Blue Mosque Renovations

Planned Start Month

Nov. 2010

Estimated Cost






Regional Command


Project Description

This project will provide the Blue Mosque, one of the most famous locations in Afghanistan, with additional latrine facilities to meet demand and tiling for a large courtyard right outside the Mosque.

Project Goals

The project will promote the careful renovation of one of the most significant religious sites in the country. It will provide updated facilities that are desperately needed in order to meet the growing demand. Services held at the mosque are limited due to some of the issues that will be addressed in this project. For instance, more latrines will be built in order to hold the growing crowds that worship there. As well as the removal of old black-colored tiling in the courtyard, this will be replaced with white tiling. In the hotter times of the year, the black tiling simply becomes too hot to be comfortably used by the masses, who according to religious customs, must be without shoes. These factors that limit the full potential of such an important religious site will be adjusted to the new needs of the Blue Mosque. These improvements come directly at the request of the Director of the Blue Mosque.


Replacing the black tiles with white tiles have decreased the number of burn injuries caused by the heat on the black tiles during the hot summers. The project has improved one of the most religiously significant locationa in all of Afghanistan. The new handi-cap accessible bathrooms have made it easer and more convient for those who need it. The improved location has improved the number of visitors and there for also improving the economy.


30 May 13 Updated final cost of project

29 May 13 Uploaded closing documentation and closed project.

CA Cosure Que 2013

3/1/2013 Publish to try and Push to SIPR

1/29/13 Put this project back into "In Prgress" because there is no Closing Paperwork uploaded into CIDNE. Insure project has been paid, obtain and upload closing paperwork and then close project.

Ground Breaking Ceremony conducted on 8 JAN 11. GIRoA representatives, ANSF leaders, and media are present. Storyboard is attached in media section.

///End Update///


Project inspection completed. Project is approximately 10% cmplete. Inspection report is attached to in media section.

///End Update///


 6 march uploaded KLE that was done by 40th EN in the media and made association with engagement report( see association)

The contract has been signed by the contractors. Construction should begin within the next few weeks. The white tile is being ordered. The ground breaking ceremony should take place within the next week to ten days.

///End Update///


27 Mar 11, conducted a visit to the Blue Mosque. The contractor reported 25% cmplete and requested payment. We arrived on site and saw that the contractor had made little progress since our last visit. Estimated at 17-18% cmplete. Witnessed the 6th truck load of Marble being unloaded. Will continue to make regular checks to encourage productivity, Clearly identified the 25% mrk to the contractor he will email and call when 25% gl is reached.

///End Update///


17 APR 2011 EFT packet for 25% pyment was sent out. Project is at 25%, orkers on site, next shipment of marble due in 4 days.

///End Update///


26 MAY 11

Large Semi truck with tiles (Image in Media) arrived while we were on site, Contractor claims this is enough to bring the project to the 50% mrk. Second truck should arrive in 7 days.

///End Update///


09 JUN 11

8 Workers on site. Mixer not on site, contractor was informed that it is a requirement of the SOW and contract, he responded it would be fixed immediately. Contractor stated he has enough tile to reach 50% b2 July. Currently project is at approximately 40%.\///End Update///


20 JUN 11

Only 2 workers on site. Working on the tiling around the drainage points. Contractor was asked about the location of the latrine and the final plans for the latrine that he still owes, he stated he will have them on site the next time that we arrive on site, and that the Provincial Governor had came down with a analysis team and determined the best location for the latrine in the Garden area. He stated he would have them all present at the next meeting.

///End Update///


3 AUG 11

50% Pyment sent to BDE.

Media attached

///End Update///


17 Nov 11

75% EPayment sent to BDE. Date is approximate. 

///End Update///


23 Nov 11

Upload JNCC Losing Bid

Upload AMACC Winning Bid

///End Update///


24 Nov 11

75% EPayment rejected. This is an approximate date.

///End Update///


24 Nov 11

Upload Blue Mosque Quality Control Inspection Report 27 Mar to 3 Nov Typed

Upload Blue Mosque Quality Control Inspection Report 27 Mar to 3 Nov Original

Upload Blue Mosque IGCE Methodology Memo Signed

Upload Blue Mosque Payment Verifications From RM Pmt 1 to 3

QA QC Entire Packet

///End Update///


5 Dec 11

Upload Amendment P00002

Upload COR, PPO, and PA Packets

///End of Update///


12 DEC 11 

Uploaded Termination of Appointment Orders for 40th EN BN

Uploaded consolidated document of contract and all mods

///End update///


16 DEC 11

TOA documents loaded in media

///End Update///

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.