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Detailed Record

CivCas Qalat Rebuild

Planned Start Month

Aug. 2012

Estimated Cost






Regional Command


Project Description

No project description provided.

Project Goals

USFOR-A elements of TF 1-40 CAV, RC- East, request to pay CERP condolence and battle damage payment to two surviving children who were injured, whose family was killed and home destroyed in an aerial strik against the father who was identified as an insurgent with ties to the Haqqani Network on 26 May 2012 at Suri Kheyl Village, Gerda Seri District, Paktya Province. In order to offer condolence to the children , begin the relationship building process and mitigate the burden on GIRoA of supporting the orphans, TF 1-40 CAB requests funds be used to rebuild the home as a visible sign for the community of condolence for this event.


The surviving family now has a suitable place to live.


22 July 2012: Uploaded Sustainment Memo, Right of Entry Memo, and updated SOW. All project documents have been uploaded and ready to proceed forward.

28 July 2012: Uploaded Funded PR&C

29 July 2012: Uploaded signed contract and SOW. Work begins immediately.

23 Aug 2012: Uploaded approved leagal review. Now that EID is ending work will comence on the project.

26 Aug 2012: Work has commenced on the project.

14 Sept 2012: Met with contractor and recieved updates to project. Construction is at 50%. n

19 Sept 2012: Met with contractor to discuss progress of construction. All of the foundations, walls, and roof are complete. Construction is at approximatly 70%.

21 Sept 2012: Drew funds to make 50% pyment to contractor.

23 Sept 2012: Report was reject for the following reasons: Actual Completion % neds to be iputted; PM information needs to be ipuuted. These changes will not be made because the % cmplete is withing the project status update and the Actual Completion % i for when the project is complete or terminated. Since this prject was started back in July and it is not complete or terminated, the % cmplete will be located within the project status updates. Also this project is under $100,000 and therefore does not requrie a PM according to the MAAWS-A.

24 Sept 2012: Made 50% pyment ($5,000)

27 Sept 2012: Update from contractor. The project will not be done by 1 Oct 2012 due to the complications of Ramadan and poor weather. Realistically they have been working on this qalat for about one month now due to Ramadan. Progress is being made (~75% cmplete) and all that remains is the plastering/painting and installation of doors and windows which should take about two weeks. 

30 Sept 2012: Update from contractor. CivCas Qalat should be complete within the next 7-10 days.

9 October 2012: Meeting with contractor. Project is complete and final payment of $5,000 USD (249,500 Afg) was made. Final ADR, Closure Memo and payment documents uploaded. Project is complete, recommed closure.

25 Octbober 2012: Uploaded Final ODS.

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.