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Federal health inspectors from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention inspect cruise ships twice a year, checking everything from kitchen equipment to dishwasher temperatures, and grade ships based on what they find. A score below 86 is considered failing. Cruise ships are also required to report all illness outbreaks affecting more than 3% of passengers or crew to the CDC. Inspections and outbreaks from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Health Scores & Inspections
Health Score: Jan 2015
Highest: 97 | Lowest: 87
Deficiencies (found in 8 inspections).
Illness Outbreaks
None Reported
Health Scores & Inspections: Details
Inspection on Jan 31, 2015 | Score: 91
Medical-Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Log
A crew member reported to the medical center on 15 January at 17:55 after experiencing two episodes of diarrhea. The evaluation form used by the medical staff stated that these symptoms were above normal for the individual but he was listed on the AGE log as nonreportable. The crew member was still properly isolated and the immediate contacts were interviewed.
Medical-Crew Member Late Reporting
A crew member (nonfood worker) experienced five episodes of diarrhea on 15 January with symptom onset at 09:00 but did not report to medical until 16:40. Work records for this individual could not be retrieved to determine if this employee worked while symptomatic. Also, on 15 January a crew member (food worker) experienced two episodes of diarrhea with symptom onset at 10:30 but did not report to medical until 16:40. According to work records the employee worked from 09:00 to12:00. On 20 January a crew member (food worker) experienced eight episodes of diarrhea with symptom onset at 12:30 but did not report to medical until 19:30. According to work records the employee did not work while symptomatic.
Potable Water-Microbiologic Water Test Kit
The comparator used to analyze water samples for the presence of E.coli expired in March 2014.
Recreational Water Facilities-Shock Halogenation
Several of the daily shock halogenation records for the hydropool and all the whirlpools were inaccurate when compared between the written records and the analyzer chart records since 1 January. For example, the manual records would indicate that the bromine levels were above 10 ppm at the start and end of the shock halogenation but some of the chart records showed either the bromine level to be less than 10 ppm during this time frame or show the bromine level above 10 ppm at the start of the shock halogenation and it dropped below 10 ppm before the one hour process was completed.
Recreational Water Facilities-Neptune Forward Whirlpool
The bromine level was above 10 ppm when measured by the inspector twice and 11.11 ppm when measured by staff. Additional tests were conducted from the sample line in the pool machinery room and the results were 9.20 ppm and above 10 ppm by the inspector and 11 ppm by staff. The whirlpool was open during the inspection and was immediately closed.
Pantry-Steward Station 8.4.05
A case and several loose bottles of water were stored on the deck.
The light intensity behind the ice machines in all the deck pantries was less than 110 lux. This was written on the previous two inspections.
Dining Room-Le Meridian
During breakfast service, all waiter stations had stacks of bowls and small plates that were not covered or inverted. Also, note pads were observed on top or in contact with small plates or silverware. All bowls, plates, and silverware were previously cleaned.
The front-loaded potwash machine had several gaps between nonremovable panels, making these areas difficult to clean.
Galley-Deck 2 - Potwash
The in-use front-loaded potwash machine reached maximum temperatures of 153°F-154°F on several checks. The machine ran wash cycles without doing final rinse cycles. The machine was stopped for repairs.
Galley-Deck 2 - Potwash
The in-use front-loaded potwash machine reached maximum temperatures of 153°F-154°F on several checks. The machine ran wash cycles without doing final rinse cycles. The machine was stopped for repairs.
Galley-Deck 2 - Forward Food Preparation Area
When operated, water from the drinking fountain splashed onto the adjacent food preparation counter.
Galley-Deck 2 - Hot Line
During breakfast service, several pans of hot potentially hazardous foods were on the food preparation counter with no discard labels. The posted time control plan stated that since the service was less than four hours, no discard labels were required.
Galley-Ocean Grill Steakhouse Dishwash
On the clean racks, at least 5 cups were stored as clean but were soiled with food residues.
Galley-Ocean Grill Steakhouse Menu
Steaks could be cooked to order and a consumer advisory was on the menu. However, the steaks had no asterisk linking the advisory to the steaks. There was an asterisk after a statement under the Steaks heading stating that all steaks were aged for 28 days. Also, a buffalo burger could be cooked to order but an asterisk was after a truffle mayonnaise that could come with the burger.
Buffet-Officers Buffet Area in Ocean Grill
The deck behind, under, and in front of the buffet tables was carpeted.
Buffet-Officers Buffet Area in Ocean Grill
There was no side protection for the sneeze guards. The distance between where food was placed and where consumers were expected to stand was less than 1 meter.
Galley-Ocean Grill
The light intensity to the right and behind the ice machine was less than 110 lux.
Galley-Deck 2
The light intensity behind and around the ice machines and the pastry deck ovens was less than 110 lux.
Galley-Deck 2
Inside upright refrigerator SS2-5, a hotel pan of raw chicken breasts was stored over a tray with raw bacon. This was corrected.
Galley-Deck 2
Inside upright refrigerator SS2-6, a hotel pan of raw fish fillets had a temperature of 52°F-55°F. The fish was discarded.
Galley-Deck 2
The ambient temperature of upright refrigerator SS2-6 was 52°F-55°F. Raw fish inside the refrigerator had the same temperature and was discarded after the finding.
Galley-Deck 2 - Cold Larder
The previously cleaned food slicer had a slight build-up of food residue and lint under the slicer's backplate next to the exit path of the food from the slicer blade.
Galley-Deck 2 - Room Service
In the cooking area of the microwave oven, excessive and pealing sealant was placed around the bottom panel. This excessive and pealing sealant was difficult to clean.
Galley-Deck 2 - Room Service Menu
The multi deck burger could be cooked to order and a consumer advisory was on the menu. There was an asterisk next to the fries that could be served with the burger.
Galley-Deck 2 - Room Service Beverage Station
One of the juice dispensing ports of the previously cleaned left juice dispenser was soiled with juice residues.
The wash tank temperature of the in-use hood-type warewasher was 146°F in subsequent checks. The manufacturer's data plate specified a minimum rinse temperature of 150°F.
The gauge for the hot water of the sanitizing compartment of the 3-compartment sink measured 180°F while the water temperature measured twice with different thermometers was 168°F.
The water of the in-use 3-compartment sink in the sanitation compartment was 168°F instead of a minimum of 171°F.
Buffet-Crew Mess
The counter-mounted jacket potato machine was soiled on the food-contact and splash zones. Staff stated the machine was not in use.
Buffet-Crew Mess
The counter-mounted jacket potato machine had slotted fasteners in the food splash zones. Staff stated the machine was not in use.
Buffet-Crew Mess
The counter-mounted toaster next to the jacket potato machine had slotted fasteners in the food splash zone.
Buffet-Crew Mess Beverage Station
The previously cleaned and not in use juice dispenser had sticky dispensing spouts where they were inserted in the dispensing ports. Staff and a service technician stated that it could be a lubricant sometimes used in those locations. It was unclear if the lubricant was food-grade.
Buffet-Crew Mess Beverage Station
The light intensity behind and around the counter-mounted equipment was less than 110 lux.
Buffet-Crew Mess
One fly was flying behind the buffet line during lunch service.
Buffet-Crew Mess
Several bowls out for service were either soiled with food residues or dripping wet.
Buffet-Crew Mess
Several out for service bowls were either soiled with food residues or dripping wet.
Pantry-Crew Bar
A deckhead light fixture in front of the upright refrigerators was not working resulting in a light intensity of less than 220 lux in that area.
Pantry-Crew Bar
Twelve bottles of water were stored directly on the deck. This was corrected.
Buffet-Crew Mess
During the set-up for lunch service, the initial temperature of two large containers of cut lettuce being placed on time control on the buffet counter and the undercounter refrigerator was 51°F-55°F. The lettuce was discarded.
Buffet-Crew Mess
The thermometer used by the person in charge of checking the initial temperatures of the foods before placement on time control was out of calibration. This was verified when the staff and the VSP inspector checked the calibration of their thermometers with an ice bath.
Other-Deck A - Cambusa Square
Two refrigerator trays were stored on the deck leaning on a bulkhead. Staff stated they should have been taken to a warewash area.
Other-Deck A - Cambusa Square
Numerous beer kegs and bottle water cases were stored in this area. The deckhead was open to wiring and pipes that were heavily soiled.
Other-Deck A - Cambusa Square
Numerous beer kegs and bottle water cases were stored in this area. The deckhead was open to wiring and pipes that were heavily soiled.
Galley-Belvedere Dishwash
The final rinse temperature of the in-use flight-type dishwash machine was 146-153°F in several checks. The machine was stopped for repairs.
Galley-Neptune Grill
There were slotted fasteners around the light fixture of the cooking area inside the combination oven.
Galley-Neptune Salad Counter
There was no side protection for sneeze guards. The distance between where food was placed and where consumers were expected to stand was less than 1 meter.
Galley-East Restaurant
The light intensity at the hot section handwashing station was less than 220 lux.
Galley-Deck 3 - Potwash
A food employee working at the prewash station was not wearing a hair restraint. This was corrected.
Galley-Deck 3 - Food Preparation Arera
The water flow coming from the spout of the drinking fountain was very low, requiring the user to make mouth contact with the spout.
Galley-Deck 3 - Bread Locker
The deckhead-mounted speaker over stored bread was heavily soiled with black debris.
Galley-Deck 3 - Pastry
There were slotted and corroded fasteners in the cooking area of both Blodgett ovens.
Galley-Deck 3 - Pastry
There was one fly around the beverage station area.
The light levels behind galley cooking equipment were measured at less than the required 110 lux. Examples included: Deck 2 Main Galley, the light levels were 70-100 lux behind combination steamer ovens #JC/020706 and --707; Deck 3 Main Galley the light levels were 30-40 lux behind the three combination steamer ovens; and Deck 9 Belvedere Food Court galley behind all the combination steamer ovens the light levels were less than 110 lux. This was cited in the 30 September 2014 and 1 February 2014 inspections in same locations.
Inspection on Sep 30, 2014 | Score: 93
Medical-Follow-up with Asymptomatic Cabin Mates
The asymptomatic cabin mate of a crew member who reported with acute gastroenteritis (AGE) on 21 September was interviewed initially and then at 48 hours. The 24 hour interview was not conducted. The asymptomatic cabin mate of a crew member who reported with AGE on 22 September was interviewed initially and then at 48 hours. The 24 hour interview was not conducted. The asymptomatic cabin mate of a crew member who reported with AGE on 26 September was interviewed initially and at 24 hours. The 48 hour interview was not conducted.
Medical-Follow-up with Asymptomatic Immediate Contacts
It was not documented that the crew AGE cases reporting on 21 September, 22 September, and 26 September did not have immediate contacts other than cabin mates.
Recreational Water Facilities-Hair and Lint Strainer and Housing Disinfection
The concentration and contact time for the disinfection of all the hair and lint strainers and housings were not recorded for the disinfection completed on 15 September. The concentration and contact time for the disinfection of the cartridge filter housing on the spa pool was not recorded for the disinfection completed on 15 September.
The light intensity behind the ice machines in all deck pantries was less than 110 lux. This was written on the previous inspection. According to the staff, a light survey had been completed.
Pantry-Deck 8 Forward and Midship
The piping for the undercounter warewash machines in both pantries was on the deck. There were hooks located behind the machines for securing the piping above the deck.
Recreational Water Facilities-Spa Pool and Aquarius Pool
The flotation devices at each pool did not have the ropes attached. At the Aquarius pool, the rope was also tied around the deck railing, making it difficult to remove quickly.
Recreational Water Facilities-Neptune Pool
The chlorine levels in the swimming pool were measured at greater than 10 ppm twice and 9.89 ppm by the inspector. The pH was measured at 6.6 by the ship's staff and less than 6.5 by the inspector. According to the staff, they were aware that the chemistry was out of range and the pool was supposed to be closed. A net was previously on the pool, but upon arrival to the pool area by the inspection team, there was no net and passengers were on the pool deck. No one was in the pool. It was unclear why the net had been removed from the pool.
Recreational Water Facilities-Aquarius Starboard Whirlpool
The bromine levels in the whirlpool were measured at 3.62, 3.80, 3.65, and 4.07 ppm by the inspector. The ship's staff measured the bromine at less than 3 ppm. The chart recorder in the pump room was checked and it indicated that the levels were approximately 6 ppm during the testing period.
Galley-Lighting Behind Cooking Equipment - General Comment
The light levels behind galley cooking equipment were measured at less than the required 110 lux. This was cited in the 01 FEB 2014 inspection in some of the same locations. Examples included: Deck 2 Main Galley, the light levels were 70 - 100 lux behind combination steamer ovens #JC/020706 and --707; Deck 3 Main Galley the light levels were 30 - 40 lux behind the three combination steamer ovens; and Deck 9 Belvedere Food Court galley behind all the combination steamer ovens the light levels were less than 110 lux.
Galley-Deck 2 - Hot Galley
Large open holes were found in the bulkhead behind the tilting skillets where three new electrical cables had been installed to the tilting skillets. Additionally, water supply lines to these kettles had loose and missing flanges around the water lines.
Galley-Deck 2 - Pot Wash
A soap film was noted on the sanitizing water surface in the three-compartment sink.
Galley-Deck 2 - Ocean Grill
The black plastic hot water recirculating line in the pasta boiler had a black residue coming off the interior when it was touched. The interior of the pipe where the water traveled was rough and difficult to clean.
Galley-Deck 2 - Ocean Grill
The black plastic hot water recirculating line in the pasta boiler was soiled with dried pasta pieces. The unit had been previously cleaned and stored.
Galley-Deck 2 - Pot Wash
A large yellow plastic cutting board was heavily scored by sharp knives and made difficult to clean.
Galley-Deck 2 - Ocean Grill
A knife stored on the preparation table in a clean item storage pan had a small amount of food grease on the blade. The entire pan of utensils was sent for rewashing.
Galley-Deck 2 - Dishwashing
The flight-type dishwasher had an analog gauge that was not accurate. The gauge read the final rinse water manifold temperature at 207°F. A direct water temperature was taken inside the manifold through the spray nozzle with the inspector's calibrated thermocouple. This direct measurement was 198°F, or 9 °F lower. The allowable difference is +/- 3°F.
Galley-Deck 3 - Cold Pantry
Two rounds of cut blue cheese were in a pan in the undercounter reach-in cooler without a seven-day expiration date label. Two other rounds of this cheese were in a different pan with a 01 OCT 2014 discard date.
Preparation Room-Deck A - Production
The dough molder belt was frayed along the left side facing the machine which made it difficult to clean. The right side had some holes that also contributed to effective cleaning problems.
Preparation Room-Deck A - Production
The right side of the dough molder belt was filled with dried old dough after the unit had been stored as clean. Additionally, the interior of the roller unit had dried dough residue in it after the unit had been stored as clean.
Preparation Room-Deck B - Production
Old potato residue was noted in the door gasket groove and on the door gasket. The potato peeler had been previously cleaned.
Provisions-Deck B - Frozen Meat Storage
Water had leaked from the deckhead through a light fixture in the back right area of the meat freezer. The frozen leak was captured in a cardboard box lined with a plastic bag. No food was impacted.
Inspection on Feb 01, 2014 | Score: 94
Galley-Port Side Italian Pantry
The relief valve for reduced pressure backflow assembly for the hood cleaning system was leaking indicating a possible failure in the assembly.
Galley-Port Side Italian Pantry
The light intensity behind and around the reach-in refrigerator was less than 110 lux.
Galley-Midship Starboard Ice Machine
The light intensity behind and around the ice machine was less than 110 lux.
Galley-Midship Starboard Toaster Station
The light intensity behind reach-in refrigerator BE4 was less than 110 lux.
Galley-Midship Port SideToaster Station
The light intensity behind reach-in refrigerator B10 was less than 110 lux.
Buffet-Aft Beverage Station
Several of the small deckhead lights were not shielded. These light bulbs were not shatter-resistant.
Buffet-Cold Buffet Port Side
The two tureens of hot milk and oatmeal were listed on the time control plan but were not labeled 'time control' on the physical units.
The final rinse spray for the flight-type dishwasher was not continually activated during use. It appeared the sensor in the machine that activates the final rinse spray was malfunctioning. Several racks of plates were observed moving through the machine without the final rinse spray.
Galley-Belvedere Warewashing
The toilet room was locked during operation. Upon further investigation it was determined the toilet room was out of order.
The milk compartment for the coffee machine was listed on the time control plan but the physical unit was not labeled for time control.
Dining Room-East
The new menu had two different steak entrees that could be cooked-to-order for passengers. The general consumer advisory was on the bottom of the menu but the steak entrees were not noted with asterisks.
Galley-Deck 2 Pastry
Two small fruit flies were observed behind the ovens.
Galley-Deck 2 Warewashing
The temperature gauge for the final rinse was reading about 220°F. A 200°F maximum registering tape was placed on the final rinse manifold during use and it did not change color, indicating the water in the manifold was less than 200°F.
Galley-Deck 2 Warewashing
One fruit fly was observed by the clean storage rack.
Galley-Deck 2 Garde Manger
The cooling logs for melons cooled on 1 February did not have a final temperature recorded. The melons were still in the walk-in refrigerator and the inspector verified their internal temperature was less than 41°F.
Galley-Deck 2 Garde Manger
Dried food residue was on the recessed ledge of the backplate on the previously cleaned deli slicer.
Galley-Deck 2 Toilet Room
The toilet room was locked during operation. Upon further investigation it was determined the toilet room was out of order since December 2013.
Galley-Deck 2 Moble Refrigerator B2
The digital temperature gauge for this unit was displaying a temperature of 6°C. The internal thermometer was reading about 48°F. The milk containers in this refrigerator were checked and had an internal temperatures between 41°F-43°F and were immediately placed into a different refrigeration unit.
Galley-Deck 2 Dry Storage Area
Two fruit flies were observed in this area.
Galley-Deck 3 Forward Griddles
A spoon was found in the handwash sink to the left of the forward griddles.
Galley-Deck 3 Ovens
The light intensity behind and around the ovens was less than 110 lux.
Galley-Deck 3 Toilet Room
The toilet room was out-of-order. Staff was waiting for new toilets to arrive to install.
Galley-Hot Galley
The light intensity behind and around the oven was less than 110 lux.
The water temperature of both handwash sinks could not reach 100°F.
Preparation Room-Bakery
The water temperature of the handwash sink by the walk-in refrigerator could not reach 100°F.
Preparation Room-Deck A Bakery
The dough sheeter belt was ripped and torn in several areas making it no longer easily cleanable.
Provisions-Poultry Freezer #6
A large accumulation of ice was on the bulkhead by the door around the emergency release button. Boxes of food were not in direct contact with the bulkhead but they were close enough to have small amounts of ice on them. These boxes were moved to a different area in the walk-in.
Provisions-Fish Freezer
Ice was on several boxes of frozen fish in the aft area of the freezer. Three light fixtures in this area had a significant amount of ice accumulated in the fixtures. One icicle was formed on the center light fixture. After examination the frozen fish boxes no ice had appeared to enter the boxes. The deck in this area under the pallets was covered in a layer of ice.
Bar-Rising Sun - Ice Machine
The top of the ice cubers by the water dispensing nozzles had a significant amount of mold accumulated, especially in the back, difficult to reach and clean areas.
Bar-Neptune Bar - Ice Machine
The top of the ice cubers by the water dispensing nozzles had a significant amount of mold accumulated, especially in the back, difficult to reach and clean areas.
Bar-Neptune Bar
The light intensity behind and around the ice machine was less than 110 lux.
Medical-Crew Acute Gastroenteritis Reporting
A food worker had an acute gastrointestinal illness symptom onset on 12/21/2013 at 0800 and did not report to the medical staff until 1210. The work records showed this person was on duty between the illness onset and when the illness was reported to the medical staff. Another food worker on 11/13/2013 had an onset of 10 vomiting episodes at 0900. The illness was not reported until 1645. The work records showed the employee on duty from 1000 to 1100 on this day.
Potable Water-Medical Center
The sluice machine hot and cold water supply lines in the deckhead had backflow preventers that were leaking from the air relief holes indicating a possible failure.
Potable Water-Bunkering Records
The bunker chart for 01/14/2013 showed the free chlorine residual to be between 0.5 and 1.25 PPM during the water bunkering operation from 0945 and 1320. The initial free chlorine residual in the log book for this date indicated 2.5 PPM.
Potable Water-Bunkering Records
The date was not recorded on the bunker chart for 01/09/2014.
Potable Water-Microbiologic Monitoring
The monthly microbiologic monitoring records showed that the samples were taken from the Bridge Pantry on October 28, November 7 and December 7.
Potable Water-Bunkering
The bunkering records for 08/24 and 08/27 did not include microbiologic sample results. There was also no microbiologic report from the port.
Potable Water-Bunkering / Production Records
The calibration was not recorded on the production halogenation charts for 08/21-23/2013. The bunkering record did not include calibration for 8/24/2013.
Recreational Water Facilities-Safety Equipment
The shepherd's hook was not mounted in the Aquarius Pool area. The pool was out of service for maintenance at the time of this inspection.
Housekeeping-Deck Pantries
The lighting behind the deck mounted ice machines was less than 110 lux of illumination.
Inspection on Mar 17, 2013 | Score: 93
Buffet-Aft Belvedere Beverage Station
There was a missing technical panel above the water dispenser to the ice/water dispenser at this station. The missing panel located above the splash zone exposed various hard to clean wires and an open void space.
Buffet-Stbd Cold Counter Aft
Four previously cleaned white plastic serving containers were stacked on the back worker side preparation counter and were soiled with heavy amounts of old food residue. The plastic serving containers were sent to be re-cleaned.
Food Service General-Warming Elements
The metal wire guards on the underside of the warming elements at the hot food passenger buffet stations were soiled with old dried food residue. The warming elements were located above the food and subject to food splash. This was observed throughout the hot holding stations at the Belvedere and Neptune Grill.
Buffet-Hot Food Counter - Port Midship
The worker side handwash station at this location had a temperature of 130°F and could not be adjusted by the user.
Buffet-Hot Food Counter - Port Midship
The deckhead light above the handwash station was burnt out resulting in less than 220 lux of light.
Buffet-Hot Food Counter - Port Aft
A hotel pan of temperature controlled fresh shell eggs and ice was placed on the preparation counter near the in-use deep fat fryer and grill. An egg sitting on top of the ice had an internal temperature of 58°F. The eggs exceeding 41°F were discarded and it was suggested that the eggs used for this service be placed on time control and to add a discard label to the eggs.
Buffet-Toast Stations - Port and Starboard
There was less than 220 lux of light at the worker side toast station where employees are toasting bread. Also, a deckhead light was burnt out at the port side station in front of freezer BE-9, resulting in less than 110 lux of light.
Buffet-Toast Station - Starboard
The electrical conduit to refrigerator BE-4 was heavily soiled with dust buildup.
Heavy condensate was collecting on the deckhead above both the soiled and clean landing ends of the in-use flight-type dishwash machine. Condensate was observed dripping from the deckhead exhaust vent above the clean landing and onto just cleaned white ceramic serving trays. The trays were being stacked and were not being sent to be re-cleaned until the inspector made the staff aware. The wash and final rinse temperatures were too high and were contributing to the heavy steam and condensate build-up. The wash and final rinse temperatures were measured at 165°F and 185°F respectfully.
Heavy condensate was collecting on the deckhead above both the soiled and clean landing ends of the in-use flight-type dishwash machine. Condensate was observed dripping from the deckhead exhaust vent at the clean landing side and onto just cleaned white ceramic serving trays. The trays were being stacked and were not being sent to be re-cleaned until the inspector made the staff aware.
Heavy condensate was collecting on the deckhead above both the soiled and clean landing ends of the in-use flight-type dishwash machine. Condensate was observed dripping from the deckhead exhaust vent at the clean landing side and onto just cleaned white ceramic serving trays. The trays were being stacked and were not being sent to be re-cleaned until the inspector made the staff aware.
There was a small water leak coming from a deckhead seam immediately above the clean staging area. A crew member was working on the leak and said the water was coming from a small water line located above the deckhead. No clean equipment was impacted.
A deckhead light in front of the 'food only' locker near the entrance to the galley was burnt out resulting in less than 110 lux of light.
The deck in this outlet was pitting and cracking in several areas.
Food Service General-Rack Dishwash Machines
The data plate for the rack-type dishwash machines indicated speed in racks/hour rather than a minimum transit time.
Galley-Deck 2 - Ocean Grill Coffee Station
Old coffee residue and dirt debris were on the deck behind the ice machine and beverage counter.
Galley-Deck 2 - Hot Galley
The decks throughout this area were chipped and pitted.
Galley-Deck 2 - Ice Machines
There was an accumulation of small grey sediment in the water return trays to both deck mounted ice machines.
Buffet-Crew Mess
There was an accumulation of dark mold growth on the inside and bottom edge of the grey plastic water and ice chutes to the ice/water dispenser.
Condensate was collecting on the deckhead above the soiled landing.
The deck was chipping along the edges of the deck scuppers.
Provisions-Receiving Corridor
Several pallets of flour, rice, sugar, and other packaged food items were being stored in this corridor which was not finished to food storage standards. The deckheads were open too difficult to clean electrical cables and piping.
Preparation Room-Bakery
The plumbing components to the hand sink near the entrance was not in good repair. When the sink was engaged, water ran on the deck.
Preparation Room-Bakery
Water was observed leaking from a deckhead light fixture near the dough sheeter and dripping to the deck. No food or equipment was impacted.
Food Service General-Lighting
The artificial light levels were below the minimum of 110 lux of light behind and around equipment throughout the food service outlets. These areas and equipment included: Belvedere Aft beverage station, ice machines, Belvedere port and starboard toast station, pastry ovens, combination ovens, and dishwash and glasswash machines in the galleys and bar pantries. These are repeat items from the previous inspection. A comprehensive lighting plan was observed and new lighting for all the areas is scheduled to be installed during dry dock in November 2013.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control Plan
The plan did not list the non-testable vacuum breakers installed on the showers hoses located in the crew, passenger, and medical cabins.
Potable Water-Distallate Water Lines
The distillate water lines directed to the potable water system up until chlorination were not painted or striped in accordance with ISO 14726 (blue/grey/blue). Some of the lines were striped blue/grey/blue, but it did not continue up to the chlorination injection point. This was a repeat from the previous inspection.
Recreational Water Facilities-Safety Signs
The safety signs at the RWFs were not in compliance with the 2011 VSP Operations Manual.
Recreational Water Facilities-Shepherd's Hooks
The pole of the rescue hook at both swimming pools were not long enough to reach the center of the deepest portion of the pool from the side plus 2 feet or were telescoping.
Recreational Water Facilities-Hydropool Antientrapment
There was no alarm installed at the Hydropool needed for draining. The large unblockable gravity drain had a field fabricated drain cover.
Recreational Water Facilities-Swimming Pool Antientrapmement
The two independent, unblockable, suction drains on the sides of both swimming pools, had compliant drain covers, but did not have secondary anitentrapment features such as a SVRS or APS. The suction drains are used to supply water to the pool's water features.
The final sanitizing rinse temperature gauge to the flight-type dishwash machine indicated temperatures exceeding of 200°F. The final sanitizing rinse measured by the inspector at the plate surface was 185°F.
Inspection on Sep 26, 2012 | Score: 94
Medical-Crew Reporting
A food and beverage steward who experienced 5 loose stools beginning on 6 September at 0600 did not report to medical until 7 September at 1715. It was confirmed with the medical staff that the crew member worked her full shift on 6 September and 7 September.
Potable Water-Distallate Water Lines
The distillate lines directed to the potable water system were not painted or striped in accordance with ISO 14726 (blue/gray/blue). These lines were striped blue only.
Recreational Water Facilities-Flow Meters, Turnover Rates, Bather Loads
Turnover rates and bather loads for all of the RWFs were being calculated from theoretical pump rates and not by the actual flow rates as measured by flow meters. Flow meters were not available on the RWFs.
Recreational Water Facilities-Hair and Lint Stainer
There were no records indicating that the hair and lint strainer and the hair and lint strainer housings at the RWFs were being cleaned, rinsed, and disinfected weekly.
Recreational Water Facilities-Halogen and pH Analyzer Probe Locations
The sample line locations for free halogen residual and pH probes for the swimming pools and the spa pool were located after the compensation tank.
Recreational Water Facilities-Water Quality
There were no records indicating the date and time for the water dumping at both the spa pool and whirlpools.
Recreational Water Facilities-Shock Bromination
Approximately, 10 shock bromination records for the whirlpools and the spa pool indicated that the bromine residual did not remain above 10 ppm for at least 1 hour during the months of September and October.
Recreational Water Facilities-Safety Signage
The recreational water facility signage did not meet the current requirements of the 2011 VSP Operations manual.
Recreational Water Facilities-Shepherd's Hook
The Shepherd's hook at both swimming pools were not long enough to reach the center of the deepest portion of the pools from the side plus 2 feet. The current hooks were telescoping.
Recreational Water Facilities-Antientrapment Drain Covers
It was unclear whether the single gravity drain and the two suction drain covers at the whirlpools were in compliance with ASME A112.19.8 standards. The two suction drains at the whirlpools were less than 3 feet apart with no secondary antientrapment requirement such as a safety vacuum release system or an automatic pump shut off system. The swimming pools and spa pool gravity drain covers also did not meet the antientrapment requirements. The drains were gravity, multiple, with no alarm. There were also suction drains at all of the pools and it was unclear if these drain covers met the antientrapment requirements. These suction drains were multiple, greater than 3 feet apart, with no secondary antientrapment requirement.
Housekeeping-Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan (OPRP)
The OPRP did not include procedures for protecting passengers and crew members from respiratory and dermal exposures while using Virox to disinfect common areas with misting machines.
Pantry-Ice Machines
The light intensity behind deck mounted ice machines in deck pantries could not be raised to the required 110 lux of light.
Pantry-Ice Machines
The light intensity behind and around the deck mounted ice machines in the Piano Bar pantry and Pub pantry could not be raised to the required 110 lux of light.
Pantry-Refrigerant Water Lines
The refrigerant water lines to the deck mounted ice machines in the deck and bar pantries were not identified as non-potable.
Pantry-Pantry # 4.6.05
There was no data plate for the undercounter dishwash machine located in this pantry.
Pantry-Piano Bar
Green electrical cables were coiled on the deck inside the technical compartment to the espresso machine. Water was pooling on the deck underneath the electrical cables.
Food Service General-All Galley and Preparation Areas
The posted, time as a public health control plans, did not include the management of potentially hazardous foods in pans which were set alone or in ice baths on the various counters in the food preparation areas. These counters were also used for preparation of foods not on time control. The time control plans stated that no labels would be used because the service periods were less than 4 hours. The pans of food observed had no discard labels on them. Examples include: three types of fried potatoes in hotel pans, mueslix in hotel pans, and blanched pasta in hotel pans.
Food Service General-Galleys and Preparation/Service Areas
The artificial light levels were below the minimum of 110 lux behind and around equipment in the following areas: deck 2 - hot galley forward, behind the microwave oven; pastry, behind the two stack ovens; Ocean Grill, behind the ice machine at the beverage station; Neptune Bar pantry, behind the ice machine; Aquarius Bar Pantry, behind the ice machine and beside the hood type glasswash machine.
Galley-Galleys and Preparation Counters
Power cables to the following counter mounted equipment were draped on the counter below: microwave oven in deck 2 hot galley forward, Bremen coffee machine in the lower Meridian Restaurant pantry beverage station, steamer in the pastry service section of deck 3 galley, and the Bremen coffee machine in the coffee pantry in deck 3 galley.
Galley-Deck 2 Galley - Pastry
The soap dispenser installed at the handwash station near the entrance was positioned too close to the adjacent food preparation counter. When using the soap dispenser water was able to drip onto the counter.
Galley-Deck 2 Galley - Pastry
The artificial light level on the clean pot rack beside the stack oven appeared to be below the minimum 220 lux.
Galley-Deck 2 Galley - Ocean Grill Section
The small black stone appetizer plates were stored in the undercounter warmer with the other previously cleaned plates. One of these had a glue residue on the surface, while the remaining ones had a foam padding material secured to one side with glue. This pad was absorbent and not durable. Also, due to the heat from the cabinet, the glue was melting and allowed for the pads to easily peel off. Staff stated these foam pads were secured to keep the plates from moving on the preparation station when used to transfer small bowls of soup during service.
Galley-Deck 2 Galley - Ocean Grill Section
One plastic hotel pan of cut raw spinach was found inside upright reach-in refrigerator ARG-3. The spinach had food temperatures of 44 °F. Staff removed the pan for immediate blast chilling.
Dining Room-Ocean Grill Menu
The menu for the Ocean Grill Restaurant included a consumer advisory for the animal-derived foods that can be served raw or undercooked, but not all of these items had an asterisk beside them to connect with the consumer advisory.
Galley-Deck 2 Galley
There was heavy pitting in the deck surface throughout the sauce bench section and the pot wash, and to a lesser extent in the other areas of the galley. This left the surface difficult to clean.
Galley-Deck 2 Galley - Pot Wash
The pot wash machine was in disrepair, and although staff were doing the work manually, the accumulation of soiled items was overwhelming the space, making it difficult to move. Staff later transferred many of the soiled items up to the deck 3 galley pot wash.
Galley-Deck 2 Galley - Hot Galley
The artificial light level near the two port side combination ovens should be verified, as both appeared to be below the minimum 110 lux.
Galley-Deck 2 Galley - Dishwash
The in-use flight-type conveyor dishwash machine was not producing any water spray from the final rinse nozzles in either the lower or upper final hot water-sanitizing spray arms. Staff repaired the machine later in the inspection and the upper spray arm nozzles showed visible water spray and met the final rinse temperature requirements.
Galley-Deck 2 Galley - Dishwash
The in-use flight-type conveyor dishwash machine was not producing any water spray from the final rinse nozzles in either the lower or upper final hot water-sanitizing spray nozzles. Staff repaired the machine later in the inspection and at least the upper spray arm nozzles showed visible water spray and met the final rinse temperature requirements.
Galley-Deck 3 Galley - Pot Wash
The pot wash machine data plate indicated the complete cycle time for both wash and rinse, rather than listing the required times for each separately.
Buffet-Belvedere Dessert Counter Starboard
One hotel pan of opened and large cut pieces of 3 different cheeses was inside the undercounter reach-in refrigerator with a 3 day discard label. The lower refrigerator section was on time control according to the time control plan and the label affixed. The cheeses had temperatures of 44-45 °F.
Galley-Time Control Plan
The written and posted, time as a public health control plan, stated that all potentially hazardous foods in back-up hot holding units were on time control, but the plan did not specifically list all the units where this applied. Specifically, there were foods held hot for back-up, such as fish in the oven, chicken in the tilt braising pan, rice in the tilt braising pan, soups in two different steam kettles, and sauces in sauce pans on the range top. None of these units were labeled or noted in the time control plan.
Galley-Belvedere Galley - Starboard
In the starboard/forward specialty area the steam pipe insulation wrapping was severely damaged and the insulation was unprotected in undercounter technical compartment Bev-3.
Galley-Belvedere Galley - Hot Galley
The lower far left door on undercounter reach-in refrigerator BE-6, was warped and did not seal tightly to the door frame in the lower half when the door was fully shut. The gap at the lower door was large enough for a folded paper to be passed into the inside of the refrigerator.
Buffet-Belvedere - Aft Beverage Station
The deckhead in this area was soiled in various areas with dirt and food debris.
Buffet-Belvedere - Aft Beverage Station
Two live fruit flies were observed on the deckhead near the hot water dispenser, and they appeared to be feeding on food debris on the deckhead.
Inspection on Jan 24, 2011 | Score: 87
Buffet-Deck 9 Starboard Cereal Counter
There was a tray of individually wrapped butter out for lunch service. The internal temperatures ranged from 48°F to 53°F. These pieces of butter were taken from a tray containing butter inside undercounter refrigerator B15, located at the international counter/Deck 9. The internal temperature of the butter stored in this refrigerator measured between 48°F and 53°F. There was no assurance that the initial temperature of the butter was less than 41°F before being placed on time-control.
Recreational Water Facilities-Mechanical Rooms
There were several potable water supply lines in the mechanical rooms for the swimming pools and whirlpools that were striped blue after the reduced pressure zone (RPz) backflow prevention assemblies.
Housekeeping-Deck 1 Pantry 1.4.05 Ice Machine
The food contact surface of the ice cuber was rough and not easily cleanable.
Housekeeping-Deck 1 Pantry 1.4.05 Ice Machine
There was a light accumulation of a black powder in the water bath, along the removable white diffuser.
Recreational Water Facilities-Deck 9 Main Whirlpool
The anti-entrapment drain cover was cracked.
Bar-Deck 9 Multi-Flow Cabinet
The carbonator/multi-flow unit was set on top of a stainless steel shelf above the syrup boxes. The carbonator/multi-flow unit could not be moved by one person, which prohibited proper cleaning around the unit. There was a small accumulation of water and a sticky substance on the shelf.
Bar-Deck 9 Multi-Flow Cabinet
The carbonator/multi-flow unit was set on top of a stainless steel shelf above the syrup boxes. The carbonator/multi-flow unit could not be moved by one person, which prohibited proper cleaning around the unit. There was a small accumulation of water and a sticky substance on the shelf.
Bar-Multi-Flow/Carbonator Units
There was no backflow prevention device protecting the non-carbonated potable water line that leads to the multi-flow hand-held spray nozzle.
Bar-Deck 9 Aquarius
The deckhead on the worker side of the bar was constructed of sail cloth and ropes. This item was noted on the previous inspection.
Bar-Deck 9 Aquarius
The light level at the counter and above the deck was not sufficient for cleaning.
Buffet-Deck 9 Aft Storage Locker 9.2.17
There were food and food related articles stored in locker 9.2.17, which had exposed lagging and pipes.
Galley-Deck 2 Coffee Station
There were slotted fasteners and gaps in the food splash zone of the two coffee machines. The fasteners were soiled.
There were soiled plate covers placed directly on the handwash station, making the handwash station inaccessible.
There were many broken and missing fingerlinks in the conveyor of the flight-type conveyor dishwashing machine. This machine was in use at the time of the inspection.
Dining Room-Deck 2 Meridian Restaurant
After the breakfast service, there were staff members placing soiled dishes, cups, and remnants of food in the clean areas of the waiter stations. There were clean items stored in this area.
Galley-Deck 2 Pastry
There was a leak at the spray nozzle located next to the stack ovens.
Food Service General-Undercounter Refrigerator Technical Compartments
In the technical compartments of many of the undercounter refrigerators, there were gaps where the refrigeration piping penetrated the bulkheads.
Galley-Soup Station
There was a leak at the faucet located over the soup kettles HG-BL2 and HG-BL5.
Galley-Soup Station
There was condensate dripping from the deckhead over the top cover of kettle HG-BL3. The staff was cooking ham stock in this kettle at the time of the inspection.
There was a leak at the faucet of the three compartment sink.
Galley-Deck 3 Aft-Starboard Coffee Pantry
There was no waste receptacle at this handwash station.
Galley-Deck 3 Aft-Starboard Coffee Pantry
There were slotted fasteners and gaps in the food splash zones of the coffee machines. There was a corroded slotted fastener and a gap suggesting a missing fastener. These conditions made cleaning difficult.
Galley-Deck 3 Pastry
There was a dough mixer that had been out of service since 22 September 2010.
Galley-Deck 3 Pastry
There was accumulated food residue by the top of the middle shaft of the dough mixer.
Galley-Deck 3 Coffee Pantry
The bread slicer was placed directly on the counter top and was not sealed to the counter or elevated on legs. This piece of equipment was heavy and not easily movable, making cleaning beneath difficult.
Galley-Deck 3 Coffee Pantry
There were slotted fasteners in the food contact zone of the bread slicer, making it difficult to clean.
Galley-Deck 3 Coffee Pantry
A piece of lint was stuck in one of the blades of the previously cleaned bread slicer. It appeared that the lint was from a cleaning cloth.
Galley-Deck 3 Potwash
The employee was not fully immersing the hotel pans and flat hotel sheets in the sanitizing hot water. The partial immersion also lasted for 16 to 20 seconds.
Buffet-Deck 9 Port Cereal Counter
There was a tray with yogurt containers in undercounter refrigerator B2. The internal temperature of the yogurt was approximately 50°F. These items were discarded.
Galley-Deck 9 Belvedere Hot Galley
There was a waste bin placed in front of the handwash station, making it inaccessible. This item was corrected.
The employee was not fully immersing the hotel pans in the sanitizing hot water.
Other-Sanitizing Rinse Practices
There were two different employees in two different potwash stations that were not fully immersing the washed utensils in the sanitizing rinse water, leaving parts of the utensils out of this sanitizing rinse. The staff stated that both employees were trained.
Provisions-Liquor-Beverage Storage # 20
The decks were soiled with a mixture of dust and remnants of old liquid under the pallets.
Provisions-Beverage-Flour-Sugar Storage # 19
The decks were soiled with a mixture of dust and remnants of old liquid under the pallets. Also, there were pieces of broken glass under the pallets.
Provisions-Storage # 16
The deck under a pallet holding cans of solid rhubarb (2.86 kg each) was soiled with what appeared to be syrup. The syrup appeared to have dripped from the top of some of the cans. These cans also had syrup on top. The staff explained that these cans had been provisioned that day and that they had an incoming inspection.
Provisions-Cool Storage # 7
There were three pallets holding 24 cases of eggs (30 dozen eggs per case) located outside of this cooler during provisioning. The temperatures of these eggs, taken from different boxes throughout the pallets, were measured between 48°F and 60°F. There were several other pallets of these same eggs placed inside the cooler and the temperatures of these eggs, taken from different boxes throughout the pallets, were measured between 48°F and 60°F as well. It was also unclear at what temperature these eggs were received and accepted for introduction into the ship.
Preparation Room-Deck B
There was a slotted fastener in the food contact surface of the potato peeler unit located at the far right of the potato peeler station.
Preparation Room-Deck B
There was food residue in the seams in the food contact areas of the previously cleaned potato peeler unit located at the far right of the potato peeler station.
Provisions-Fresh Food and Vegetable Cooler
The cut spinach and lettuce had internal temperatures measured at 54°F. The ambient temperature of this cooler was measured at 63°F.
Provisions-Fresh Food and Vegetable Cooler
The deck was soiled with a mixture of wet food residue.
Provisions-Fresh Food and Vegetable Cooler
There was water dripping from melting ice that was covering some vegetables, such as fresh broccoli. This ice comes as a cooling aide inside the fresh produce boxes. This water was wetting boxes containing food and soiling the deck.
Buffet-Deck 9 / Belvedere Countertops
There were fractures and chipped pieces along the black countertops, which made cleaning difficult. In addition, where the countertop junctures met the bulkhead, there was loose and missing sealant.
Buffet-Deck 9 / Belvedere Countertops
There was an accumulation of dirt and food residue along some of the fractures in the countertops.
Galley-Soup Station
There was condensate dripping from the deckhead over the top cover of kettle HG-BL3. The staff was cooking ham stock in this kettle at the time of the inspection.
Bar-Multi-Flow/Carbonator Units
Several of the large multi-flow/carbonator units had copper tubing inside. It could not be determined if copper was used between the carbonator tanks and the backflow prevention devices.
Galley-Deck 2 Coffee Station
There were slotted fasteners and gaps in the food splash zone of the two coffee machines. The fasteners were soiled.
Preparation Room-Deck B
There were seams in the food contact areas of the potato peeler unit located at the far right of the potato peeler station.
Inspection on Nov 14, 2010 | Score: 97
Buffet-Deck 9 - Belvedere Food Court - Bread Station
There were two baskets of bread out for service that did not have serving utensils.
Buffet-Deck 9 - Belvedere - Beverage Stations
The back splashes of the combination water/ice dispensers had corrosion, especially behind the ice chute and water line. In addition, there were slotted fasteners holding the water supply line in the splash zone, making cleaning difficult.
Buffet-Deck 9 - Belvedere - Beverage Stations
The combination water/ice machines had corrosion along the seams where the stainless steel sides were fastened to the bottom galvanized metal plate, making cleaning difficult.
Buffet-Deck 9 - Belvedere - Starboard Hot Counter
The leading edge of the deep fat fryer and the seams below the front edge had deposits of grease and food residue.
Buffet-Deck 9 - Belvedere - Starboard Hot Counter
The front edge of the carving station, with the attached heat lamps, was soiled with grease and food residue.
Buffet-Deck 9 - Belvedere - Staff Service Areas
In several locations, especially along the worker side of the buffet where the juncture of the poured deck material joined the stainless steel coving, there were several cracks and gaps. In a few locations on the worker side of the buffet, there was some pitting in the deck material that was not easily cleanable.
Buffet-Deck 9 - Belvedere - Ventilation Diffusers
The ventilation diffusers located along the service side of the buffet lines had peeling paint. Many diffusers were located immediately above equipment and food displays.
Buffet-Deck 9 - Belvedere - Desert Station
There was a void space to the right of the scupper, immediately below the refrigerated desert display unit, making cleaning difficult.
Buffet-Deck 9 - Belvedere - Countertops
There were fractures and chipped pieces along the black countertops, which made cleaning difficult. In some locations where the countertop junctures met the bulkhead, there was loose and missing sealant.
Buffet-Deck 3 and Deck 4 - Equipment seams
Several pieces of equipment in the main galley on Deck 3 and 4 had seams, openings and void spaces that made cleaning difficult. Equipment included counters, sinks, cabinets, undercounter refrigerators and junctures where equipment was attached to the bulkhead, the counters and other pieces of adjoining equipment.
Dining Room-Deck 2 - Meridian Dome - Waiter Station
In some locations of the central "dome" waiter station, where there were clean/soiled landings and dry food storage, soft sealant was used as coving material. The remainder of the deck material in this location was not coved. This item was noted on the previous inspection.
Preparation Room-Deck B
The potato peelers had slotted fasteners in the food contact surfaces of the machines.
Preparation Room-Deck A - Lido Preparation
The salad washer had slotted fasteners inside the food contact surfaces of the machine.
Preparation Room-Deck A - Lido Preparation
The backflow prevention device for the salad preparation machine was corroded and weeping.
Galley-Deck A - Warewashing
The water supply line to the "Grime Reaper" was braided and was lying on the deck. The line was not easily cleanable.
Bar-Deck 2 - Rising Sun Bar
There were large gaps around the water supply lines coming from the deckhead to the water carbonator for the soda machine.
Bar-Deck 9 - Aquious Bar
The decorative deckhead above the worker side of the bar was constructed of sail cloth and ropes.
Provisions-Dry Storage 16 and 19
The bottom of the bulkhead panels near the siding doors were bent, creating void spaces and making cleaning difficult.
Housekeeping-Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan (OPRP)
The electronic outbreak prevention and response plan was very difficult to read clearly, as the various sections of the plan were updated monthly and the version remaining had all the strikethrough sections still in place and colored, so it required the reader to sort thru each section for what was not with strikethrough marks to understand what in fact was the remaining procedure to follow. In the public room/alleyway section the initial statement of procedures calls for continuous sanitizing of hand contact surfaces, but later in that same section the individual surface types are described and frequent sanitizing of these hand contact surfaces are specified. This section (3.1) refers to the procedures during the highest gastrointestinal (GI) illness response level (red code), which includes reportable GI illness cases of 2% or higher. In the red code section for disinfection in the casino nearly all the procedures have strikethrough marking in red, including the statement that the hand contact surfaces throughout this areas should be disinfected continuously. This frequency statement was missing during the previous VSP inspection (February 2010). In that report the crew internet procedure listed no disinfection frequency, but in the current OPRP it specifies continuous. The crew gym was and still is specified in the OPRP to be disinfected as frequently as possible for as long as the gym remains in service, rather than continuously.
Pantry-Pantries 6.4.01 and 4.1.04
The in-use ice machines had accumulations of a metal dust (powder) in the water bath interior of the upper ice maker section of both machines inspected.
Medical-Gastrointestinal Illness Records
The monitoring and follow-up of cabin mates of ill crew were recorded well and clearly for the initial interview, 24, and 48 hour updates, but there was nothing documented to indicate whether the ill crew member did or did not have an immediate contact. Staff stated this was done verbally and if the answer was no there was no record made to indicate there was no other contact.
Potable Water-Potable Water - Distribution - Passenger Launderettes
There was no blue striping to indicate that the potable water supply pipes for the various passenger launderettes were from the potable water system.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control Program - Listing
The backflow preventer on the hose connection in the starboard/forward section of the garbage room and the bedpan washer in the medical center were not in the cross-connection control program listing of backflow prevention devices. This was noted previously in the February 2010 VSP inspection report. Additionally, the chemical stations located on deck 1 forward, decks 5, 6, and 8 had backflow preventers installed but were not listed.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control
There were no backflow prevention devices installed on the potable water supply lines to the deck 4 forward passenger launderette clothes washers. There were no backflow preventers installed on 3 potable water lines connecting to the hot or cold water line connections to the clothes washers in the deck 4 midship passenger launderette. The sink in the chemical station on deck A had a threaded faucet and there was no backflow preventer attached there or on the potable hot water supply pipe connected to the sink tap.
Potable Water-Potable Water Tank 1 Starboard
There was no documentation from either the Water Research Centre, Great Britain or the Norwegian Institute of Public Health that the Hempadur 85671 two part epoxy (85675 base and 97371 curing agent) which was applied to potable water tank #1 starboard on 9 September 2010 was approved for potable water tank coating. Both of the above references listed by the Hempel manufacturer were reviewed by internet during the inspection and no such certification/approval information was found.
DO NOT USE (whirlpool/spa)-Hydropool - Deck 9
There was a daily notation in the pool and spa logs that the hydropool was disinfected, but there was no notation of either the concentration or contact time for shock halogenation.
DO NOT USE (whirlpool/spa)-Hydropool - Deck 9
There were two suction fittings on the lower side section of the hydropool. The stainless steel grate covers did not meet the safety requirements of ASME/ANSI A112.19.8M or an equivalent standard.
Inspection on Feb 10, 2010 | Score: 95
Food Service General-
The refrigerant line insulation was soiled with mold in several of the refrigeration unit technical spaces.
Galley-Deck 2 Hot Line
The aft plate lowerator floor was soiled.
Galley-Deck 2 Hot Line
An electrical cord was draped on the floor of the forward plate lowerator.
Galley-Deck 2 Hot Line
There were small cups of water with wiping cloths in them on each end of the overshelf. Per staff, the cloths were used to wipe any excess food from the edges of the plates prior to service.
Food Service General-
The decks throughout the food preparation, service and storage areas were pitted and peeling.
Galley-Deck 2 Slicer Table
When activated, water from the drinking fountain splattered onto the adjacent preparation table.
Galley-Deck 2 Combination Oven HG CO3
The water filter at the back of the unit was hard plumbed and could not be moved to clean the deck below.
Galley-Deck 2 Walk-in Refrigerator MG24
There was insufficient lighting to the left side of the condenser unit.
Galley-Deck 2 Potwash
The wash and rinse cycle times were not listed on the data plate.
Galley-Deck 2 Pastry
The cage and interior splash shield of the previously cleaned floor mixer were soiled.
Galley-Deck 2 Dishwash
The support pillar next to the lowerator was damaged.
Galley-Deck 2 Dishwash/Glasswash
There was condensate on the interior vent hood at the clean end of the machines. The dishwash machine mounted final rinse temperature gauge reading was 230°F and steam was observed coming from the ends of the machines. The plate surface temperatures at the dishwash were measured at 159.5°F.
Galley-Deck 2 Dishwash
The machine mounted final rinse temperature gauge reading was 230°F. The plate surface temperature was measured at 159.5°F. Steam was not observed coming from the final rinse spray nozzles.
Other-Deck 2 Dining Room
The coving at the base of the Dome wait stations was positioned above the deck creating a 90° angle. The angle was soiled with food and other debris. Additionally, the posts between the wait stations were not coved or sealed at the deck juncture.
Galley-Deck 3 Grill Section
The cover for the ambient temperature measuring device probe in the lower hot hold unit was damaged, making cleaning difficult.
The soda dispensing unit was on the deck but not sealed to the deck. The deck was soiled underneath this unit.
There was condensate collecting on the inside surfaces of the sneeze shield above the forward line.
The interior bottom surfaces of the lowerater were soiled.
Provisions-Dry Stores 17
Wooden pallets were used to store cases of toilet tissue.
Provisions-Dry Stores 16 and 19
The trim at the base of the bulkhead panels was damaged.
Provisions-Dry Stores 16
The deck was soiled below the deck stands.
Provisions-Freezer 6
There was insufficient lighting. Three lights were not working.
Bar-Crow's Nest
The dishwash machine data plate was missing.
Potable Water-
There were several lists of cross-connections (shipyard list, vessel spread sheet, and Amos entries) but even with this not all of the connections to the potable water system were addressed. The hose connection in the starboard forward section of the garbage rooms was not on any of the lists. The bedpan washer connection in the medical center was not on any of the lists. In addition, none of the lists was complete. For example, the vessel's spread sheet did not include the medical center or the crew galley but the yard list did. The vessel's spread sheet included the whirlpool technical rooms but the yard list did not.
DO NOT USE (whirlpool/spa)-
The bromine residual in the Aquarius starboard whirlpool spa was tested at 3.4 ppm. The analyzer showed a reading of 5.0 ppm but a calibration tests revealed the level to be 3.6 ppm. The whirlpool spa was immediately netted.
DO NOT USE (whirlpool/spa)-
There was a missing anti-entrapment suction fitting in the Aquarius port whirlpool spa. The whirlpool was filled and open for use. The whirlpool was immediately netted.
DO NOT USE (whirlpool/spa)-
The calibration checks for the analyzer chart recorder were not recorded. According to the engineer these checks were conducted 3 times per day and only recorded if calibration is performed.
Potable Water-
There was insufficient detail in the records for the potable tanks. The free halogen residual and contact time during disinfection were not consistently recorded. The halogen residuals of less than 5 ppm prior to putting the tanks back into service were not recorded.
Potable Water-
There was a non-continuous pressure-type backflow prevention device installed on a potable water supplying a hose connection that had a valve downstream of the device. This was in the starboard forward corner of the garbage room.
Potable Water-
The air-gap at the mineralizer backwash discharge line was not two times the diameter of the line.
Potable Water-Deck 1 Midship Pubic Toilet Rooms
The waste receptacles to dispose of paper towels after opening the toilet room doors were too far away from the door.
The outbreak prevention and response plan had triggers for code yellow and red that were based on illness onset numbers within 24-hour or 48-hour periods. It was not clear in the plan how disinfection frequencies would be addressed when the cumulative number of ill passengers or crew members reached 2%. The plan did not appear to address hand contact surfaces in the crew internet facility. There were a few instances where the frequency for disinfection during code red was to be "as frequently as possible" without a clear direction on minimum frequencies. This was noted for the casino and crew gym. For the public areas the hand contact surfaces were to be disinfected 3 times per day during code yellow. For code red there was no change in the frequency for disinfecting hand contact surfaces.
Serious crimes and injuries on cruise ships that make port in the U.S. are required to be reported to the Coast Guard. Smaller-scale crimes and thefts are reported to local police authorities (if reported at all). Incidents and inspections from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Crimes & Incidents
None Reported
Coast Guard Inspections
Deficiencies (found in 11 inspections).
Coast Guard Inspections: Details
Inspection on Jan 30, 2015
0630; Where davit arms are recovered by power, safety devices shall be fitted which will automatically cut off the power before the davit arms reach the stop. The Stbd side fwd life raft davit's limit switch is broken, 74 SOLAS (09) III/!6.1, LSA Code Ch.VI/, 16 A/C
Fire Fighting
0715; The function of a fixed fire detection shall be periodically tested with phenomena associated with incipient fires to which the detector is designed to respond. The vessel's flame detector tester does not work with the older flame detection system, 74 SOLAS (09) II-2/7-3.2.
Fire Fighting
0750; Fire doors in main vertical zone bulkheads shall close in no less than 10 seconds. Fire doors 05.6.09, 03.3.46 and 03.3.48 closed too fast and the latter one did not latch all the way, 74 SOLAS (09) II-2/9-, 10C
0750; The machinery, boilers and other pressure vessels shall be of a design and construction for the service for which they are intended. The #1 and #4 generators have fuel oil leaks, The #4 generator air cooler drain line is patched, the OWS drain line is patched in 2 places. There is a hydraulic leak in the forward bow thruster and there is old oil in the tunnel in the; See Narrative for info.
Accommodation/Occupational Safety
0960; The means of escape shall be marked by lighting that enables passengers to identify the route of escape. Low location lighting was out on 8 foot section adjacent to door 03.3.46 and 2 foot section by cashier stand in casino, 74 SOLAS (09) II-2/, 10C.
Inspection on Oct 01, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Sep 30, 2014
Fire Fighting
Fire protection systems, including structural fire protection shall be kept in good working order so as to ensure their required performance if a fire occurs. Fire screen doors 0A.2.95, 0A.2.107, 0A.2.89, 0A.3.47, 02.5.25, 02.6.10, 02.3.60, 02.2.64, 03.2.55, 05.2.37, 07.6.01, 09.4.38, 09.5.26, Deck 10 area 273 Port & Stbd side doors, 10.06.03, 10.03.07, 11.03.06 were not working as designed. (16B)
0610-Lifeboats-All lifesaving appliances shall be in working order and ready for immediate use. The #13 lifeboat's port side engine would not start. 74 SOLAS (09) III/20.2
0630-Launching arrangement for survival craft-Where davit arms are recovered by power, safety devices shall be fitted which will automatically cut off power. The limit switch on the #12 lifeboat failed. 74 SOLAS (09) III/16.1, LSA
Inspection on Mar 06, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Feb 01, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Sep 25, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Sep 07, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on May 13, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jan 29, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Sep 27, 2010
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Feb 01, 2010
No deficiencies found
Crimes & Incidents: Details
Illustrations: Josh Cochran, special to ProPublica. Data: Coast Guard Port State Information eXchange, Coast Guard Incident Investigative Reports, Coast Guard Marine Casualties & Pollution Data, IMO GISIS Marine Casualties, CDC Inspections & Deficiencies, CDC Outbreaks, CruisePage Man Overboard List, Local crime reports gathered by reporters Lynn Walsh & Dan Krauth, other local crime reports. Photos: VesselFinder. Icons: Jessica Lock, Juan Pablo Bravo,Hans Gerhard Meier.
1Details in these illustrations are inspired by David Foster Wallace's A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again. References to his seven night experience aboard the Nadir are hidden throughout. How many have you seen? Psst. Here are the answers.