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Detailed Record

Kunar Para Vet Training

Planned Start Month

March 2010

Estimated Cost



Canceled / Terminated



Regional Command


Project Description

Provide all labor, materials, training and equipment to train twelve individuals from the Kunar Province in the skills to be qualified as Para-Veterinarians. (The term Para-Veterinarian is equivalent to Veterinarian Technician in the United States) The twelve students will be selected from a seven Kilometer radius of the following villages / towns: 

Asadabad (Asad Abad District) Nangalam (Dara Noor District)

Asmar (Asmar District) Nishagam (Gehazi Abad District), 

Naray (Nari District) Kandagal (Pech District), 

Korbach (Dara Noor District) Shamir Kct (Dara Noor District), 

Chowkay (Chowkay District) Serkani (Sarkani District), 

Nawabad (Asad Abad District) Noor Gul (Noor Gul District). 

Training will take place at the Afghanistan Veterinarian Association training center in Jalalabad.

Project Goals

To make the Pech and Kunar River valleys communities self reliant for veterinary services.

To provide a means for the local communities to sustain new programs that involves animals such as poultry, or the introduction of a new breed of cattle.

To sustain the women's and widows poultry empowerment project that will support fifty families in 350 villages in the Kunar Province

To control / stop the spread of disease between herds

To eradicate intestinal worms in livestock

To reduce the number of humans that contract zoonotic disease

To increase the weight of livestock

To increase the economic wealth of the farmers

 Comments: The Project Manager will be LTC David Kelly


Student Selection Criteria


a. Student must live within 7 Kilometers of the villages listed in the "Location and Scope Of Work" in this document.

b. Students must be able to read in either, English, Pasho or Dari

c. Students must demonstrate basic algebra skills

d. Students must be physically fit to safely handle large animals, and to use a bicycle for transportation

e. Students must submit to registering in BAT/HIDE

f. Students can't have a criminal background

g. Students mustn't have any ties to insurgents

h. Students must agree to the Afghan Veterinary Association code of conduct


Services provided by the Afghan Veterinary Association


a. Student recruitment and selection. To include coordination with Kunar Province Agricultural Minister.

b. Lodging for all students

c. Three meals a day for all students

d. All required text books

e. All required instructional Lab materials

f. Instruction of a five month curriculum (800 hours of instruction)

g. Transportation to field sites

h. Classrooms and laboratory

i. Post graduation mentoring for one year


The Kunar ADT and the Kunar Ag Minister agreed upon a five year plan for veterinary cre in Kunar. The ADT agreeded to provide a reference library for every district in Kunar that sent a qualified student to Para Vet school The ADT would only provide the library is the student graduated. Klas Kunar has completed their new Vet clinic and Asmar is in the process of rebuilding their Vet clinic that was destroyed by insurgents.


Apr 9 2010 Waiting for conference between Col George and Col Grimm on this subject. Apr 19 2010 Waiting for Ag conference for meeting with Col George about this project. May 5 2010 This project was not approved by the higher headquarters. Therre were no funds obligated for this project or contract signed.

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.