that either have no books or out of date books currently. ,

Project Goals

Reason for Project: The project is designed to support the efforts of the GIRoA and MoE as a viable government, able to meet the needs of the populace. Students do not have adequate textbooks for the upcoming school year, and the GIRoA has asked for support in procuring these resources. This projects will provide millions of books to schools that currently have either no books or very old books that are in disrepair.

 Desired Project Effects: The desired effect is that the populace continues to see the government as responsive to their needs and continue to support and participate in education opportunities available to them.

 Measurable Effects: These books will be distributed to schools and classrooms all across the country. This will provide students the proper resources needed to further their education, contributing to the effects of not just the spread of knowledge, but of a more capable and prepared citizenry.

As we continue to proivide these resources, we expect to see continued increase in school attendance and continued increase in positive perception of GIRoA regarding Education Development in Afghanistan. Comments: Contractor, Baheer Computers & Printing Company, Inc. awarded contract on 03/17/2008 for $7 million. Contractor to print 13,476,000 textbooks for grades 1-12 (99 titles) 20-40 ft storage containers for textbooks to be included in contract. Textbooks and containers to become the property of the Ministry of Education (MoE).


Project Effects: 

 Followup Inspections: 

 Evaluation of Success: 



No updates provided.

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.