Kim Bazaar Mosque refurbishment

Planned Start Month

May 2010

Estimated Cost






Regional Command


Project Description

The main Mosque in the Kim Bazaar is in need of refurbishment. The Mosque is still in use, however, it's condition is severely degraded and part of the Mosque had been previously built into a machine gun position that needs to be torn down.

Project Goals

Repair and rebuild Mosque to accommodate more people. Dig well and improve overall appearance of Mosque. Comments: New PM: Capt Lee

Previous PM: 1st Lt Telaak, Joseph R. 

-Remove existing front door and seal hole

-reposition entrance to allow for new double doors

-install new doors and windows as needed

-extend rear and side wall to expand size of mosque

-demolish area of mosque formerly used as machine gun bunker and return fill dirt to area behind mosque

-repair and reseal roof

-repair and rebuild 1.3 meter high perimeter wall

-new doors and windows must fit securely and be lockable

-repaint mosque inside and out and reseal walls with new plaster

-building will be cleaned prior to re-opening

-construct new head facility

-new well for mosque will be dug and ambulation station will be constructed

-damaged ceiling framework needs to be repaired, missing or damaged tiles need to be replaced

-any significant damage to walls/floors needs to be repaired


The mosque refurbishment project was completed and two payments were disbursed to the vendor.


No updates provided.

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.