Village Collection Center at Sarkari Baagh, Arghandab District

Planned Start Month

Aug. 2011

Estimated Cost






Regional Command


Project Description

No project description provided.

Project Goals

In an attempt to create sustained economic growth and development, we propose the construction of a Village Collection Center within the Village of Sarkari Baagh aka Sarkari Bar, Arghandab District. The Arghandab Valley is one of the richest and most fertile agricultural areas in Afghanistan with a large concentration of pomegranate orchards found throughout the valley. This collection center will expedite the exporting and transportation of pomegranates as well as other varieties of produce from the local farms to a central location for trader pick up. The local farmers and landowners have a positive outlook on the concept of VCC''s and actively worked to find the location where they believed the VCC should be sited. The VCC will enhance agriculture productivity throughout the Arghandab Valley, allowing for sustained economic development throughout the District.


Results unknown.


16 July 2011 - Award and sign contract. RLW

16 Sept 11 - Location change needed due to close proximity to ANP Check point. Meeting to be held soon to discuss moving the site and beginning construction.

Construction stopped because of location issues project restart to extend estimated Completion to 30 Nov 2011. RLW 6 Oct 2011

27 Nov 2011 Construction minus painting is complete: Because of rain estimate it may be up to a month before painting can be completed and project inspected. RLW 29 Nov 2011

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.