Sanjaray Basic Health Clinic Improvements

Planned Start Month

Feb. 2013

Estimated Cost






Regional Command


Project Description

No project description provided.

Project Goals

Payment for improvements to Sanjaray Basic Health Clinic in Zhari District, Kandahar Province Afghanistan. Work will consist of: installing a traditional Afghan Latrine (Tashnab) for patients, adding external window screens to all windows at the clinic, installation of a partition wall in the delivery room, installation of approximately 546 square meters of interior ceramic floor tile, improvements to the generator and fuel tank, required safety improvements to the electrical panel, installation of 1000L water tank on the facility roof, and installation of a 75L electric hot water heater. This project will benefit the approximately 80,000 residents of the District of Zhari by providing them the required sanitary conditions to properly treat health patients. The facility for the basic health clinic in Sanjaray currently is unsuitable for the work required. By implementing the work listed above it will allow health care professionals to ensure there is high quality and sanitary medical care available for all of those in the district.


This project benefits approximately 80,000 residents of the District of Zhari by providing them the required sanitary conditions to properly treat health patients.


16JULY13: Uploaded DD0577 Removal of Pay Agent

19 JUNE 2013: Project has been completed/transferred in CIDNE

11 JUNE 2013: Project 98% cmplete. Received 1034, Closure documents are being drafted.

04 JUNE 2013; Final Payment submitted awaiting 1034. Project 98% cmplete.

04 June 2013 Docs required to be uploaded in CIDNE in order to change to a status of Completed Transferred in CIDNE.


Include invoices and bills provided by the vendor.

Payment Documents

RM Office endorsed $0.00 balance ODS print-out

Project Clearance Letter (signed by an O-5 level U.S. Commander or above)

Afghan Development Report (ADR)

Filled out with all project updates and a status of "Complete Transferred"

Contractor release of claims.

Construction and

equipment contracts greater than or equal to $50K will include the following in

order to properly close out the contract:

02 JUNE 13: Project 98% cmplete. Final Payment submitted. Awaiting Final 1034.

30 MAY 2013: 99% cmplete. Final QA/QC completed. Pending final payment documents.

27 MAY 2013: 98% cmplete. Pending final inspection and payment 

20 MAY 2013: 95% cmplete. Next QAQC o/a 25 May.

14 MAY 2013: 90% cmplete. Next QAQC o/a 25 May.

5 MAY 2013: 80% cmplete. Next QAQC o/a 25 May.

29 APR 2013 75% A/QC Inspection conducted.

25 APR 2013. Project still needs more work. Projected completion date 25 MAY 13.

26 APR 2013: 0% Uploaded Funded PRC and Project team Appointment orders. 

23 April: Updated COR/PM and PPO. Next QA QC on or about 25 April 1314 APR2013 Uploaded TOA documents to CIDNE.

13FEB2013 Updated status to in-progress. Added LOA number.

02FEB2013 All documentation submitted. Awaiting LOA to begin solicitation.

28JAN2013 CERP Specialist is waiting on correct/additional certifications from Unit prior to funding.

24JAN2013 Uploaded additional project paperwork.

15JAN2013 Project submitted to CJ8/CJ9 for approval and funding.

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.