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Federal health inspectors from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention inspect cruise ships twice a year, checking everything from kitchen equipment to dishwasher temperatures, and grade ships based on what they find. A score below 86 is considered failing. Cruise ships are also required to report all illness outbreaks affecting more than 3% of passengers or crew to the CDC. Inspections and outbreaks from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Health Scores & Inspections
Health Score: Mar 2012
Highest: 100 | Lowest: 92
Deficiencies (found in 5 inspections).
Illness Outbreaks
Health Scores & Inspections: Details
Inspection on Mar 25, 2012 | Score: 97
Buffet-Lido Forward Port Beverage Station Line #2
There was one small live fly on the ice cream machine near the right dispensing nozzle. This area was open but the machine was not in use during the inspection.
Buffet-Lido Aft Starboard Line #1
There was one small live fly over the cold smoked salmon on the buffet line. This area was open and in use during the inspection.
Buffet-Lido Forward Starboard Beverage Station #1
There were excessive coffee grounds on the deck surrounding the drain line in the technical compartment under the coffee machine.
Food Service General-Consumer Advisories
The sign at the lido buffet outlet did not indicate the cold smoked salmon could be served undercooked. The sign at the buffet did include a consumer advisory statement. Also, the menu for Cagney's had a consumer advisory statement but the steaks that could be served undercooked were not identified with asterisks. On the Shogun menu, categories of raw and undercooked foods were identified with asterisks.
Buffet-Lido Italian Line #2
The vent on the backflow prevention device installed on the hood cleaning cabinet was blocked with a metal device used to collect excess detergent. The metal device was removed during the inspection.
Buffet-Lido Forward Port Beverage Station Line #2
There was one small live fly in the technical compartment under the coffee machine. This area was open but not in use during the inspection.
Buffet-Lido Forward Port Beverage Station Line #2
There were excessive coffee grounds on the deck surrounding the waste drain in the technical compartment under the coffee machine.
Food Service General-Time Control Plans
The time control plans in all of the food areas stated the meal end times. According to the staff, the meal end times were not the same as the discard times. All food on time control was labeled with the correct discard time during the inspection.
There was excess condensation collecting on the deckhead above the soiled landings of both the glasswash and in use flight type conveyor warewash machine. No clean items were impacted.
There was less than 110 lux of light intensity behind the two deck-mounted double stacked ovens and on the right bulkhead side of the two time control compartments.
Preparation Room-
The in use white cutting board adjacent to the deck-mounted mixer had several scratches and scores.
Preparation Room-
There were slotted fasteners in the food splash zone of the small deck-mounted mixer.
Food Service General-Chilled Water Lines
The chilled water lines to the ice machines in the galleys and deck pantries were not uniquely identified.
Galley-Hot Buffet
The door of the most right compartment of undercounter refrigerator #3 was not able to close completely because the magnetic seal was not working properly. No food items were impacted.
Galley-Roast Station
The doors to both compartments of undercounter refrigerator #2 could not close completely because the magnetic seals were not working properly. No food items were impacted.
There were eight slotted fasteners in the small one compartment oven.
There was less than 110 lux of light intensity on the right bulkhead side of the three deck-mounted upright refrigerators.
There was excessive condensation collecting on the deckhead above the soiled end of the in use conveyor flight type warewash machine. This area was very hot and measured more than 83 degrees Fahrenheit with the inspector's thermometer. Staff working in the area were sweating excessively.
The final rinse temperature gauge on the in-use flight type conveyer warewash machine indicated 246 degree Fahrenheit. The final rinse spray arm was measured with irreversible thermolabels and was less than 180 degrees Fahrenheit. The plate surface temperature was at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit measured by the inspector using an irreversible thermolabel.
Galley-Lido and Main Warewashing
The supervisor in charge of the warewashing machines could not accurately identify the gauges of the new in-use flight type warewash machine. In addition, this person was unaware of what temperature the final rinse manifold had to reach in order to properly sanitize utensils and equipment. This warewash machine had been installed in the last dry dock and had been in service for several months. The supervisor and their staff had difficulty understanding the difference between the compartments of the warewash machine and what the required temperatures were for each compartment even when looking at the manufacturer's manual. Also, when testing the in-use flight type warewash machine in the main galley, the supervisor in charge tried to measure the temperature of the machine with the sleeve of the thermometer intact, which would not give an accurate temperature reading. The inspector advised the ship's staff to contact the manufacturer to obtain additional information on the new warewash machine and to provide training on this machine to all staff.
Bar-Java Cafe
There were two slotted fasteners on the food contact surface of the espresso machine at the back bar counter.
Bar-Java Cafe
Whipped cream was listed on the time control plan, but there were several containers of whipped cream in an undercounter refrigerator on temperature. Pastries were also listed as on the time control plan but none were out for service during the inspection. The set-up time for all foods on the time control plan was 7:00 a.m.
Bar-Java Cafe
One pitcher full of water was stored on the handwashing sink on the front bar counter.
Bar-Champage Charlie's
The drain line for the blender on the front bar counter was in the handwashing sink. The drain line was removed during the inspection.
Pantry-Champage Charlie's
The time control plan stated the set-up time for milk at the coffee machine was at 12:00 p.m. on embarkation day, but at 1:23 p.m. the milk was not set-up.
Medical-Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Surveillance Log
The AGE surveillance log did not have all of the required information and the information was not in the exact order as required in Annex 13.2.2 of the 2011 VSP Operations Manual.
Medical-Crew Reporting
A restaurant steward had onset of acute gastroenteritis symptoms at 8:00 a.m. on 8 March 2012, but did not report to the medical facility until 5:40 pm on the same day. It could not be verified if this individual worked between the onset of symptoms and when they reported to medical. On 19 December 2011 a casino dealer experienced onset of acute gastroenteritis symptoms at 1:00 p.m. but did not report to the medical facility until 8:00 p.m. It was unclear if this staff member worked between onset of symptoms and when they reported to medical.
Housekeeping-Passenger and Crew Public Toilets
There were no signs advising users to wash their hands and there were no signs advising users to use paper towels to open the door in the passenger public toilet in the medical center or in the crew public toilets in the medical office and on the bridge. These exits were not hands free.
Children Area-Child Toilet Room
The toilet seats in the children's toilet room with 3 stalls were more than 11 inches above the deck and there was no step stool available. Also, the two handwashing sinks were more than 22 inches above the deck but only one step stool was provided.
Integrated Pest Management-Rat Guards
The rat guards on all of the mooring lines were plastic garbage can lids with a hole cut in the center. The hole was too large and could easily allow rodents to enter the ship.
Potable Water-Tank 5
In January 2012, potable water tank 5 starboard was painted in several areas, but there was no documentation stating the painting was done in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The drying was done at 35°C for 5 hours, but the International Paint instructions indicated that drying should occur at temperatures of 40 °C and 25 °C for between 5 and 8 hours and hard drying should occur between 7-18 hours for the same temperatures. In addition, the manufacturer of the paint specified curing should take 14 days under standard 61 for potable water tanks.
Potable Water-Tanks 4 and 5
Potable water tank 4 starboard was cleaned and disinfected on 26 November 2011 and potable water tank 5 port was cleaned and disinfected on 31 December 2011. There was no documentation of the free chlorine residual level before the tanks were put back into service.
Recreational Water Facilities-Fecal and Vomit Accident Plan
In the SEMS G806 procedure dated 20 April 2010, when a formed or loose stool was in the RWFs, it did not state that the water had to be drained after the RWFs were disinfected but before they were reopened.
Recreational Water Facilities-Turnover Rates and Bather Loads
According to the staff, the turnover rates and bather loads for each RWF were not calculated using flow meters.
Recreational Water Facilities-
The sample lines were not directly from the RWFs or on the return line before the compensation tank and there were no chart recorders for each RWF.
Recreational Water Facilities-Antientrapment Drains
The dual gravity drain covers for the swimming pools did not meet the antientrapment requirements and there were no alarms installed. Also, the antientrapment drain covers for the whirlpool spas did not have stamped on them the life expectancy of the cover, mounting orientation or certification information.
Inspection on Oct 18, 2011 | Score: 92
Food Service General-
The light intensity was below 110 lux behind and around many pieces of deck and counter-mounted equipment.
There were two live flies on the preparation table. The area was in use at the time of the inspection.
Preparation Room-Meat and Poultry
There were two live flies on the disassembled band saw. The area was not in use at the time of the inspection.
Preparation Room-and Pastry
There were two holes in the deckhead above the grill, leading to a void space. This was corrected.
Galley-Beverage Station
There was one live fly on the shelf. The area was not in use at the time of the inspection.
Galley-Hot Galley
The round plastic panel in the upper interior of the microwave was not secured. This was corrected.
The water in the sanitizing compartment of the three-compartment sink measured 178°F using the inspector's thermometer. The temperature gauge indicated the water was 145°F and did not change as the water temperature was increased. The repairman adjusted the probe sensor for the gauge.
Galley-Window Dishwash
There was excess condensation on the bulkhead and the deckhead at the clean end of the flight-type dishwash machine. The machine was in use at the time of the inspection.
The manufacturer's data plate for the flight-type dishwash machine was located near the deck.
The water in the sanitizing compartment of the three-compartment sink measured 182°F using the inspector's and the crew member's thermometers. The temperature gauge indicated the water was 170°F.
Buffet-Crew Mess
There were slotted fasteners used to secure the round plastic panel in the upper interior of the microwave.
The deck was soiled below the fryers. The area was not in use at the time of the inspection. This was corrected.
Bar-Champagne Charlie's
The light intensity was less than 110 lux at the handwash station.
Bar-Raffles Bar
The handwashing sink had a maximum water temperature of 77°F using the inspector's thermometer. Users could control the water temperature, but it appeared the hot water was not connected. This was corrected.
Galley-Window Dishwash
Condensation was dripping from the left deckhead exhaust vent onto clean items coming out of the flight-type dishwash machine. The impacted clean items were relocated to the Garden dishwash machine.
Potable Water-Tank Coating
The written records for the maintenance of potable water tanks 4 starboard and 14 outer port indicated touch-up painting with Interline 925. There was no written documentation of approval from the certification organization that this product was approved for potable water tanks. The inspectors conducted an internet search for the documentation and printed for the ship during the inspection.
Potable Water-Bunker Chlorination
During active bunkering of potable water to tanks 3 port and 3 starboard, the free residual halogen, measured at the bunker chlorination sample point, was 1.69 ppm on one inspector's test kit and 1.72 ppm on the second inspector's test kit. The analyzer controlling the chlorine dosing and the connected circular chart recorder displayed a free residual halogen of 2.86 ppm. The ship's test kit displayed a free residual halogen of 2.29 ppm. Repeated tests were made with no significant difference from the first test until the ship's staff increased the chlorination pump manually. Manual tests were then conducted from the water in both the 3 port and 3 starboard tanks which were being filled. The free residual halogen in potable water tank 3 port was 0.90 ppm. The free residual halogen in potable water tank 3 starboard was between 0.03 to 0.05 ppm.
Housekeeping-Showerhead Disinfection
The NCL SEMS procedure G815 specified a 10 minute, 50 ppm chlorine disinfection of the shower heads (CT value of 500).
Housekeeping-Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan
The NCL SEMS procedure G905 did not specify contact times for disinfection using chlorine, and there was no concentration or contact time listed for the fogging disinfection using Vital Oxide. Additionally, two staff members were observed fogging with this product in cabins with acute gastroenteritis (AGE) cases and smoking cabins, but neither staff member was wearing the personal protective equipment, including respirators, specified in the material safety data sheets (MSDS).
Potable Water-Spa Men's Dressing Room
There was no backflow prevention device installed on the shower hose at the far left shower among a group of three in the men's dressing room.
Housekeeping-Spa Men's and Women's Dressing Rooms
There was no sign posted in the main dressing room where the handwash sinks were located to advise users to use paper towels to open the exit door. Signs advising the use of paper towels to open the exit door were installed inside the small toilet rooms, but they were not equipped with paper towels or a handwashing sink.
Recreational Water Facilities-Whirlpool Safety Signs
The whirlpool safety signs did not meet the VSP 2011 manual requirements.
Medical-Acute Gastroenteritis Logs
The acute gastroenteritis (AGE) surveillance logs did not include the time of first medical visit or report to staff of illness, case identification number, or the crew member position.
Housekeeping-Deck 10 and 11 Trolley Carts
The blue storage bins containing clean glassware were soiled with dust and debris. In addition, the blue storage bin on the deck 11 trolley cart contained an empty red plastic sharps container and a full energy drink can along with the clean glasses.
Children Area-Toilet Room
The water temperature at the three handwashing stations in the child's toilet room measured 132°F, 129°F, and 130°F using the inspector's thermometer.
Recreational Water Facilities-Filter Housing Cleaning and Disinfection
The filter housing was cleaned, rinsed, and disinfected, but the sanitizer concentration and contact time was not recorded.
Recreational Water Facilities-Hair and Lint Strainer
The hair and lint strainer was cleaned, rinsed, and disinfected, but the sanitizer concentration and contact time was not recorded.
Recreational Water Facilities-Sample Points
The sample points for the analyzer chart recorders for all of the recreational water facilities onboard were located after the compensation tank.
Recreational Water Facilities-Pool Antientrapment Drain Covers
The drains for the swimming pools were more than 3 feet apart, but did not have antientrapment drain covers installed. There was no alarm for the draining of the pools.
Recreational Water Facilities-Whirlpool Antientrapment Drain Covers
The antientrapment drain covers for the whirlpools were missing the life expectancy of the cover, the mounting orientation, and the certification information stamped on the cover.
Recreational Water Facilities-Shepherd's Hook
The shepherd's hook at all of the recreational water facilities were not long enough to reach the center of the deepest portion of the pool from the side plus two feet.
Inspection on May 15, 2011 | Score: 97
There was heavy condensation collecting over the clean and soiled landings of both in-use rack-type dishwash machines. No clean items were impacted.
Galley-Raffles - Ice Machine
There was a heavy accumulation of black powder in the water bath. In addition, there were black, red, and green spots that appeared to be mold in multiple areas inside the plastic cover of the cuber panel.
Pantry-Raffles - Ice Machine
There was a heavy accumulation of black powder in the water bath. In addition, there were a few spots that appeared to be mold in multiple areas inside the plastic cover of the cuber panel. Also, the right edge of the top panel chute of the ice compartment was soiled.
There were three holes on the deckhead over the ice machines.
Galley-Windows - Ice Machines
There was a heavy accumulation of black powder in the water bath of both ice machines. In addition, there were spots that appeared to be mold in multiple areas inside the plastic cover of the cuber panel.
The skim milk container inside the bulk milk dispenser was measured at temperatures between 45°F and 46°F. This container was placed in the blast chiller.
Pantry-Windows - Juice Station - Walk-In Cooler
A lactose-free milk container was measured at temperatures between 48°F and 51°F. This container was placed in the blast chiller.
Galley-Cold Pantry
The deckhead was soiled along the back end deckhead panels at the deckhead/bulkhead juncture. In addition, the backside of the deckhead mounted camera was heavily soiled with dust. These soiled deckhead areas were above preparation counters. This cold pantry area was previously cleaned and not in use at the time of the inspection. This was corrected.
Galley-Cold Pantry
There was heavy condensation collecting over the clean landing of the in-use flight-type conveyor dishwash machine. In addition, there was heavy condensation collecting over the soiled landing of the in-use rack-type dishwash machine.
Dining Room-Crew and Officer Messes - Beverage Stations
The ice dispensers chutes were slightly soiled.
Galley-Pastry Deck 4
Water was leaking from the faucet of the handwash station.
DO NOT USE (whirlpool/spa)-Fecal Accident Log
On 13 November 2010, there was a fecal accident in one of the whirlpools and the recorded CT value (halogen concentration x time) was appropriate for formed stools. However, the spaces for both formed stool and diarrhea were checked on the log for this accident. Therefore, it was unclear if the correct disinfection was conducted.
Inspection on Oct 10, 2010 | Score: 100
DO NOT USE (whirlpool/spa)-Whirlpools 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
On 02 October 2010, the daily changing of the whirlpool water was not completed. Per the logs, the vessel was in "sensitive" waters outside Quebec. The super halogenation and backwash were completed and the whirlpools were opened the next morning.
Food Service General-Handles for Tilting Kettles and Pans
The tilting kettle and tilting pan handles were deteriorating, creating difficult to clean rough surfaces.
Buffet-Deck 5 - Cold Display
The two buffet cold holding units did not have side shields.
Buffet-Deck 5 - Staff Mess - Beverage Station
The juice machine dispenser nozzles and backsplash were soiled with a sticky residue.
Buffet-Deck 5 - Staff Mess - Beverage Station
The front of the plastic coffee grinder waste collection basket for the espresso machine was cracked and not easily cleanable.
Galley-Deck 5 - Dishwash
One final rinse spray nozzle on the in-use flight-type warewash machine did not have an effective spray pattern.
Food Service General-Elevated Grooved Grills and Hot Plates
The underside surface of most of the grooved grills and hot plates at the grease pan chute were soiled with old grease and food residue.
Dining Room-Deck 7 - Cagney's Steakhouse
The side stand/waiter station did not have adequate lighting on the soiled and clean sides.
Galley-Deck 13 - Hamburger Station
The deck under the side-by-side grill and fryer was soiled with an accumulation of food debris.
Galley-Deck 13 - Hamburger Station
The deck adjacent to the stainless steel pad for the deep fat fryer and grill had a rough surface, making cleaning difficult.
Galley-Deck 13 - Hamburger Station
The counter surface below the frozen drink machine was separating from the backsplash, creating a seam that was difficult to clean.
Inspection on Apr 04, 2010 | Score: 99
Other-Elevators - "Clean"
The door tracks and interior surfaces between the door panels were soiled with food and other debris. This was corrected.
Galley-Beverage Station - Windows
There was a ribbed conduit line on the coffee machine drain. The ribs were soiled.
Bar-Wine Cellar - Windows
There was a electrical line draped on the floor of the technical space of under counter refrigeration unit #2.
Bar-Wine Cellar - Windows
The deck drain was capped and there was a recessed seam around the drain in the technical space for under counter refrigeration unit #2. The recessed seam was soiled.
Galley-Beverage Station - Windows
There was a ribbed conduit line on the coffee machine drain. The ribs were soiled.
Galley-Desert Station
The refrigerant line insulation and walls behind the lines were soiled with mold.
Galley-Dry Store - Table Decorations
The deck was soiled.
Galley-Soup Station
There was some recessed/missing grout in the deck in front of the combination ovens.
Galley-Crew Toilet
The self-closing door did not fit tightly. This was corrected.
Galley-Cagney's - Soup Station
The previously cleaned exterior surface of the left-side tilting kettle was soiled. The kettle was immediately cleaned.
Dining Room-Cagney's
The wait stations were not coved at the deck/station juncture.
Galley-Soup Station
There were damaged deck tiles near the bulkhead behind the tilting kettle.
There were some areas with recessed/missing deck tile grout.
Dining Room-Crew Mess
The technical space below the counter mounted ice machine was soiled.
Other-Crew Mess
There was one large can of tomato catsup that was dented. The can was immediately discarded.
Provisions-Meat Freezer
Several boxes of frozen meats were stored against a large block of sculpting ice. The other block of sculpting ice were stored separately. The ice was immediately moved.
Provisions-Parasite Destruction Letter
The species of fish supplied by North Star were not identified in the written letter parasite destruction letter. The suppliers manifest listed several types of fish (monkfish, kippered herring, tilapia, and others). It was not clear if any of these species were served partially cooked or raw.
Preparation Room-Pastry
There were 2 trays of chocolate Pana Cotta labeled 3 April. These were not listed on the cooling logs. Heavy cream is used in the production of this product.
Preparation Room-Pastry
There were a few buckets of pastry fillings stored under the preparation counter. The exterior surfaces of the buckets were soiled with food debris.
Preparation Room-Pastry
The bulkhead below the dry store locker was corroded at the cove/bulkhead juncture.
Preparation Room-
The coving material along the interior right and left sides of the entry door was soiled. In addition, the deck/bulkhead juncture at the door frame was not properly coved.
Preparation Room-
The wheels of the trolley carts were constructed of galvanized metal and were severely corroded. A work order was in place to replace the wheels.
Preparation Room-
The wheels of the trolley carts were constructed of galvanized metal and were severely corroded. A work order was in place to replace the wheels.
Provisions-Crew Toilet - Port and Starboard
The self-closing door did not fit tightly. This was corrected.
Provisions-Frozen Vegetables
There was ice on the shelves and on several boxes of frozen product. The ice appeared to be forming from condensate dripping from the deckhead during the provisioning process.
Provisions-Drystore #1
The deck was soiled below the deck stands.
Provisions-Drystore #1
There was a plastic coated, styrofoam deck stand that was damaged. The deck stand was discarded.
Provisions-Drystore #2
The deck was soiled below the deck stands at the deck/bulkhead juncture.
Provisions-Liquor Store
There were several plastic deck stands that had difficult to clean features such as holes and recessed areas. The stands were soiled.
Provisions-Liquor Store
There were several plastic deck stands that had difficult to clean features such as holes and recessed areas. The stands were soiled.
The decks below the soiled return sides of the wait stations were carpeted, this material is not easily cleanable.
The backflow preventer for the starboard side juice machine was leaking.
The shield separating the handwash station and the preparation sink did not extend far enough back or forward to prevent splash from contaminating the preparation sink.
The handwash sink drain was leaking.
Illness Outbreaks: Details
Norovirus Outbreak on Dec 18, 2011
Symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea
In response to the outbreak, Norwegian Cruise Line and the crew aboard the ship took the following actions:Increased cleaning and disinfection procedures according to their outbreak prevention and response plan,Made announcements to both notify passengers and encourage case reporting,Intensified cleaning and sanitizing,Delayed embarkation to permit a thorough disinfection,Collected stool specimens from ill passengers and crew for submission to CDC’s Calicivirus lab,Made daily reports of gastrointestinal illness cases to the VSP,Distributed a pre-boarding health advisory to incoming passengers.
Serious crimes and injuries on cruise ships that make port in the U.S. are required to be reported to the Coast Guard. Smaller-scale crimes and thefts are reported to local police authorities (if reported at all). Incidents and inspections from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Crimes & Incidents
Coast Guard Inspections
Deficiencies (found in 6 inspections).
Coast Guard Inspections: Details
Inspection on Apr 15, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Oct 16, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Apr 17, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Oct 09, 2010
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Sep 20, 2010
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Apr 23, 2010
No deficiencies found
Crimes & Incidents: Details
Apr 18, 2012
Moored/Anchored in Vicinity of Primary Subject
Source: US Coast GuardFeb 21, 2012
Personnel Casualties : 1 death
On 21 Feb 2012 at 1840, a passenger on the Cruise Ship NORWEGIAN SPIRIT was found deceased in his stateroom. Apparent cause of death was from natural causes and NOT related to vessel operations. As per CG-545 Policy Letter 1-10, dated 26 January 2010, and MSM, Vol. V. B.7.A.2.b criteria, no ROI is necessary.
Source: US Coast GuardSep 26, 2011
Incident Investigation
Acknowledged Pollution Source
Source: US Coast GuardFeb 24, 2011
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
On 25FEB11 Coast Guard Sector New Orleans received notification that the Norwegian Spirit had a person with a medical incident.
Source: US Coast GuardAug 06, 2010
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
On August 6, 2010, a female passenger onboard the passenger vessel NORWEGIAN SPIRIT fell in her stateroom, when she mistimed her step and. Following the fall, the passenger was in pain in the region of her left leg and hip. Passenger transported to Cape Cod Hospital for further treatment and diagnosis. Passenger diagnosed with a broken left femur.
Source: US Coast GuardJun 19, 2010
Person Overboard
Rescued by ship rescue boat
Source: Media ReportsCREDITS & SOURCES
Illustrations: Josh Cochran, special to ProPublica. Data: Coast Guard Port State Information eXchange, Coast Guard Incident Investigative Reports, Coast Guard Marine Casualties & Pollution Data, IMO GISIS Marine Casualties, CDC Inspections & Deficiencies, CDC Outbreaks, CruisePage Man Overboard List, Local crime reports gathered by reporters Lynn Walsh & Dan Krauth, other local crime reports. Photos: VesselFinder. Icons: Jessica Lock, Juan Pablo Bravo,Hans Gerhard Meier.
1Details in these illustrations are inspired by David Foster Wallace's A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again. References to his seven night experience aboard the Nadir are hidden throughout. How many have you seen? Psst. Here are the answers.