CERP Funds Bulk Draw in support of G/2/6 operations.

Planned Start Month

Aug. 2010

Estimated Cost






Regional Command


Project Description

G/2/6 is drawing 50,000 USD in order to support with battle damage, condolence, hero, and former detainee payments and Commander's small scale projects.

Project Goals

To mitigate the effects of military operations on the local population and better enable the Commander of 2/6, to respond to urgent humanitarian needs in his battle space.


All funds have been appropriately allocated.

 SSgt Benson Bid to Close 18 August 2010

18 Aug 10 #073729 Voucher 001: Today we paid Noor Mohammad for completion of the final piece of our Mosque Refurbishment Project. We paid him 546,500 AFG 12,000 USD for completion of the work.

18 Aug 10 #073729 Voucher 002: Today we paid Noor Mohammad and his partner Shah Mohammad for leveling the field in front of the block 9 school. We paid 136,500 AFG 3,000 USD for completion of the project.

18 Aug 10 #073729 Voucher 003: Today we paid Sahid 136,500 AFG 3,000 USD for his completion of the steps leading up to the Mosque. 

18 Aug 10 #073729 Voucher 004: Fazil Mohammad's wheat field sustained damage to it during a recent firefight. He lost two jeribs of his wheat field during a firefight on 23 July. Sgt Hopper verified the damaged crop. We paid him 30,000 AFG 658.62 USD.

18 Aug 10 #073729 Voucher 005: Hamidullah took some shrapnel to his left foot during an incident. We paid him 30,000 AFG 658.62 USD as a condolence payment for his injuries. 

18 Aug 10 #073729 Voucher 006: Zabiullah Sana was contracted to construct a well in block 9C. He completed the well and after inspection it was discovered to be operational and benefitting the people in the area. We paid Zabiullah Sana 136,500 AFG 3,000 USD for completion of the well.

18 Aug 10 #073729 Voucher 007: Sifatullah had 1 cow killed during a recent firefight. We paid him 15,000 AFG 329.31 USD for his lost livestock.

18 Aug 10 #073729 Voucher 008: 1st of 2 payments to Said Rahman for completion of his canal clearing project. We paid Said 227,500 AFG 5,000 USD for his work.

19 Aug 10 #073729 Voucher 009: Today Barakzai approached us about damage to his structure during a firefight two days ago. Captain Turner verified the damages to his shop. We paid Barakzai 91,000 AFG 1,997.80 USD for his damages.

19 Aug 10 #073729 Voucher 010: Haji Akhtar Mohammed's daughter was killed during a recent firefight. As condolence for his loss, we paid him 91,000 AFG 1,997.80 USD.

20 Aug 10 #073729 Voucher 011: Ahmed Wali's two guest rooms of his compound were damaged when a nearby wheat field caught fire and spread to his property. For damages to his two rooms, we paid Ahmed 15,000 AFG 329.31 USD.

20 Aug 10 #073729 Voucher 012: Payment of 91,000 AFG 1,997.80 USD to Mohammed Arif for finishing half of the canal clearing as agreed to in the contract. 

20 Aug 10 #073729 Voucher 014: Sahid completed another week of trash clean up in the bazaar. We paid him 9,000 AFG 197.51 USD for this clean up this week.

20 Aug 10 #073729 Voucher 016: Today we paid the first of two payments to Wali Mirwais for clearing the canal near Haji Asif's house. We paid him 204,500 AFG 4,489.57 USD. 

21 Aug 10 #073729 Voucher 017: During a firefight, Mohammad Jafar had tow of his cows killed in block 10D. For his lost livestock, we paid Mohammad 30,000 AFG 658.62 USD.

21 Aug 10 #073729 Voucher 018: Payment made to Noor Mohammad for completion of the speakers for the bazaar. We paid him 136,500 AFG 2,996.71 USD

25 Aug 10 #073729 Voucher 019: Payment made to Abdul Habib for completion of a well in block 10A For completion of the well we paid Abdul Habib 227,500 AFG 4,994.51 USD.

25 Aug 10 #073729 Voucher 020: Payment made to Obi Ullah for death to his livestock killed during a firefight on 23 Aug. There were 3 cows priced a 20,000 AFG each, 3 goats priced at 3,000 AFG each, and a chicken valued at 500 AFG. For his lost livestock, we paid Obi Ullah 78,500 AFG 1723.38 USD.


No updates provided.

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.