Gerda Serai Turn-out Retaining Wall Backfill

Planned Start Month

March 2011

Estimated Cost






Regional Command


Project Description

The retaining wall backfill will be adjacent to the Gerda Serai Bazaar and the Gerda Serai Mosque. It will start at the bridge at grid 42S WB 35594 94804 and finish at 42S WB 35427 94512. The retaining wall backfill will serve two purposes. It will expand the currently narrow strip of usable area for the local bazaar and will simultaneously ease transportation challenges between Khost and Gardez in a rugged area.

Project Goals

The leveling of the rugged terrain in the area of the Gerda Serai Bazaar will promote economic growth in that region. The leveling of this area will also promote trade and transportation between Khost and Gardez leading to further economic development in both regions. Comments: Project land agreement is being worked by the Department of Public Works at the provincial level. Coordination with local villagers and shopkeepers is being worked by PRT CA out of COP Wilderness. Complete as of 12 NOV


Project is 100% paid, 100% complete, and transferred to GIRoA.

Although this project did not directly create any permanent jobs, the locals of Gerda Serai have the option to expand on the backfill, erect new shops, and create their own new jobs as bazaar salesmen.


Jun 18 2010 DPW has recommended the following contractors for contract advertisement: Paktya Dawn Construction Company, Niazmand Shirzada Construction Company and Maroof Rahimi Construction Company. LBG has recommended the following contractors for contract advertisement: MZGCC, SCRC, Union Aid Construction Company, KKCC and SRCC. The contract will also be advertised to Kiewit Construction Company. Jul 24 2010 The progress of this project has been slowed by lack of cooperation from locals. The locals have presented demands to the PRT that cannot be met in attempt to make as much profit on the project as possible. Our efforts are being redirected away from the unofficial Gerda Serai Shura to the official Sub-Governor of Waze Zadran. Aug 1 2010 The Shura has submitted an acceptable agreement which outlines the demolition of the existing shops, the backfill of the retaining and CF supply of temporary conexes (not reconstruction of demolished shops). Sep 21 2010 Project is in coordination with brigade for nomination. Nov 12 2010 Uploaded SOW, and Land User Agreement.

17 January 2011

The PRandC has been funded and the project has been sent to contractors for bid. As soon as the bids come in they will be reveiwed and the contract will be awarded.

2 Feb 2011 Contract awarded; currently in winter exclusion. The PRT wend over all aspects of the contract with Amin (KTR) and Amin assured the PRT he understands the contract and scope of work. The PRT discussed to Amin the importance to discuss this project with the shura as well as the local shop owners. Amin understood this and will be contacting both the shura and the shop owners prior to proceeding with the project and will contact the PRT once the meetings take place. Capt. Greene then discussed the aspect of the project that entails picking up conex containers at FOB Thunder. Amin understood the process and will work closely with the PRT to facilitate the process. Amin then discussed his approach to the project and his timeline assuring the PRT that the project will not be delayed. Expected start date NLT 15 March. KTR will coordinate with shura, shop owners, PRT, and FOB Thunder to execute all aspects of project.

15 March 2011 Contractor moved CONEXES 15 March and began transporting them from FOB Lightning to Gerda Serai Bazaar 16-20 March. 

17 March 2011 PRT inspected site; contractor had 12 CONEXES near the site. PRT also talked with shop owners to ensure they were aware their shops would be demolished in the near future; everyone knew the situation.

24 March 2011 Contractor officially started work; earth work began (many photos available in the yahoo account). 

3 Apr 2011 Contractor finished 100% of shop demolishment (all pre-existing shops gone). Some shop owners caused issues with the contractor; requesting money/kick backs for their shops being gone. Per the contractor -- they were just being "greedy bastards" so the PRT called the owners with issues, reminded them they signed an agreement and the shop owners acted as if there were no problem (so they were beign greedy bastards). The contractor excavated to the base of the wall and is ready to place gravel/rock. The contractor met with DPW this morning to discuss the design/rock placement. It was agreed by the contractor and DPW rock will be placed within 1 meter of the wall the entire height and the PRT approved this request as it is within the perameters of the SOW and meets the intent of the original drawing. The contractor will begin backfilling the wall. 

20 April 2011: The PRT (Capt Greene, M. Mihalyfy, S. Cunningham) conducted a QA/QC to assess progress on the Gerda Serai BackfiIl project. The Chamkaini Construction Company (CCC) has moved all the conexes to the temp location, demolished all shops within the backfill area and compacted existing soil. CCC is currently in the process of placing the backfill, geotextile membrane, crushed gravel and crushedrock. The PRT discussed the following with CCC: ensure the crushed rock is placed against the wall at least 1 m wide entire length of the wall. The Contractor Iias approximately 1.2m of fill left to grade and compact over the entire surface area. This prqject startcd 1 5 Mar 20 1 I and is scl~eduef d tn be coinplete by 13 Jul 20 1 I ; project is currently 45% compIele. The PRT wiI1 also discuss the shop at the far end of the backfill area that lras not been fully dernolisl~ed/removed to ensure CCC understands this is in the scope of work. 

24 April: Meeting held on FOB Gardez with Chamkani Construction Company (CCC) to discuss the Backfill Project and sign for the 75% progress payment. Present for the PRT was Capt Greene and S. Cunningham. The PRT CE informed CCC they performed a QA/QC and asked CCC why they had not demolished the shop at the far end of the wall.

CCC replied the local people did not want the shop demolished because it is a land

boundary. CCC will talk to the sub-governor, try to get permission to demolish the structure and keep the PRT informed of the situation. PRT mentione it is crucial to keep the PRT up to date on this issue because this would be a change to the contract. There was a discussion between the PRT and CCC about the hand placed rip-rap to be emplaced at each end of the wall as well as the site drainage. CCC stated they understood they are required to hand place rip-rap at each end and slope the backfill area towards the ends of the wall. CCC also understood the crushed rock layer adjacent to the wall must be 1.5 meters wide at the top and l meter at the bottom with the uppermost layer of rock being no larger than 3 cm in diameter. PRT CE

asked CCC where the conexes were to be placed and CCC stated when the backfill process is complete they will meet with local elders to ensure they are in agreement with the locations. CCC stated the conexes will be no more than 3m away from the wall and evenly spaced; the PRT affirmed this is critical because in the future the existing roadway will be widened. CCC owner signed for a 25% payment which brings the total project payment to 75%.

3 May: Inspected project; contractor backfilling IAW contract specs. Contractor has approx 3 feet to backfill on half the length (all other elevations are correct). Contractor is applying appropriate compaction effort in lifts. No complaints, good contractor, approx 1 month ahead of schedule. (PRT CC & GS DSG walked the project site with PRT Engineer; DSG requested additional CONEXES for shops b/c some demolished shops were larger than others... PRT Engineers said there was a shop owner agreement signed prior to construction and shop owners knew exactly what they were receiving. DSG acknowledged in agreement -- just another attempt to get more.)

18 May: PRT met with contractor today (CCC) and reviewed the 100% complete photos (finished 16 May) and received the Letter of Acceptance. All backfill, RIPRAP, and CONEXES are in place. The PRT will inspect as soon as possible, issue payment, and close out. The contractor succesfully demolished the one final building and placed RIPRAP -- the only concern at this time is if the contractor placed enough fill to reduce the slope. All will be addressed at the final inspection. 

27 May: Uploaded completion photos.

1 Jun: Uploaded translated LoA docs; still waiting on final ODS reports to close-out project.

10 Jun 2011: Received ODS (close-out) report. Project is 100% paid, 100% complete, and transferred to GIRoA.

24 June: Changed status to transferred (for some reason it was previously "not transferred")

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.