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Detailed Record
KHOST-KHOST-7208-20373-Khost Center of Educational Excellence
Planned Start Month
March 2008
Estimated Cost
Regional Command
Project Description
A complete center of excellence with main building, 200 person dormitory, dining facilities, classrooms for boys and girls, library, laboratory, vocational training center, guard house, toilets, and protective wall.
Project Goals
Reason for Project: A large, centrally located center of excellence will provide a safe, clean, and healthy educational environment for Afghan boys and girls. The center's curriculum will be approved and and have oversight by the provincial government with the directors of education and hajj as the lead agencies. The center will provide, relevant, high quality education in cultural and vocational trades that will give the students a solid base of knowledge to begin successful careers when they become adults. This project is on the governor's top 20 list and satifies the precepts of the ANDS chapter 8, Economoic and Social Development, sub-para. 2.c.(1) Primary and Secondary Education. By 2010, in line with Afghanistans MDGs, net enrollment in primary school for girls and boys will be at least 60% and 75% respectively; a new curriculum will be operational for all secondary schools,... and a system for assessing learning achievement such as a national testing system for students, will be in place. Desired Project Effects: Increased numbers of boys and girls attending schools. Increased support for district and provincial government processes. Lower unemployment and crime rates. Measurable Effects: Increased attendance at school. Lower crime rates.
Project completed according to Scope of Work and turned over to GIRoA
Apr 11 2008 Contracted with ANCC, located next to the new Khost University. Dec 4 2009 Project progressing as planned. No major discrepencies. Feb 11 2010 Project is over schedule mainly due to required extra work at the beginning of the project, but the work is on going and the quality is very good. The contractor plans to be complete with work by mid March and the final inspection and opening should occur in late March or early April. There may be a future issue with erosion in the areas surrounding this project due to the location. Currently, discussions are ongoing with the contractor to develop corrective actions. Feb 14 2010 11th Payment requested from finance. Mar 21 2010 Uploaded DD250-Invoice, Billing Statement,91% Completion Mar 22 2010 Uploaded DD250-Invoice, Billing Statement,91% Completion Jun 16 2010 Construction has been completed and opening ceremony held by GIRoA. Final payment is being held. ANCC was forwarded $150k for another job which never started, and PRT is now working with finance to recoup that money through the CERP line of accounting for this project. Jul 15 2010 Final payment submitted to finance, with letter of indebtedness to the government ICO ANCC. Once processed, this project will be closed and further funds de-obligated. Aug 29 2010 Final Payment and indebtedness payment processed. Closure paperwork awaiting PRT CDR return from R&R Sep 4 2010 Final Closure Documents uploaded, SF-1034's and Closure memo
Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.