Deleted Tweets From Austin Smith, D-N.Y.
Austin Smith's accounts: aconnellsmith
Tracked Between: February 13, 2019-May 29, 2022
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@TristanSnell Let’s hope #turnedstatesevidence7
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
RT @D_jeneration: Who loses a fake audit carried out by his own supporters ������
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@TheCodeDuh @RepLeeZeldin Well then get out there and demand everyone get rid of their cars and all small objects in their house. Shouting you want to save lives and your opponents want people to die is such lazy reasoning. You can employ it in nearly argument and it’s just stupid.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
RT @DebDingell: Hold my pearls. QT @scottwongDC: .@MTG and @RepDebDingell just got into screaming match on steps of Capitol after MTG heckled Democrats holding a pr…
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
RT @millennial_debt: Nearly 10 years ago, when @CFPB launched an investigation into the giant student loan company led by CEO Jack Remondi,… QT @theSBPC: [BREAKING] @Navient announced it will soon stop servicing the federal student loans of 6 million+ borrowers. While…
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@Mikvah18 well thank you. It just occurred to me, "wait, there's a message in that I'm not sure I like and no, I won't accept that I'm overanalyzing it."
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
It's also not a little bit ironic that conservatives detest participation trophies but insist on participation statutes and memorials. And by "irony" I mean "utterly predictable."
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
hey @tedcruz I know you're a pedant so remember when the Pope demanded Luther recant and Luther said, "what no I didn't! that's just the liberal media lying about me." No he never said that and that's why we have protestants now. Although he was a total asshole so you share that
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@stupidtrashboy no, that would be as impossible as explaining why that 20 dollar bill is real or just a piece of paper.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@PennyKeenan1 well yes, but it's also a little different...and it begins in the schoolyard I'm afraid to say. To promote success is not to denigrate failure. It is to warn those who would seek to take advantage of the system of the consequences.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@aceCourtBot @Dorkfishie1 @Coene_Arts I mean as a former professional satirist I give you a D a rational human, an F. And for both of those reasons, I could care less if you share that with your weirdo dungeons and dragons friends. hope you enjoy your subsidies I pay for
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
RT @crgibs: New video just dropped, currently trending at #2 nationally! Retweet to get #MadManMcCarthy to #1 QT @ReallyAmerican1: #MadManMcCarthy is trending #6 in America. Keep retweeting to push it to #1.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@SlackerViking @AndreaStolz @green_ash @ashleylove @karahahn @bridgetmfleming Yeah that’s definitely been the problem: people trying to things. We should all stop and just let you complain our problems away. Teddy Roosevelt said much the same thing.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@SpeakerPelosi @SenSchumer @SenatorDurbin am I really going to have to file a Bivens action against you all? Do you have any idea how disheartening this is?
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@DavidOAtkins mathematically it's true nobody's vote really counts...and yet when everyone accepts that it's mathematically impossible to achieve anything.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@BostonBubbalooo @whitecrow43 @ewarren @SenSchumer that's fair...but that's personality not process. If you work 2x everyone else and care 5x, I find you can get more done. But true I can't prove that right now. So that's what I want to do, I hope to, and also I will do it because if I fail I will be so ashamed I'd die.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@green_ash @AndreaStolz I'm starting to think our followers don't know what "arbitrary" means. Let's tease this out. People have no choice in where they are born, and place of birth conforms to no rational plan. It is unpredictable and unmeasurable. It is perfectly arbitrary.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@FinderGrail there's an audio of me screaming at them somewhere...but the @Marriott deleted all my files (whoa he's kinda crazy I think???). True story
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@WillFerraroCBDC @YouTube you know they write those books that way to make you think all that stuff is stupid right? The joke isn't on the ideas in those books...its on the person who falls for the caricature.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@Dorkfishie1 @Coene_Arts your stats are absurdly fake...who do you work for? don't lie will come out in depo