Deleted Tweets From Austin Smith, D-N.Y.
Austin Smith's accounts: aconnellsmith
Tracked Between: February 13, 2019-May 29, 2022
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@Mikvah18 It's funny you say that. My father had a portrait of General Lee in his study alongside one of General Grant. I told him he shouldn't hang a picture of Lee in the house. He refused but ultimately I got him to agree to hang the portrait of Grant just a little higher than Lee
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@WillFerraroCBDC @YouTube nope...if it fails, then I'll try it again.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@NeuroByNurture you only say that because you are used to people treating this like a job in telemarketing. I don't want this "job." I want to do some things. But I won't beg and flatter you for the chance.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@Elizabe73818669 You've switched categories...your earlier premise was about my wielding of power, and now you've changed it to thinking about people. But nice try.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@SlackerViking nope. you say it you take the chance. you have the right to gamble but not the right to an outcome of your choice
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: A federal prosecutor who worked under Robert Mueller demands that Americans “place Trump under citizen’s…
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@jean__mueller and yeah, one them was a guy named Senator McCain. You remember him? He actually told Trump to F off when he tried to end Obamacare. But what a weirdo that guy was.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
RT @ReallyAmerican1: This was a violent insurrection caused by those who swore to defend this country. A failed coup acts as a training…
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@jpatton81018 @nickdaggers1833 @sethfrotman QT @UsefulIdiotpod: You could say @mtaibbi and @kthalps had fun with @aconnellsmith on #UsefulIdiotsPod this week
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@RepDeanPhillips @jmartNYT @LeaderMcConnell It's almost like when someone breaks the law, and you don't charge them with the crime, they start to think you are too chicken to stop them and they grow more hostile.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
RT @reedgalen: What does the @nrcc think of its donors?
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@RepLeeZeldin @GopSuffolk @SenHawleyPress @tedcruz yeah all of you are also included in that clause QT @aconnellsmith: "When war is levied, all those who perform any part, however minute or however remote from the scene of action, and…
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@juliaho61138482 Are we done now? either walk away head low or apologize but don't scamper thinking you were cute.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@Prof_Bruckner we all have probs but they have made that into such a scarlet letter....its hard to see beyond the promised cure
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@moriartydg Don't now again use them to defend their tormentors. I am not attacking the men who fought..I am attacking the men who started it for gain.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@PamelaFoohey @usedgov DOE recently opposed my motion to reopen & seek an undue hardship finding...more troublingly still, we named several private lenders who did not oppose the motion and yet somehow the DOE insisted the judge forbid us from moving against parties who hadn't shown up or opposed it.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@Dorkfishie1 @Coene_Arts maybe half a millisecond...tweet or reply is same in my book....I'm glad you're not a teacher
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@BostonBubbalooo @whitecrow43 @ewarren I would have put Jack remondi and many others in jail for contempt for lying to me under oath during those hearings. jail.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@sethfrotman @AARPFoundation when our grandparents run out of cash because their pension plans made some bad investments in snake oil loans, and they sue our parents for cheating them, I will sue all of them until they agree to pay half the therapy bills for every Gen X/millenial QT @aconnellsmith: "Our grandparents made student debt non-dischargeable to spite our parents for smoking pot but our parents got reve…
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@Kenopsiad No, they acted on the orders of a cowardly dauphin who sat in the VIP tent watching as "his people" stormed an impossible target. For most of history, it was perfectly legal to kill a would-be tyrant . . that immunity is still today enshrined on VA's license plate.