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Detailed Record

Zharay District Agicultural Center Expansion

Planned Start Month

May 2011

Estimated Cost



Canceled / Terminated



Regional Command


Project Description

No project description provided.

Project Goals

The three additional agricultural sub-projects, have been identified by the DG and his Agricultural minister. The three projects include: an additional Ten rows, 25 meters in length, of grape bushes; two additional 10 meter x 25 meter low water use garden plots; and an additional 50 fruit/nut tree planting in a low water concrete ring planter. The District Agriculture Center is in need of repairs to the irrigation system IOT to continue farming operations over the summer growing season of 2011 and beyond. The Ag Center staff is also now capable of planting and maintaining additional grape bushes, garden plots and fruit/nut trees. The goal is to increase the size of Ag Center and to continue to serve as a demonstration farm to bolster water and fertilizer efficient farming in Zharey District. The Ag Center is also designed as a training center, complete with a large classroom inside the existing main building. Over the course of last year, over 100 local farmers were taught farming techniques and practices via a USAID development program. An additional sub-goal of this project is to mentor the Agricultural Minister/Ag Center Director in the use of a budget, prioritization of projects and funds, and how to identified needed projects versus desired projects.


KAF and RC(S) RM have no documentation for this project.


No updates provided.

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.