Deleted Tweets From Austin Smith, D-N.Y.
Austin Smith's accounts: aconnellsmith
Tracked Between: February 13, 2019-May 29, 2022
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@GreenFireHVAC wait seriously? You're going to tell the rape victim there are serious consequences to going to the police?
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@jean__mueller yawn, I get it. the system must have its clowns and jesters too. and I know you need to be careful you are on right side when stipends are issued.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@doctorow There is also a perverse underground newswire about which judges will rubber stamp the lawyers' fees and which will carefully scrutinize them. Said another way, lawyers are intentionally choosing judges who will let them defraud their own client, i.e., the debtor.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@FinderGrail cause I promise you if they had won, alllllllll the benefits were going to Trump and Cruz and Hawley and none to those poor saps.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@jamiedupree @jmartNYT @nbc And yet. First we all know that’s dumb. Second, it’s not just that. It’s everything. All the veiled language. All the stupid purple-macho-literalism
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@SlackerViking @YouTube @TEDTalks can you please give me twenty mins to teach a course on how to overcome obstacles? there seem to be a great number of people who are completely paralyzed by them...and at some point they will fall victim to some charlatan that promises them he can turn iron into gold.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@StrikeDebt Please stop calling it debt Nancy. You idiots desecrated the concept of education and sold it to industry and told us that’s how it was. But it wasn’t. You all lied to us. And contracts based on lies are not enforceable.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@WillFerraroCBDC @YouTube Austin Smith 2022. You already told me. And I already told you.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@SenSchumer @FBI @FTC “It’s owned by a Russia based company.” How is that not xenophobic?
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@JRosengard @YouTube Oh, wait, this is less rambling and explains it more: cliff's notes: a somewhat cliché story about telling the man to F himself and then realizing the Man is insanely powerful and vicious and often in your family.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@SPolgar @green_ash okay that's the first decent attack I've seen...well done. I won't try to respond cause it would fail.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@ShepRose give a guy a retweet. @wschapma 's following isn't big enough. #didntratEHS99 QT @StrikeDebt: If you have ever dealt with Navient, you should know about @aconnellsmith who is doing his damndest to destroy them.)
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
Lawyer described as 'Don Quixote of student debt' relief launches bid for Congress via @ABAJournal
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@Durrellojello no no it was a witty commentary on "rich white guys" taking moral high road when it costs them nothing cause they already have money and safety etc. But then I didn't want to sound like I was bragging about being rich I also told truth about me personally.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
RT @Cezary: I wrote a profile of @aconnellsmith for @thisisinsider. He's been called the Don Quixote of student debt by a feder…
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@Mikvah18 Just to complete the image; the two portraits were hung next to his Marine Corps sword. He acted like it was his authority to hang the portraits however he liked but I said it was disrespectful to the Marines not to mention swordmakers. And around and around we went....
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@Durrellojello one of these days I'm going to get quoted out of context and sound like a total monster
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@annie61smith4 @Marriott and you didn't think that was intentional? anyone who makes that argument loses in court. always
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@SharonValius this is so important... thinking is not the same as paralysis. I change my mind all the time and if I'm not sure I say so...I also do the things that must be done with greater consistency than those philistines who apply the label "flip floppers" to "thinking humans."
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@JRosengard @YouTube hey @smithlawgroupinterns can one of you edit's too much and too long and I say same thing like five times. thanks