Deleted Tweets From Austin Smith, D-N.Y.
Austin Smith's accounts: aconnellsmith
Tracked Between: February 13, 2019-May 29, 2022
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
while we are on it, there's a picture of @LeaderMcConnell smirking when asked if he'd break his own rule on Supreme Court nominations during campaign season. that smirk launched ten thousand idiots into the Capitol.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
Wait @TheJusticeDept did you really just fall for that? You just admitted that your legal duty was to protect an insurrectionist from a millennial candidate for Congress? Well, wait obviously you did. No so that's a triple satire on your inefficacy.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
Okay I need to go to bed....but also, I am seriously inclined to think anyone who works at @CivilRights and then goes into a white shoe firm should likewise be compelled to surrender all property to the state. It is the money but it's more...what the fuck is wrong with you?
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
oh wait trump has those burr things in his feet that got him out of draft...someone check law on dueling in south america and see if burr whatever shit is a valid medical excuse.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
We should have mercy, after the stables are cleaned. go find it on my Youtube page I'm not wasting my energy linking it for anyone who doubts it.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
we can sue them all for malpractice. Anyone who was told by a medical professional that marijuana was harmful even after they asked why now has a valid claim for negligence. We could topple the insurance industry actually...think of the suicides. I never liked pot but . . .
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
RT @thehill: Dollar Tree increasing prices to $1.25
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
RT @sethfrotman: Public service workers across the country are lucky to have @AFTUnion & @RandiWeingarten on their side. Today’s victory de… QT @AFTunion: We have reached a settlement in our @rweingarten v. DeVos case! Read the full press release here:…
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
Only 4 federal judges have been impeached since 1789. Anyone with a passing knowledge of human nature knows there simply must have been more corrupt and/or recklessly erring judges in the course of 220 years. Looks like 56 we’re found today. QT @ForsythJenn: Alerted to law violations by the Journal, 56 of the federal judges have directed court clerks to notify parties in…
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
also since lawyers aren't allowed to speak like that to judges, I said that as a candidate. Candidates get "freedom" and are not made to honor "decorum."
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
and for those who say it's cause the judge axed my fees, please I don't need 300 K. I'm a rich white guy. Or I was at one point. fuck actually I needed that money didn't I.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
I knew some guys in college who would have had this thing shut down within ten mins. I'm not saying we should allow vigilantism I'm just saying if we aren't going to enforce the laws then call those guys and they'll gladly do it QT @ReallyAmerican1: Never forget: #McCarthyIsATraitor. Pass it on.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
yup, google confirms: publicly disclosing fraud on the court system is actually punished in real life IF the people doing it are you know like not people nobody cares about.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
oh stop it he didn't get caught masturbating in public....he tried to overthrow the state....shoot him on Fifth Ave...that's the only way to perfect the poetry. QT @JBNJUS: Tip of the iceberg #ArrestTrump
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
Yes, I have been forced to reveal a family secret. But now they've shut off my ability to file lawsuits in the federal courts. So I'm serving notice here on twitter and we'll take it to the 2nd circuit on whether that counts. Jesus @Marriott this wont be cheap
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
and obviously like most terrible movies, it's pretty clear to me that @ewarren and @SenatorDurbin are actively protecting the lenders QT @aconnellsmith: It's almost like you should not break all the rules...that's not a rebel that's a traitor. And I'm out via @YouTube)
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
my mother reports I am "not well" and my father has said he is "afraid what I might do to my Labrador."
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@rumsfeldfan @buzzdixonwriter @Blackwater52 in fact, I can recall sitting at diner while he told me that had Reagan lost the Cold War, he would have quietly taken his own life. And thinking, "yes that should be right I agree."
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@rumsfeldfan @buzzdixonwriter @Blackwater52 I would be a very happily married man in Lake Forest IL with kids and a lab if that man had not destroyed this country. Utterly destroyed. And I'm going to stop now because I don't want to get upset and say something I'll regret.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
"you're so overtired I just think maybe you're not thinking clearly [about how this injures the investment portfolio of our dear friends]." Ann McNamara Smith, Episcopalian Deacon