Deleted Tweets From Eric Brakey, R-Maine
Eric Brakey's accounts: SenatorBrakey
Tracked Between: February 04, 2018-July 21, 2020
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
Are human beings putty to be molded by government? Or are we free agents responsible for our own actions? Once we understand what we are really debating, I hope we can have real discussion and do more than shouting at each other about guns.
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
Many are demanding action to prevent future tragedies. I agree. Let’s take action by restoring the #2ndAmendment and allowing self-defense again.
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
@MaineTimber Co-sponsored the bill over a year ago when it was a concept draft with no language. The lead sponsor did not consult with Republican co-sponsors when drafting language and came up with sometime that goes WAY too far. Would not vote for cur
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
RT @NotEricWagner: Rand Paul is standing alone in the Senate. If you agree with him that the deficit matters, true fiscally conservati…
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
@SenAngusKing crowning achievement after six years in the US Senate... a lobster emoji. Meanwhile, Angus King has: - Spent billions on #CorporateWelfare and racked up trillions in #NationalDebt - Opposed tax cuts for Maine people and businesses (1/2
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
RT @sunjournal: Crashes on I-295 fall 18 percent after speed limit decrease
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
@ME_DeafServices @RichardHaass “Listen to the grown ups.” Are you kidding me? What a condescending attitude. You are telling us all that spending trillions of dollars on wars in the Middle East hasn’t affected our ability to find infrastructure here at h
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
@ME_DeafServices @RichardHaass “Listen to the grown ups.” Are you kidding me? What a condescending attitude? You are telling us all that spending trillions of dollars on wars in the Middle East hasn’t affected our ability to find infrastructure here at h