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Norwegian Gem
Cruise Line: Norwegian »
On May 17, 2015 a 10-year-old girl drowned in a swimming pool aboard the Norwegian Gem while the cruise ship was 75 miles east of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, headed from New York to the Bahamas.
Federal health inspectors from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention inspect cruise ships twice a year, checking everything from kitchen equipment to dishwasher temperatures, and grade ships based on what they find. A score below 86 is considered failing. Cruise ships are also required to report all illness outbreaks affecting more than 3% of passengers or crew to the CDC. Inspections and outbreaks from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Health Scores & Inspections
Health Score: Feb 2015
Highest: 100 | Lowest: 93
Deficiencies (found in 10 inspections).
Illness Outbreaks
Health Scores & Inspections: Details
Inspection on Feb 04, 2015 | Score: 96
The bucket of sanitizing solution had a concentration above 200 ppm.
Buffet-Garden Cafe
The ice scoop was stored in a well and was located less than 1 meter where passengers stand.
Buffet-Garden Cafe
Four plates on the passenger service buffet line were soiled with food residue.
Buffet-Great Outdoors
A pan of scrambled eggs on the buffet line did not have a 4-hour discard label. The service period was greater than 4 hours.
Buffet-Great Outdoors
The time control plan stated the set-up time was at 0630, and the first discard time was at 1030 and the second discard time was at 1130. When the inspector entered the area, 1030 discard time labels were noted on the food items on the passenger self-service buffet line. These items included: milk, yogurt, cut melons, oatmeal, etc. At 1032, food was not discarded on the line and passengers were observed serving themselves food. Between 1035 and 1040 the food was discarded and replenished with foods with a 1130 discard time label. There was a discussion about the time control plan matching the operations. Management decided to modify the operations by opening the Great Outdoors buffet line later than the inside Garden Cafe buffet lines. The time control plan was modified for set-up at 0700 and discard at 1100 in order to ensure food was discarded within a 4-hour time period.
Buffet-Great Outdoors
The time control plan stated the set-up time was at 0630, and the first discard time was at 1030 and the second discard time was at 1130. When the inspector entered the area, 1030 discard time labels were noted on the food items on the passenger self-service buffet line. These items included: milk, yogurt, cut melons, oatmeal, etc. At 1032, food was not discarded on the line and passengers were observed serving themselves food. Between 1035 and 1040 the food was discarded and replenished with foods with a 1130 discard time label. Staff were not following the time control plan for this outlet and food was not discarded at 1030.
Galley-Garden Cafe
The bulkhead material was peeling and in disrepair along the back counter of the service lines. This was especially noticeable in the burger station, behind the service line, at the bulkhead corners to the left and right of the grill in front of the shutter curtain. Staff had identified this issue and were profiling the corners.
Galley-La Cucina - Dishwash
An excessive amount of steam was noted in the dishwash area. Staff were using this dishwasher as the emergency back-up due to the dishwashers not working in the Cargney's and Garden Cafe galleys.
Galley-La Cucina - Dishwash
Condensation was observed on the deckhead above the dishwasher and glasswasher, and was dripping was observed on the soiled end. No clean dishes were impacted.
Galley-La Cucina - Dishwash
Management removed the upper sanitizing rinse arm of the dishwasher to affix a 180°F thermolabel on the arm, and placed the arm on the soiled end of the glasswasher in order to accomplish this task. The inspector pointed this out, and the arm was cleaned.
Galley-La Cucina - Dishwash
Management removed the upper sanitizing rinse arm of the dishwasher to place a 180°F thermolabel on the arm, and put the arm on the soiled end of the glasswasher. Visible food soil was observed in this area and this area was in operation. The inspector pointed out this, and the arm was cleaned.
Galley-La Cucina - Show Galley
The front of the bulkheads to the sides of the pizza oven were made of brick that had very rough and difficult to clean surfaces. This was noted on the last inspection. Staff stated this would be corrected soon onboard.
Galley-Garden Cafe
The decks were in disrepair in the Garden Cafe galley. Grouting was missing in many areas. Staff showed documentation identifying many areas around the ship which required repair.
Dining Room-Magneta - Store Room
The deck of a store room used for inventory of the china was very soiled.
Dining Room-Magneta - Store Rooms
The two store rooms, one for china inventory and the other for back-up china, had boxes and loose plates stored on galvanized shelving. Staff stated these will be replaced with stainless steel shelving units.
Preparation Room-Bakery
The plastic preparation block was scored and scratched, making it difficult to clean.
The wooden pallets used to temporarily store potatoes were less than six inches from the deck. This was corrected.
The paper towels for the handwashing station were located over a preparation counter. When the inspector washed their hands and reached for a paper towel, water dripped onto the preparation below.
Medical-Crew Reporting
A reportable nonfood worker, had on onset of acute gastroenteritis (AGE) symptoms at 0800 on 22 December, but did not report to medical until 1540 that day. According to his timesheet, he worked from 0800 to 1200 and 1300 to 1500. This crew member was given a written disciplinary notice.
Inspection on Jul 05, 2014 | Score: 95
Buffet-Moderno Salad Bar
The deck/counter base junctures were not coved and were soiled under the ring plates with food and debris. Staff stated that this area was going to be redone during the next November 2014 dry dock.
Galley-Moderno Dishwash
The wash temperature of the in-use flight-type conveyor dishwasher was 150°F in the tank and 145°F on the dishwasher gauge display. This temperature difference suggested that the gauge was not working properly.
Galley-Moderno Potwash
On the clean racks, a number of hotel pans were stored as clean but were soiled with grease and food remnants. Staff instructed the crew to rewash all the pans on the racks.
Bar-Java Cafe
The time control plan was not posted.
Medical-Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Log
The medical staff could not produce an exportable AGE log in the exact format found in Annex 13.2.2 of the 2011 VSP Operations Manual. The AGE log produced by the medical staff included an additional two columns for 'date medically cleared' and 'time medically cleared' before the underlying illness column.
Medical-Crew Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Reporting
A food employee experienced an onset of AGE symptoms on 28 June at 0600 but did not report to the medical center until 1320. The crew member did not work during this time but had lunch in the crew mess. A written disciplinary action was documented.
Medical-Specimen Containers
The specimen collection containers for bacterial agents expired in January 2014.
Potable Water-Monthly Microbiological Testing
Only two water samples for coliform testing were collected for each of the months of April and May.
Housekeeping-Engine Control Room Toilet
No sign was posted advising users to wash their hands.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control Program
The cross connection control log had one entry for the garbage room, a Watts 9D for the handwash sink and underneath deck tap. Upon inspection the backflow prevention device installed was a different dual check valve with intermediate air vent. Also, two additional dual check valve backflow prevention devices were installed for the wash hose at the sorting table. These two devices were not listed on the log.
Recreational Water Facilities-Counter Current Pool
The shepherd's hook was not long enough to reach the deepest part of the pool plus two feet.
Pantry-FSD 10-3-020
No backflow prevention device was provided for the ice machine. No internal air gap was found.
Children Area-Kid's Center
A storage container with large toys was soiled with dust and debris.
Children Area-Jungle Gym
Rope, which was absorbent and not easily cleanable, was an integral component of the jungle gym.
Galley-Garden Cafe Dishwash
The wash temperature of the in-use flight-type conveyor dishwasher was 146°F. The data plate required a minimum wash temperature of 160°F.
Galley-Garden Cafe Dishwash
There was heavy condensation collected on the deckhead at the soiled end of the in-use flight-type conveyor dishwasher.
Galley-Great Outdoors Dishwash
There was heavy condensation collected on the deckhead at the soiled end of the in-use flight-type conveyor dishwasher.
Galley-Great Outdoors Dishwash
The wash temperature of the in-use flight-type conveyor dishwasher was 164°F in the tank and 177°F on the dishwasher gauge display. This temperature difference suggested that the gauge was not working properly.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Island
The light intensity was less than 220 lux along the length of the consumer self-service counter.
Buffet-Great Outdoors
At the bread station, the handle of the serving utensil was touching the breads inside a basket. The breads were discarded.
Buffet-Great Outdoors Beverage Station
The light intensity was less than 220 lux along the length of the consumer self-service counter.
Buffet-Great Outdoors Buffet Line
The chlorine sanitizing solution in a bucket at the food employee side was more than 200 ppm.
Buffet-Egg Stations
The food employees making eggs cooked to order did not have food-sensitive thermometers. Staff stated that supervisors in the areas had one.
Galley-La Cucina Show Galley
The light intensity was less than 220 lux in front of the pizza oven.
Galley-La Cucina Show Galley
The front of the bulkheads to the sides of the pizza oven were made of brick that had very rough and difficult to clean surfaces. Staff stated that the brick wall was planned to be addressed during the next November 2014 dry dock.
Galley-Hot Galley
Some deck tiles had missing grout and pooled water under the tiles. Staff stated that most of the deck was going to be replaced or repaired during the next November 2014 dry dock.
Galley-Hot Galley
The undercounter technical compartment below the salamander had a hole on the bottom panel. Under the hole there were several inches of pooled water between the deck and the compartment's bottom panel. The stagnant water was emitting a foul odor.
Galley-Hot Galley
The previously cleaned food slicer had a heavy build-up of food residue under the slicer's backplate next to the exit path of the food from the slicer blade.
Buffet-Time Control Labeling
Containers of potentially hazardous foods under time control and placed on preparation counters were not labeled with the discard time. The outlet was open for less than 4 hours.
Galley-Top Siders
There was a seam around the grease drip tray chute of the grooved grill. The seam was difficult to clean.
Galley-Top Siders
Both deckhead-mounted cameras were soiled with grease. The area was not in operation and previously cleaned. Crew started to clean them immediately.
Bar-Top Siders
There were slotted fasteners in the food splash zone of the espresso machine. This was corrected.
Bar-Top Siders
The power cables to the counter-mounted blender and both point of sale machines were draped on the counter, making cleaning difficult. This was corrected.
Bar-Top Siders
The undercounter technical compartment below the counter-mounted mixer had a hole on the bottom panel. Under the hole there were several inches of pooled water between the deck and the compartment's bottom panel.
Food Service General-Ice Machines
There was no test kit or other method to determine the concentration of the sanitizing solution used to sanitize the ice machines. Staff presented to the inspector the chemicals used and they were quaternary ammonium compounds. Staff stated that the solutions were prepared according to the mixing instructions on the label.
Dining Room-Magenta Store Rooms
The decks of both china store rooms were soiled under the pallets and racks.
Galley-Le Bistro
There were two slotted fasteners in the food splash zone of the espresso machine.
Galley-Le Bistro
There were seams around the grease drip tray chutes of the grooved and flat grills. The seams were difficult to clean.
Galley-Le Bistro
On the clean racks, approximately 13 dishes and plates were stored as clean but were soiled with food remnants.
Galley-Magenta Galley
At the beverage station, the dispensing ports of the previously cleaned juice machine were soiled with juice residues and debris.
Galley-Magenta Galley
At the soup station, the faucet of the utility sink was continuously leaking.
Galley-Hot Galley & Waiter Pick-up Line
Multiple stacks of clean plates were not covered or inverted. The area was not in operation.
The handwashing station in front of the soiled drop-off area was blocked by carts and trash bins. This was corrected.
On the clean racks, a soup cup was stored as clean but was heavily soiled with food remnants. Also, several glasses were stored as clean but were soiled and the entire tray was sent to be rewashed.
The wash temperature of the in-use flight-type conveyor dishwasher was 144°F in the tank. The data plate required a minimum wash temperature of 160°F. In addition, the prewash and wash compartments had a large amount of food debris.
The prewash and wash compartments of the in-use flight-type conveyor dishwasher were flooded. It was determined that the overflow pipe was blocked by debris. This was corrected.
The data plate of the front-loading potwasher was in bad state of repair, making it difficult to clean and read.
Galley-Cold Pantry
All four cutting boards in the area were heavily scratched and scored, making them difficult to clean.
Galley-Cold Pantry
The previously cleaned food slicer had a slight build-up of food residue under the slicer's backplate next to the exit path of the food from the slicer blade.
Galley-Cagney's Dishwash
The heat exchanger compartment on top of the in-use rack-type dishwasher was continuously leaking large amounts of water to the inside of the washing and sanitizing compartments.
Containers of potentially hazardous foods under time control and placed on preparation counters were not labeled with the discard time. The outlet was open for less than 4 hours.
Inspection on Mar 03, 2014 | Score: 97
A tray of danishes, ultra pasteurized creamers and two carafes of coffee were stored on the counter below an x-ray developer and next to a blood sample spinner. Also, a soiled bowl with food residue was stored on top of these food items.
A soiled bowl with food residue was stored on top of a tray with danishes, ultra pasteurized creamers and two carafes of coffee on the counter.
Medical-Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Surveillance Log
During the cruise from February 26 to March 7, a passenger had six episodes of vomiting and no other symptoms. This person was indicated on the AGE log as a reportable case. The underlying illness for this passenger was indicated as 'none' on the AGE log. According to the medical staff, this person was indicated as a case because they were a close contact of another sick passenger and they had more than three episodes of vomiting.
Medical-24-hour and 4-hour reports
The 24-hour AGE report submitted on March 2 indicated there were six passengers and one crew member with reportable AGE, but according to the AGE log there was one crew member and five passengers with AGE. Also, the 4-hour AGE report submitted on March 2 indicated there was one crew member and seven passengers with reportable AGE, but according to the AGE log there was one crew member and six passengers with AGE.
Medical-AGE Definition
The medical staff did not understand the definition of an AGE case in the 2011 VSP Operations Manual. For example, during the cruise from February 26 to March 7, medical staff indicated a passenger as a reportable AGE case on the AGE log because they had six episodes of vomiting and they were a close contact of another passenger with AGE.
Medical-Crew Isolation
A nonfood worker had an onset of AGE on February 28 at 1300 of four loose stools, but did not report to medical until just after 1400 on the same day. According to their work record, this person worked from 1300 to 1400 on February 28.
Medical-Close Contacts
There were no interviews of any close contacts for a nonfood worker with an AGE illness onset on February 28. The documentation indicated this person was the only one living in their cabin, but there was no indication on whether this individual had any other close contacts or not.
Medical-Crew Isolation
A nonfood worker had an AGE illness onset of six episodes of diarrhea and two episodes of vomiting on February 19 at 2300, but did not report to medical until February 21 at 0500. According to their work record, this person worked from 0800 to 1200, from 1300 to 1830 and from 1900 to 0200 on February 20. This crew member was disciplined. It was unclear what kind of formal AGE training they had completed.
Medical-Close Contacts
Documentation indicated a nonfood worker with an AGE illness onset on February 19 at 2300 had two close contacts, but there were no interviews indicated. According to the medical staff, only the ill crew member was living in their cabin because their roommate moved out before they were ill, but this was not documented. Upon further review, the two close contacts for this individual could not be confirmed.
Potable Water-Striping
The overboard discharge line from all three evaporators was striped blue for potable water.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control List
There were no air gaps listed on the cross-connection control log. During the inspection, an air gap was found on the drain line for the two mineralizers and on the potable water supply line to the compensation tanks of the hydropool, the garden whirlpools, and the male and female tubs in the spa.
Recreational Water Facilities-Fecal Accident Log
The fecal accident procedures indicated the cartridge filters should be replaced after a formed or loose fecal or vomit accident. After at least three fecal accidents since the last inspection, the logs indicated a written time by staff next to the words 'Back flush filter time'. According to staff, the time written indicated when the cartridge filters were replaced, but this was not clear when reviewing the form. Also, on November 21, after a loose stool accident occurred, there was no record the cartridge filter had been replaced.
Recreational Water Facilities-Male and Female Tubs
There was only one sample line and one data logger to monitor the residual halogen and pH levels for both of the male and both of the female one-person tubs in the spa. Documentation provided to the inspector indicated that additional equipment had been ordered on January 24, including enough data loggers and sample line parts to properly monitor each tub. The documentation indicated the expected delivery date would be April 2014. This was written on the previous inspection.
Recreational Water Facilities-Male and Female Tubs
There was only one flow meter installed for both of the male and both of the female one-person tubs. Also, there was only one turnover rate calculated for all four of the one-person tubs.
Recreational Water Facilities-Main Pool Pax #1
This swimming pool had a waterfall, indicating it was an interactive water facility, and the turnover rate was 2.24 hours.
Potable Water-Potable Water Hoses
The labeling of the top two potable water hoses in the potable water hose locker was not readable.
The cleaning locker was not labeled 'Cleaning Materials Only' or identified as a cleaning locker.
Integrated Pest Management-Active Surveillance Log
When pests were found in an area and indicated on the active surveillance log, it was not clear what the follow-up inspection results were. For example, under the follow-up column of the log, staff selected the 'repeat' option from the drop down menu when the treatment of the pests was completed and no more follow-up of the area was needed. According to staff, the only options to document the follow-up inspection results were 'first', 'follow-up', and 'repeat'. Documentation was provided to the inspector indicating the corporate office is already working on solving this issue.
Galley-Grand Pacific
The light intensity was less than 110 lux behind the combination ovens and less than 220 lux at the handwash station. This was not identified on the light intensity report.
Galley-Cold Pantry
The light intensity was less than 110 lux to the right of the pizza oven. This was not identified on the light intensity report.
Galley-Grand Pacific - Beverage Station
When the inspector arrived to inspect the ice machine, the front panel of the machine had been placed on the deck. This panel was immediately taken to be cleaned and sanitized.
Galley-Grand Pacific - Beverage Station
Inside of the ice machine, there was a small amount of debris on the outside of the cuber panel hinges.
Dining Room-Grand Pacific
The light intensity could not be raised to at least 220 lux for cleaning operations at all of the waiter stations, including the small rectangular waiter stations. This was not identified on the light intensity report.
Galley-Cagney's Steakhouse
The light intensity was less than 220 lux at the preparation counter to the right of the microwave. This was not identified on the light intensity report. A cutting board was in use at this location.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Dessert Line
The outside of the decorative glass jars were soiled with dust and debris of more than one day's accumulation.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Ice Cream Machine
The light intensity was less than 110 lux between the ice cream machine and the bulkhead. This was not identified on the light intensity report.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Beverage Stations
Three slotted fasteners were inside the water dispensing chutes at both ice/water machines.
Galley-Entrance from Garden Cafe Beverage Stations
A wiping cloth was draped over the side of a bucket of sanitizing solution.
Food Service General-Warewash Machines
The ship had two models of conveyor and flight-type dishwash and glasswash machines. For model number FTN8/52SADS4_US, the electronic control panels only indicated the wash and final rinse temperatures, but it was confirmed these warewash machines did have rinse tanks. Staff explained to the inspector and showed manufacturer specifications to indicate this model was only equipped with temperature sensors in the wash and final rinse tanks, and not in the rinse tank. The manufacturer's data plate was posted at each machine, which indicated a rinse temperature of 160°F minimum should be reached. This model was observed at the Garden Cafe conveyor dishwash machine and the Crew Galley flight-type glasswash and dishwash machines. This was written on the last inspection. No documentation of any follow-up action was shown to the inspector.
Galley-Garden Cafe - Potwash Area
The manufacturer's data plate was not posted at the hood-type potwash machine. This was immediately corrected.
Galley-Garden Cafe - Potwash Area
Deck tile grout was missing and recessed around the hood-type potwash machine.
Galley-Garden Cafe - Cold Galley
One pan of diced ham and one pan of cut tomatoes were on time control and had 4-hour discard times stating 10:30 a.m. At 10:35 a.m. these items were still in the counter cold well.
Galley-Garden Cafe - Warewash Area
Below the flight-type glasswash machine, water constantly dripped from below the final rinse compartment of the machine, resulting in water pooling on the deck. Staff stated this was a leaking steam pipe.
Galley-Magenta - Hot Galley
The light intensity was less than 110 lux behind the center area of both combination ovens. This was not identified on the light intensity report.
Galley-Moderno / Blue Lagoon
A mop bucket and mop handle were stored near the garbage chute. There was no mop head attached to the handle.
Galley-Moderno / Blue Lagoon
Inside of the ice machine, there was a small amount of debris on the outside of the cuber panel hinges.
Bar-Sushi Bar
A spray bottle of Rely-On was hanging on the handwash station waste receptacle. Staff stated this solution was to be used for guest's tables and soft surfaces in the Orchid Garden area.
Galley-Orchid Galley
Five of the ten previously cleaned wine buckets were stored inverted and wet nested on the counter next to the espresso machine. Staff stated the buckets were used the previous night and were cleaned at the end of the service period. The wet buckets were placed in the clean storage area for proper air drying.
Galley-Warewash Machines
The left and second to right upper final rinse spray nozzles of the glasswash machine and the right upper final rinse spray nozzle of the dishwash machine were blocked, creating ineffective spray patterns. A repairman was called to the area to repair all of the spray nozzles.
Other-Deck 3 - Potwash Area
The hot water sanitizing compartment of the three-compartment sink had a white substance on the top of the hot water surface. It could not be determined what this substance was. The water was drained from the sanitizing compartment and the compartment was cleaned and sanitized.
Inspection on Jul 20, 2013 | Score: 100
Galley-Door Leading to Staff Mess
The handwash station did not have a waste receptacle when the inspector washed his hands.
Galley-Toilet Room
The lock on the toilet room door was extended out so the toilet room door was not completely closed.
The data plates on both the dishwash and glasswash machines had conveyer speed listed as 180 racks per hour.
Galley-Clean Storage Rack
Three coffee cups were stored with food residue on the inside food-contact surface on the clean storage rack in the warewashing area.
Galley-Glasswash Machine
The top right spray nozzle on the horizontal final rinse manifold was clogged with food residue and not producing an effective spray pattern. This was corrected immediately by staff.
Buffet-Starboard Ice Machine
The gasket around the white cover protecting the ice inside the technical compartment was soiled with mold and dirt.
Preparation Room-Poultry
One yellow cutting board was scored and scratched and no longer easily cleanable.
Provisions-Vegetable Store Room
There was a leak in the deckhead over the portside aft area walkway. The water was not dripping on any food but it was pooling in the second light fixture from the end.
Provisions-Vegetable Store Room
The deckhead seam above the portside aft walkway was soiled with a grayish/brown substance.
Preparation Room-Hot Buffet
The light intensity behind the two self-cooking ovens was less than 110 lux.
Preparation Room-Main Oven
The light intensity behind the main oven was less than 110 lux.
Preparation Room-Handwash sink next to stove
The water temperature for the handwash sink was measured at 136°F.
Medical-Acute Gastronenteritis (AGE) Log
Medical staff was writing AGE in the underlying illness column for every patient
Medical-Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Log
There was no documented follow-up after the initial 8 hour interview with one of the cabin mates for an ill crew member on 6/25. It was later determined the cabin mate signed-off and disembarked after the 8 hour interview.
Galley-La Cocina Galley
The backflow preventer on the water supply line to combination steamer oven #126103 was constantly leaking from the air relief valve indicating possible failure.
Galley-La Cocina Show Galley
The light level on either side of the deck pizza oven was not at 110 lux. A new light had been added at the rear of the oven improving the visibility in this area. Additional lights for the sides were on order.
The backflow preventer on the water supply line to combination steamer oven #085271 was constantly leaking from the air relief valve indicating possible failure. Plumbers replaced this malfunctioning unit while the inspection team was still in this galley.
Bar-Bali Hi
A first aid kit was found stored with beverage containers in a food cabinet. The kit was moved to a non-food area of this pantry.
Bar-Bali Hi
One carbonator had a slight leak from the air relief vent indicating a possible failure. The other carbonator had a similar leak, but the vent connection was pointing in an upward direction. The attached hose had water collecting at the hose valve juncture.
Potable Water-Evaporators
At the three evaporators used for potable water production, the brine lines were painted blue indicating potable water.
Recreational Water Facilities-Filter Housing & Strainer Disinfection
Staff documented that filters, filter housings, hair and lint strainers and hair and lint strainer housings on the RWFs were cleaned and disinfected, but there was no documentation regarding the disinfectant concentration or contact time. There was a sample wording with concentration and contact time in front of the binder but it was not an instruction for the procedure.
Recreational Water Facilities-Data Loggers - Spa Whirlpools
Each individual RWF did not have electronic data loggers for pH and halogen measurements. There was a combined system for jacuzzi #1 (whirlpool spa) and whirlpools #1 to #4 (hot tubs for 1 person each in the spa). There was a data logger for jacuzzi #1, one data logger for whirlpools #1 and #2, and one data logger for whirlpools #3 and #4.
Recreational Water Facilities-Safety Signs
The safety signs for the hydro pool, jacuzzi #1, and whirlpools #1 to #4 had no warning against the use of the facilities if experiencing vomiting, diarrhea, vomiting, or fever, no bather load information, and no caution against exceeding 15 minutes of exposure. Staff stated that old signs were posted.
Housekeeping-Hotel Store FSP-10-3-024
A plastic container with several soiled glasses taken from the cabins during turnaround cleaning procedures were stored in this room instead of in a proper dishwash area.
Food Service General-Conveyor Dishwashers
The rinse temperature did not appear on the control panel of many of the main conveyor type dishwashers. It did show in the main galley dishwasher that was operating.
Inspection on Nov 16, 2012 | Score: 93
Potable Water-Striping
The distillate line for the three evaporators was not striped blue/gray/blue up until the chlorine injection point. Also, the permeate line for the reverse osmosis system was not striped blue/gray/blue up until the chlorine injection point.
Recreational Water Facilities-Bather Loads
The bather loads for the RWFs were not calculated according to the 2011 VSP Operations Manual.
Recreational Water Facilities-Turnover Rates
There were no documented turnover rates for the RWFs.
Recreational Water Facilities-Sample Lines
The sample lines were not installed correctly for the RWFs except for the Pax 1 pool, Pax 2 pool, and the hydropool. According to the ship's documentation, the sample lines are expected to be corrected by the end of December 2012.
Children Area-Toilet Rooms
There was more than 22 inches between the step stool and the handwashing sink in the girls' toilet room. Also, there was more than 11 inches from the deck to the toilet seats in the boys' and girls' toilet rooms and there was no step stool available.
Medical-Potable Water Samples
There were only three potable water samples collected and analyzed in May 2012.
Medical-Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Log
At least one passenger was dispensed antidiarrheal medication during the cruise from November 2, 2012 to November 15, 2012 and was not recorded on the AGE log.
Medical-Crew Reporting
There was one non-food worker with an onset of AGE symptoms at 12:40 p.m. on October 5, 2012 that did not report to medical until 8:00 p.m. the same day. According to their time card, they worked before and after reporting to medical. A food worker with an AGE illness onset on October 7, 2012 at 8:17 p.m. did not report to medical until October 8, 2012 at 8:50 a.m. According to their time card, they did not work while symptomatic. There was one non-food worker with an AGE illness onset at 7:00 a.m. on October 23, 2012 that did not report to medical until October 26, 2012 at 8:00 p.m. This individual worked every day they were sick until they reported to medical.
A 4 hour report was not submitted during the cruise from October 20, 2012 to November 2, 2012 when there was one additional case after the 24 hour report was submitted. The percentage of crew or passengers sick was less than 2 percent.
Recreational Water Facilities-Data Logger
There was an instruction manual for the electronic data logger system, but it could not be verified if it had certified data security features.
Integrated Pest Management-Follow-up Inspections
There were no follow-up inspection results for pests found during several months since the last inspection. For example, on November 8, 2012 pests were found in a container of mushrooms, on November 9, 2012 pests were found in Cafe station #2, on October 22, 2012 pests were found in the deck 3 bakery, and on September 29, 2012, pests were found in cabin #9020. This was noted on the previous inspection.
Housekeeping-Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan (OPRP)
The OPRP did not contain information on how to protect passengers from exposure to disinfectants.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Cereal Station
The bottom of the container holding clean spoons for passenger self-service had a buildup of dust and lint. The spoons and the container were sent to be cleaned and sanitized.
Food Service General-Consumer Advisory
The consumer advisories posted at the self-service buffet lines were not specific to the food item that was being served raw or undercooked such as eggs, fish, and burgers. This was noted on the previous inspection. According to the ship, the signs were ordered but have not arrived yet.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Asian Station
Bowls of diced green onions and ginger were not adequately protected by the sneeze guard. The bowls were moved under the sneeze guard. Also, the bowl of sliced ginger did not have its own dedicated serving utensil.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Pastry Island
A plastic tub of food being discarded was placed on the deck.
The final sanitizing rinse temperature of the in-use flight-type dishwash machine failed to reach 160°F at the plate surface when measured by the inspector using an irreversible temperature indicator. The inspector continued to test the machine using different methods but still did not reach 160°F at the plate surface after several attempts. The crew's thermometer had readings above 165°F using the same methods, but when the inspector tried to calibrate the crew's thermometer to ensure its accuracy, the crew's thermometer stopped working. A different crew thermometer was calibrated and used in the re-testing of the machine once the temperature of the final sanitizing rinse had been increased and the temperature at the plate surface was measured above 160°F using both the crew and inspector's thermometers.
Galley-La Cucina Show Galley
There was no soap at the handwashing sink.
Buffet-Great Outdoor Beverage Station
The underside panel to the right of the coffee dispensing nozzle of the right coffee machine was missing, creating an absorbent and hard to clean surface in the food-splash zone.
Food Service General-Slotted Fasteners
Slotted fasteners were found on the mixing arm of the deck- and counter-mounted mixers in the bakery, main garde manger, and the appetizer section of the bistro galley. This was noted during the last inspection. The slotted fasteners in the bakery and appetizer section were also soiled with old food residue.
Food Service General-Slotted Fasteners
There were several slotted fasteners soiled with old food residue on the counter-mounted mixers in the bakery and in the appetizer section of the bistro galley.
Galley-Bistro Galley
A broom was stored behind the deck-mounted ice machine.
A previously cleaned and sanitized small hotel pan had dried food residue on the food contact surface.
Galley-Grand Pacific Dishwash
The first and fourth spray nozzles from the left on the final rinse manifold of the flight-type dishwash machine did not have an effective spray pattern during active use. This was corrected.
Buffet-Crew Mess
A sanitizer bucket was found to have less than 50 PPM of chlorine residual.
Galley-Port Dishwash
The spray nozzles on the final rinse manifold in the conveyor dishwash machine were not producing an effective spray pattern. This was corrected.
Preparation Room-Potwash
A bag of tools being used by an electrician was placed in the handwashing sink.
Galley-Cagney's Show Galley
A tray of cooked risotto was cooling during the inspection, but was not recorded on the cooling log.
Food Service General-Lighting
The light intensity was less than 110 lux behind and around several deck- and counter-mounted equipment throughout the food service areas. These areas and equipment included: combination ovens at the hot line of the Garden Cafe, pizza oven at La Cucina show galley, Great Outdoor buffet and crew galley; beverage station #3 at Garden Cafe; starboard side beverage station in crew mess; ice machines in Cagney's Steakhouse galley and all deck pantries. The ship had a plan to install more lighting, but it did not include most of these locations nor did it address time frames of when the additional lighting would be installed. This was noted during the last inspection.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Burger Station
The light intensity was less than 220 lux at the right side of the buffet counter near the french fry warming well.
Inspection on Apr 24, 2012 | Score: 97
Provisions-Deck 3 - Pastry Box Freezer
The deckhead light in the back left corner was not working which resulted in less than 110 lux of light.
Provisions-Deck 3 - Pastry Box Freezer
The bulkhead and deckhead near the condenser had an accumulation of ice build-up.
Food Service General-Deck and Counter Mounted Mixers
Slotted fasteners were observed on the mixing arm of deck and counter mounted mixers in several food preparation areas. These locations included: the Bakery (3 mixers), Main Galley Pantry (1 mixer), Main Galley Soup Station (1 mixer), and Le Bistro Galley (1 mixer).
Food Service General-Lighting
There was less than 110 lux of light behind and beside many pieces of deck and counter-mounted equipment throughout the food areas. Equipment included: deck mounted ovens, deck mounted ice machines, and counter mounted equipment at beverage stations.
Preparation Room-
An apple was observed on the deck in the back corner underneath the prep table next to the deck mounted oven.
Preparation Room-Potato Tumbler
The rough liner insert for the potato tumbler was torn causing the area around the tear to fray. The liner was replaced during the inspection.
Galley-Deck 12 - Potwash
Soiled pots and pans were observed being loaded into a green soiled laundry trolley at the potwash station by several crew members. The crew stated that they were going to transfer some of the soiled pots and pans to be cleaned in the Main Galley potwash on deck 6. The soiled linen trolley had to be pushed from one end of the galley to the other in order to get to the potwash station. No active food prep was taking place in the area at this time. The pots and pans were removed from the soiled linen trolley and placed in a proper trolley to be transported to the Main Galley potwash. In addition, soiled pots and pans were being stored on preparation tables near the potwash due to the lack of soiled storage space.
Galley-Deck 12 - Potwash
Soiled pots and pans were observed being loaded into a green soiled laundry trolley at the potwash station by several crew members. The crew stated that they were going to transfer some of the soiled pots and pans to be cleaned in the Main Galley potwash on deck 6. The soiled linen trolley had to be pushed from one end of the galley to the other in order to get to the potwash station. No active food prep was taking place in the area at this time. The pots and pans were removed from the soiled linen trolley and placed in a proper trolley to be transported to the Main Galley potwash. In addition, soiled pots and pans were being stored on preparation tables near the potwash due to the lack of soiled storage space.
Food Service General-Counsumer Advisories
Consumer advisories located at the self-service buffet outlets did not indicate the specific food that was offered either raw or undercooked.
Food Service General-Time Control Plans
Most of the posted time control plans did not indicate how the food was being identified for discard when the service time was greater than 4 hours.
Buffet-Great Outdoors
Stacks of plates set out at the buffet line were not inverted.
Buffet-Great Outdoors
A container of cooked potatoes at the passenger self-service line did not have its own dedicated food dispensing utensil.
Condensate was observed collecting and dripping at the soiled landing of the flight-type dishwash.
Galley-Deck 6 - Pantry Galley
A continuous pressure backflow preventer was leaking at the potable water connection to the deck mounted steam oven. This device was replaced during the inspection.
Recreational Water Facilities-Automatic Sampling / Monitoring
The swimming pools and spa pools have been set up for automatic sampling and monitoring of the free halogen residual using individual analyzer and data logging systems. The whirlpool spas and spa area individual soak tubs are still in the process of installing the appropriate monitoring systems, as now required in the 2011 VSP Operations Manual.
Recreational Water Facilities-Antientrapment Protection
The ship is still in the process of providing antientrapment drain covers that meet the design and marking requirements for the swimming pools and spa pool, as now required in the 2011 VSP Operations Manual.
Potable Water-Technical Water / Potable Water Connection
The reduced pressure backflow preventer protecting the potable water system from the technical water system had a constant drip from the air relief vent indicating a possible malfunction.
Integrated Pest Management-Follow-up Inspection Results
After a pest problem has been detected and corrected, the ship's records do not include statements about the follow-up inspection results, as required in the 2011 VSP Operations manual.
Inspection on Oct 09, 2011 | Score: 100
Recreational Water Facilities-Shepherd's Hook
The shepherd's hook at the recreation water facilities had to be telescoped to reach the center of the deepest part of the pool. Repairs to the shepherd's hooks to make them non-telescoping were completed during the inspection. (New)
Housekeeping-Deck Pantries - General
Almost all of the portable plastic ice bins had small plugs missing from the hinge area of the liner exposing difficult to clean foam insulation material.
Housekeeping-Deck Pantry - Ceck 12
A light brown liquid was observed in the bottom of a stored, previously-cleaned portable plastic ice bin.
Recreational Water Facilities-Halogen and pH Analyzer Probe Locations
The sample line locations for free halogen residual and pH probes for all recreational water facilities were located after the compensation tank. Documentation was observed that showed this work has been scheduled. (New)
Recreational Water Facilities-Hair and Lint Strainer and Filter Housing
There were no records of the sanitizer concentration used to disinfect the hair and lint strainer nor the filter housing. (New)
Recreational Water Facilities-Signage
The recreational water facility signage did not meet the current requirements of the 2011 VSP manual. New signs have been ordered. (New)
Buffet-Garden Cafe Beverage Station
A few coffee mugs placed out for service were soiled. The mugs were taken to the dishwash machine.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Service Line
The grooved grill was soiled. This equipment had not been used for a few days.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Service Line
The light cover above the grooved grill was soiled with dead flies.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Hot Line
Two live flies were observed in the area below the flat grill. The buffet was open at the time of the inspection.
Galley-Garden Cafe Dishwash
Excess condensation was noted on the deckhead at the soiled end of the dishwash machine. Condensation was dripping onto the soiled landing. The machine was in use at the time of the inspection.
Galley-Garden Cafe Cold Room
The water temperature of the handwash station to the left of the cold room measured 147°F using the inspector's thermometer. The water temperature was properly adjusted.
Food Service General-Mounted Equipment
The light intensity was below 110 lux behind and around a lot of the mounted equipment in the food preparation areas. (New)
Galley-Cagney's Steakhouse
The round plastic panel in the upper interior of the microwave was not completely secured. Staff replaced the missing fasteners, securing the panel.
Bar-Java Cafe
A wiping cloth was draped over the side of the container of sanitizing solution. The wiping cloth was placed in the sanitizing solution
Pantry-Spinnaker Bar
The locking mechanism on the outside of the entry door was missing, exposing a hole.
*General Comment-OPS Manual 2011
This inspection report notes (New) at the end of the items were they were associated with new or changed manual items.
Inspection on Jun 26, 2011 | Score: 97
Provisions-Beverage Cold Room
Three beer kegs were stored on the deck.
Galley-Cold Pantry
There was no manufacturer's data plate on the undercounter warewash machine.
Food Service General-Combination Ovens
There were slotted fasteners around the interior light boxes in the combination ovens.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Pasta Station
The top center surfaces of the four induction cookers were peeling and rough.
Buffet-Great Outdoors
A container of sanitizing solution was measured at less than 50 ppm chlorine. The area was closed at the time of the inspection. The solution was removed.
Other-D13 Store Room - Outside Cagney's Galley
Boxes of beverages were stored on a deck stand that was less than 6 inches (150 mm) above the deck.
There were gaps and seams around the four refrigerant lines where they penetrated the back of the technical compartment for undercounter refrigerator #8.
Bar-Jave Cafe
A container of sanitizing solution was measured at less than 50 ppm chlorine. The area was open at the time of the inspection. The solution was replaced.
Medical-Crew Members Reporting
During two recent cruises, five crew members had onsets of gastrointestinal illness (GI) symptoms and worked while symptomatic before reporting to the medical center. An assistant cook had an onset of GI symptoms on 12 June at 18:30, but did not report to the medical center until 13 June at 17:48. A restaurant stewardess had an onset of GI symptoms on 15 June at 23:00, but did not report to the medical center until 16 June at 16:25. An assistant cook had an onset of GI symptoms on 17 June at 06:00, but did not report to the medical center until 18 June at 10:00. A massage therapist had an onset of GI symptoms on 5 June at 11:00, but did not report to the medical center until 5 June at 20:45. A hairdresser had an onset of GI symptoms on 6 June at 10:00, but did not report to the medical center until 7 June at 13:45. For all of these crew members, their time cards were reviewed to verify work history on these dates.
Medical-Food Workers Reporting
During the 12-19 June 2011 cruise, three food workers had onsets of gastrointestinal illness (GI) symptoms and worked while symptomatic before reporting to the medical center. An assistant cook had an onset of GI symptoms on 12 June at 18:30, but did not report to the medical center until 13 June at 17:48. A restaurant stewardess had an onset of GI symptoms on 15 June at 23:00, but did not report to the medical center until 16 June at 16:25. An assistant cook had an onset of GI symptoms on 17 June at 06:00, but did not report to the medical center until 18 June at 10:00. For all of these crew members, their time cards were reviewed to verify work history on these dates.
Inspection on Nov 22, 2010 | Score: 100
There was an ill (acute gastroenteritis) cabin steward on the voyage from 10/30 - 11/13. The initial and 24 hour verbal interviews with the asymptomatic cabin mates/close contacts were conducted and recorded. There was no record that the 48 hour verbal interview was conducted.
Potable Water-Engine Room (FZ4 - Compartment 10)
The hot water lines for the handwash sinks were not stripped blue.
Potable Water-Mineralizers
The backflow prevention device/method for the mineralizer discharge could not be located and there was no listing for these units in the cross-connection control program. Per staff, the backflow prevention method is an air gap.
Potable Water-Tank Maintenance
Tanks 6P and 5S were inspected and cleaned on 11/18 and 5/21 respectively. There was no indication of the disinfection concentration and contact time in the work summary notes.
DO NOT USE (whirlpool/spa)-Garden Villa
The vessel variance allows the for an increase in the free halogen level to 10.0 mg/L and circulation for a minimum of one hour in this spa every 7 days. The free halogen level was increased to >10.0 mg/L and circulated for a minimum of one hour on 11/5. On 11/11, the spa was emptied and closed due to bad weather and remained closed through 11/13. Per the records, the spa was cleaned, filled, rinsed, drained and then refilled on 11/13. There was no indication that the free halogen level was increased to a minimum of 10.0 mg/L and circulated for a minimum of one hour.
Provisions-Haggen Daas Freezer
Some of the sealant was peeling along the deckhead profile strips near the entrance door.
Preparation Room-
Some areas of the dough roller canvas sheet were torn, making cleaning difficult.
The inside of all the line 1 beer taps were soiled. Two of these taps were in use at the time of the inspection. Staff immediately removed, washed, rinsed, and sanitized the taps.
The door leading to the pantry was propped open.
Inspection on Jan 03, 2010 | Score: 99
Potable Water-Distribution - Far Point Records
There was no record of daily calibration of the halogen analyzer on the charts or in a logbook.
Potable Water-Bunker Station Area
The potable water lines to the handwash station were not striped blue.
Potable Water-Production Records
On 12/10/2009, the ship was producing water for most the day, however, there was no 4-hour halogen recording for two consecutive 4-hour periods (following the 1515 measurement). It appeared from other ship's records that the evaporators were operating.
Potable Water-Cross Connection Control Program.
The chemical dispensers attached to warewash machines in the galleys were not listed in the cross-connection control program. The T&S backflow prevention devices on the bucket fills in the main galley were not listed. The T&S atmospheric vacuum breakers that were in the written program were listed as Watts N9C 's. None of the Watts 288A's on the chemical dispensers were in the cross-connection control program listing. The Swisher chemical dispenser air gaps were not listed as well.
Potable Water-Cross Connection Control Program
The soda machines in the food service areas were listed as Watts 9DM2. However the soda machines were equipped with Watts N9 devices. This is a repeat from the last inspection.
The ship did not have the required 10 bacterial transport media on board.
Food Service General-
The letter from MacKnight Seafood stated that" the smoked salmon supplied to city foods" had been frozen to the time and temperature required for parasite destruction. The vessel, according to the provisions master, was getting the smoked salmon directly from MacKnight Seafood.
Preparation Room-Fish Preparation
Raw fish was stored over cooked shrimp and cooked crawfish in the walk-in refrigeration unit. This was corrected.
Preparation Room-Pastry
There was no entry in the cooling logs for the lemon pie, flan and flavored creme brule in the walk-in refrigeration unit. The lemon pie was made with eggs whites.
Food Service General-
The logging of cooked spaghetti began at 70°F. There was no entry for this product to show that it had been properly cooled from 140°F to 70°F. The individual who prepared this item explained that it had been cooled on ice right after cooking.
Other-Deck 6 Magenta Dining Room
Bins of food equipment and boxes were stored directly on the deck, making cleaning of the deck difficult.
Galley-Starboard Aft Dishwash Area
The water fountain had a leak and was turned off from the potable water line supply valve.
Buffet-Deck 12 Garden Cafe
The anti-rolling bars for the hot holding induction units were on the deck.
Galley-Blue Lagoon
Ground beef patties were stored over steaks in the walk-in refrigeration unit. This was corrected.
Food Service General-
There were rough edges on many of the under counter refrigeration unit handles. This was noted in the galley, preparation rooms, pantries and bars.
The logs for the main galley warewash machine stated that the wash temperature should be between 120-150°F. The training manual also stated that the wash temperature should be a minimum of 120°F and a maximum of 150°F. When questioned the worker in the dishwash area stated that the wash temperature should be between 120°F and 150°F. The minimum wash temperature posted on the units by the manufacturer was 150°F. The data plates made on the vessel had a minimum posted temperature of 160°F. The temperatures for the unit were all at or above 150°F.
Illness Outbreaks: Details
Norovirus Outbreak on Nov 16, 2013
Symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea
In response to the outbreak, Norwegian Cruise Line and the crew aboard the ship took the following actions:Increased cleaning and disinfection procedures according to their outbreak prevention and response plan,Collected stool specimens from ill passengers and crew for testing at CDC’s National Calicivirus Laboratory,Made announcements to both notify onboard passengers and crew of the outbreak and encourage case reporting,Made reports of gastrointestinal illness cases to the VSP twice daily,Consulted with CDC on plans for: Passenger notification procedures and turnaround plans scheduled to take place in New York City, New York on November 25, 2013, andDisembarkation plans for active cases, terminal and transport infection control procedures.CDC Vessel Sanitation Program officers are monitoring the outbreak and providing support to both the ship and the cruise line; monitoring and support will continue into the subsequent voyage as is VSP’s standard practice. Specimens were sent to the CDC lab for testing.
Serious crimes and injuries on cruise ships that make port in the U.S. are required to be reported to the Coast Guard. Smaller-scale crimes and thefts are reported to local police authorities (if reported at all). Incidents and inspections from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Crimes & Incidents
Coast Guard Inspections
Deficiencies (found in 14 inspections).
Coast Guard Inspections: Details
Inspection on May 04, 2015
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Nov 06, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on May 19, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on May 12, 2014
Fire Fighting
74SOLAS (04 CONS. ED) CH. II-2 REG. 4.4.2 - Waste receptacles shall be constructed of non-combustible materials. Two waste receptacles in the crew bar on deck 5 (MVZ 6) were found to be constructed of combustible material and contained paper waste.
Fire Fighting
74SOLAS (04 CONS. ED) CH.II-2 REG 13.1.2 - Escape Routes shall be maintained in a safe condition, clear of obstacles. The athwartship passageway aft of the hospital space was found obstructed by the stowage of two gurneys.
Fire Fighting
74SOLAS (04' CONS ED) CH. II-2 REG. - Fire doors in main vertical zone bulkheads shall be self closing and capable of closing between 10 and 40 seconds. FSD 06-6-087 did not close when released.
74SOLAS (09) CH. III Reg. 19.2.1 - Crew members shall be familiar with all assigned duties assigned during emergency procedures. Lifeboat crews in lifeboats 4 and 14 could not demonstrate the ability to rig the tiller or dewater the lifeboat.
74SOLAS(09) CH. III REG. 34, LSA CODE CH. IV REG. - All lifesaving appliances shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Code. Suitable hand holds shall be provided or a buoyant lifeline shall be becketed around the outside of the lifeboat above the waterline and within reach of a person in the water. Outboard grab lines on port side tender boats were found to be not as designed.
Inspection on Dec 13, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Nov 14, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on May 13, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Mar 19, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Mar 05, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Nov 16, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on May 11, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Nov 13, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on May 06, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Nov 13, 2010
No deficiencies found
Crimes & Incidents: Details
May 17, 2015
Drowning : 1 death
A 10-year-old girl drowned in a swimming pool aboard the Norwegian Gem while the cruise ship was 75 miles east of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, headed from New York to the Bahamas.
Source: Media ReportsSep 18, 2014
Personnel Casualties : 1 death
Sector Boston received notification that a passenger had passed away on board the M/V NORWEGIAN GEM while enroute from Bar Harbor, ME, to Boston, MA, on 18 September at approximately 0658. Medical examiner confirmed death was from natural causes.
Source: US Coast GuardAug 24, 2013
While mooring, the Passenger Vessel struck Pier 88/90 in Manhattan harder than anticipated causing superficial damage to the hull of the passenger vessel and actual damage to the facility.
Source: US Coast GuardNov 22, 2011
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
At 1930Z on 22 November 2011, 3rd Engineer onboard C/S NORWEGIAN GEM injured his left thumb when it was caught between the fire screen door and door frame. Accident caused partial amputation of left thumb. Crew member was initially treated at onboard medical facility and subsequently disembarked for further medical treatment.
Source: US Coast GuardJan 07, 2011
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
Passenger was descending the midship staircase from deck 10 to deck 9 when he missed the last two steps and fell causing a left leg distal fibula fracture.
Source: US Coast GuardNov 15, 2010
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
Received report from M/V NORWEGIAN GEM that a passenger suffered a broken ankle after slipping while leaving the pool area on deck 12. Passenger was removed from the vessel and transported to the local hospital.
Source: US Coast GuardFeb 13, 2010
Incident Investigation
Involved in a Marine Investigation (non-casualty)
Source: US Coast GuardCREDITS & SOURCES
Illustrations: Josh Cochran, special to ProPublica. Data: Coast Guard Port State Information eXchange, Coast Guard Incident Investigative Reports, Coast Guard Marine Casualties & Pollution Data, IMO GISIS Marine Casualties, CDC Inspections & Deficiencies, CDC Outbreaks, CruisePage Man Overboard List, Local crime reports gathered by reporters Lynn Walsh & Dan Krauth, other local crime reports. Photos: VesselFinder. Icons: Jessica Lock, Juan Pablo Bravo,Hans Gerhard Meier.
1Details in these illustrations are inspired by David Foster Wallace's A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again. References to his seven night experience aboard the Nadir are hidden throughout. How many have you seen? Psst. Here are the answers.