« Money as ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Detailed Record


Planned Start Month

Oct. 2008

Estimated Cost



Canceled / Terminated



Regional Command


Project Description

This project will provide 10,000 USD to have on hand during OPERATION WINTER STORM for any damage to civilian property/condolence payments

Project Goals

By having the money with a pay agent during operations, this will allow quick restitution for any damages/deaths incurred during Operarion Winter Storm in Salaar, Jalrez, and Madakan. The goal is to minimize hardship on those affected and show goodwill by the Afghan/US forces Comments: The funds will be on hand and kept for Operation Winter Storm. If no payments are made, the funds will be kept on hand for 60-90 days for subsequent kinetic ops. The remainder will be turned into finance before/at 90 days.


Results unknown.


No updates provided.

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.