TF Catamount Sanjaray Comprehensive Health Clinic

Planned Start Month

Oct. 2011

Estimated Cost






Regional Command


Project Description

No project description provided.

Project Goals

A Comprehensive Health Clinic in Sanjaray is one of the Kandahar Department of Public Health's high priorities. There is a small medical facility in Sanjaray, however it does not meet the requirements for the level of care the DoPH wishes to provide given the large population and security of the town. Addition of a Basic Health Centre facility will provide a capability equivalent to the Comprehensive Health Clinic planned by the DoPH for this location. Thus, this CERP project is for the construction of a Basic Health Clinic in Sanjaray. 

The small existing facility is the only functioning health clinic in the District of Zhari. Without the construction of this Basic Health Clinic services provided in the District will not include advanced laboratory testing (e.g for STDs, AIDS/HIV, diseases manifesting in blood or stool), diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders and substance abuse, complicated births, wound and fracture care, and vaccinations currently not provided at the facility. Currently, for all health requirements exceeding the limited capabilities of the existing small facility, the approximately 80,000 residents of the District of Zhari must travel to Kandahar City to seek medical care. This travel distance of up to 50km could be reduced to just a few minutes for the approximately 5000 residents of Bazaar-E-Panjwayi and halved at least for residents of other regions the District. Without the BHC in Sanjaray, most people in remote and poverty-stricken areas of the District will continue to suffer from lack of access to health care.


Although ISAF and the Provinicial Minister of Public Health held a transfer ceremony for the clinic on 29AUG12, the MoPH soon began to raise concerns about the clining not being sufficient. Specifically, he asked for a portable latrine for patients, for the floor to be sealed to make it waterproof, and for CHUs or some other structure to be installed to serve as office space. Although these items were not in the SoW, they were apparently promised to the P-MoPH as a part of the project. The project does not have enough funds remaining to address all of these issues.


09DEC2012 100% Commander's clearance memo and closure ADR updated, ready for publication.

03DEC2012 95% ODS uploaded. Unit is responsible for ADR and CDR's clearance memo signature.

12NOV2012 95% Uploaded numerous missing and corrupted documents into the media tab. 

22OCT12 100% GRoA accepted the health clinic as is they now want several deficiencies fixed. A final QA/QC was done and it did not pass inspection. $400 dollars is left obligated on the project. TF Lancer 2-2ID recommends terminating the contract. Under the Divisions directive of 'fix what's broke' a separate project may be initiated. Recommendation: De-obligate, Terminate, and close this project out.

5SEPT2012 Project TOA'd to incoming unit.

1st 25% Pyment made on 09 Oct 2011

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.