Maiwand Government Up-Armored Vechicle

Planned Start Month

Sept. 2010

Estimated Cost






Regional Command


Project Description

Purchase of one (1) up-armored SUV vehicle type vehicle for the protection of the District Governor in the course of his duties throughout Kandahar Province.

Project Goals

The District Governor is vital to the long term development of GIRoA and stability of the Afghan people. District Governors have been proven to be at high risk while traveling and assessing their districts; some have suffered injury or death. This up-armored vehicle will help protect the governor during the execution of his duties which often requires travel by road throughout the district and surrounding areas.


Project Complete


Vehicle Purchased and Delivered. Waiting for final payment to clear.

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.