This database was last updated in October 2019 and should only be used as a historical snapshot. There may be new information that is not included here.
All Organizations
Regal Bank (1)
Livingston, N.J.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Andrew Gellert
Member of Board of Directors → went to State
Held position at this organization
- Andrew Gellert
Director → went to State
Blue Shield of California (1)
Sacramento, Calif.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Thomas Patrick McCaffery
Salary and bonus compensation for employmen t as Vice President. → went to Defense
Held position at this organization
- Thomas Patrick McCaffery
Officer → went to Defense
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1)
Washington, D.C.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Alec Sugarman
Junior Fellow → went to Management and Budget
Held position at this organization
- Alec Sugarman
Junior Fellow → went to Management and Budget
Campaign Now LLC (1)
West Allis, Wis.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Vincent Trovato
Part-time political consulting → went to Broadcasting Board of Governors
Held position at this organization
- Vincent Trovato
Consultant → went to Broadcasting Board of Governors
Axiom Strategies (1)
Kansas City, Mo.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Brittany L. Baldwin
Writer → went to White House Office
Held position at this organization
- Brittany L. Baldwin
Contracted Employee - Writer → went to White House Office
Liberty Square Group (1)
Boston, Mass.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Daniel Anthony Tomanelli
Employed as PR Consultant → went to Defense
Held position at this organization
- Daniel Anthony Tomanelli
Employee → went to Defense
Jeffrey J. Kimbell and Associates (1)
Washington, D.C.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Robert Pyron
→ went to Management and Budget
Held position at this organization
- Robert Pyron
Associate → went to Management and Budget
BlueQuartz Technologies LLC (1)
Potomac, Md.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Jeffrey Nadaner
Provided 1099 business consulting services and explored business opportunities. Received consulting fees from T-Solutions Inc -- listed below at #6 → went to Commerce
Held position at this organization
- Jeffrey Nadaner
Managing Director → went to Commerce
GBR Consultancy (1)
Ashland, Va.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Guy B. Roberts
Provide subject matter expertise at various conferences, write reports, develop and participate in training programs. → went to Defense
Held position at this organization
- Guy B. Roberts
Senior Consultant → went to Defense
Reed Cordish (1)
Baltimore, Md.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- David Richard Dorey
Legal Services ( client of O'Melveny & Myers LLP) → went to Labor - Michael Walsh
legal advice → went to Commerce
AccuWeather Inc. (1)
State College, Pa.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Barry Lee Myers
CEO → went to Commerce
Held position at this organization
- Barry Lee Myers
Currently -- CEO, Secretary, Director, CEO, Secretary, Director, Manager → went to Commerce
National Defense Industrial Association (1)
Arlington, Va.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Alexander Zemek
→ went to Commerce
Held position at this organization
- Ellen M. Lord
Vice- Chair & Executive Committee Member → went to Defense - Alexander Zemek
Vice President Policy → went to Commerce
The Online Lenders Alliance (1)
Arlington, Va.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Bradley E. Bishop
I was a Communications Manager for the Online Lenders Alliance. I controlled our political messaging. → went to White House Office
Held position at this organization
- Bradley E. Bishop
Communication s Manager → went to White House Office
SRI (1)
Menlo Park, Calif.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Ann C. Agnew
Independent contractor providing consulting services. → went to Health and Human Services
Held position at this organization
- Ann C. Agnew
Consultant → went to Health and Human Services
UT-Battelle LLC (1)
Oak Ridge, Tenn.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Lisa Gordon-Hagerty
Member of the Global Security Division Strategic Advisory Board → went to Energy
Held position at this organization
- Lisa Gordon-Hagerty
Advisor → went to Energy
Buffalo Creek, LLC (1)
Alexandria, Va.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Michael Dubke
Managing Partner → went to White House Office
Held position at this organization
- Michael Dubke
Managing Partner → went to White House Office
The United States Senate (1)
Washington, D.C.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Bradley E. Bishop
I was a Staff Assistant and a Legislative Correspondent. I wrote letters responding to constituents on various types of issues and provided constituent services such as answering phones and filling flag requests. → went to White House Office
Held position at this organization
- Bradley E. Bishop
Legislative Coorespondent → went to White House Office
Green Earth Greens Ecopia Farms (1)
Campbell, Calif.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Linda Capuano
Technology Advisor → went to Energy
Held position at this organization
- Linda Capuano
Technology Advisor → went to Energy
Fluor Federal Services (1)
Greenville, S.C.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Linda Capuano
Consultant → went to Energy
Held position at this organization
- Linda Capuano
Consultant → went to Energy
Tier Tech International, Inc (1)
Mc Lean, Va.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Lisa Gordon-Hagerty
President of Corporation and provided consulting services → went to Energy
Held position at this organization
- Lisa Gordon-Hagerty
President → went to Energy
William Rice Marsh University (1)
Houston, Texas
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Linda Capuano
Employee → went to Energy
Held position at this organization
- Linda Capuano
Fellow in Energy Technology and Instructor → went to Energy
Kevin Michael Fahey Incorporated (1)
Arlington, Va.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Kevin Fahey
President of strategic consulting firm → went to Defense
Held position at this organization
- Kevin Fahey
President → went to Defense
Peak Reliability (1)
Vancouver, Wash.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Linda Capuano
Director → went to Energy
Held position at this organization
- Linda Capuano
Director → went to Energy
Mc Lean, Va.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Lisa Gordon-Hagerty
National Security Consulting Services → went to Energy
Held position at this organization
- Lisa Gordon-Hagerty
CEO → went to Energy
Danaher Corporation (1)
Washington, D.C.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- David Penn Burns
Legal services, client of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP → went to Justice - C.J. Mahoney
legal services → went to U.S. Trade Representative
American Soybean Association (1)
St. Louis, Mo.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Stephen Lee Censky
Chief Executive Officer → went to Agriculture
Held position at this organization
- Stephen Lee Censky
CEO → went to Agriculture
Carlton Fields Jorden Burt, P.A. (1)
Tallahassee, Fla.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Matthew Z. Leopold
Legal Services → went to Environmental Protection Agency
Held position at this organization
- Matthew Z. Leopold
Of Counsel → went to Environmental Protection Agency
NetSpend (1)
Austin, Texas
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Carlos G. Muñiz
Firm client to which I provided consulting services → went to Education - Paula Stannard
Legal services as an attorney at Alston & Bird LLP. → went to Health and Human Services
Bachus and Brom (1)
Birmingham, Ala.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Spencer T. Bachus III
Attorney; Legal Services → went to Export-Import Bank
Held position at this organization
- Spencer T. Bachus III
Partner (Member of LLC) → went to Export-Import Bank
Avascent Group (1)
Washington, D.C.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Alexander Theodore Alden
Security expert providing analysis of globa l military developments to government agenc ies & corporate strategy offices of top tie r defense industry firms. → went to Defense
Held position at this organization
- Alexander Theodore Alden
Manager of Analysis → went to Defense
Florida Department of Environmental Protection (1)
Tallahassee, Fla.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Matthew Z. Leopold
General Counsel, Legal Services → went to Environmental Protection Agency
Held position at this organization
- Matthew Z. Leopold
General Counsel → went to Environmental Protection Agency
Colombo Bank (1)
Rockville, Md.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Lisa Gordon-Hagerty
Board Member → went to Energy
Held position at this organization
- Lisa Gordon-Hagerty
Board Member → went to Energy
Invesco Advisers, Inc. (1)
Atlanta, Ga.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Karen Dunn Kelley
Employee → went to Commerce
Held position at this organization
- Karen Dunn Kelley
Director,Co- President,Co- CEO,Co- Chairman → went to Commerce
California State Legislature (1)
Sacramento, Calif.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Jacob Daniel Ashendorf
Communications Director → went to Health and Human Services
Held position at this organization
- Jacob Daniel Ashendorf
Communication s Director → went to Health and Human Services
Westside Village I LLC (1)
State College, Pa.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Barry Lee Myers
Legal and Business Consulting → went to Commerce
Held position at this organization
- Barry Lee Myers
Consultant → went to Commerce (1)
Arlington, Va.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Sery Kim
I have a food and travel writer so I travel the world reviewing hotels, restaurants, cities, countries, airlines and other industries which cross food and travel. → went to Health and Human Services
Held position at this organization
- Sery Kim
owner → went to Health and Human Services
Conservative Reform Network (1)
Washington, D.C.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Patrick Theodore Brennan
Provided research, programming assistance, and communications work. → went to Health and Human Services
Held position at this organization
- Patrick Theodore Brennan
Adviser → went to Health and Human Services
LeClair Corporation (dba LeClair Group) (1)
Saint Paul, Minn.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Brian Jesse LeClair
I play a key role in defining the strategic direction of the agency. On a day-to-day basis, I lead the effort to recruit and train health insurance agents in Minnesota and across all 50 states. → went to Health and Human Services
Held position at this organization
- Brian Jesse LeClair
President & COO → went to Health and Human Services
Armitage International, LLC (1)
Arlington, Va.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Randall G. Schriver
Firm partner/consulting services → went to Defense
Held position at this organization
- Randall G. Schriver
Partner → went to Defense
The University of North Carolina School of Medicine (1)
Chapel Hill, N.C.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Norman Edward Sharpless
Cancer Center Director and Physician → went to Health and Human Services
Held position at this organization
- Norman Edward Sharpless
Director, Cancer Center → went to Health and Human Services
Vanguard Research, Inc. (1)
Springfield, Va.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Michael D. Griffin
Technical consulting services. → went to Defense
Held position at this organization
- Michael D. Griffin
Consultant → went to Defense
Unity Biotechnology (1)
Brisbane, Calif.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Norman Edward Sharpless
Consultant → went to Health and Human Services
Held position at this organization
- Norman Edward Sharpless
Consultant → went to Health and Human Services
Cary, N.C.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Andrew J. Galkowski
I was an intern on the Enterprise Field Tools team, charged with designing and implementing pharmacetuical technology improvements for the sales team. → went to White House Office
Held position at this organization
- Andrew J. Galkowski
Enterprise Field Tools Intern → went to White House Office
State of Nevada (1)
Carson City, Nev.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Robert Bernstein
Legal services (client of Bancroft) → went to Labor - Michael H. McGinley
Legal Services → went to White House Office
Greitens for Missouri (1)
St. Louis, Mo.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Victoria Lynn Ellington
Managed the candidate's schedule, planned e vents, rallies, and town halls. Handled all internal logistics for team and candidate. → went to State
Held position at this organization
- Victoria Lynn Ellington
Employee → went to State
State of Missouri (1)
Jefferson City, Mo.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Victoria Lynn Ellington
Managed the Governor's schedule. Developed processes and systems of scheduling team. S erved as Governor's primary liaison to all internal and external meetings. → went to State
Held position at this organization
- Victoria Lynn Ellington
Employee → went to State
PenFed Credit Union (1)
Mc Lean, Va.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- David S. Jonas
I served as PenFed's Vice President for Business Development and Government/Military Relations from August 2014 to November 2015. → went to Energy
Held position at this organization
- David S. Jonas
Vice President for Business Development and Government/Mil itary Relations → went to Energy
Fluet, Huber + Hoang, PLLC (1)
Mc Lean, Va.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- David S. Jonas
Legal Services to firm clients → went to Energy
Held position at this organization
- David S. Jonas
Partner → went to Energy
Red Apple Group, Inc (1)
New York, N.Y.
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- John G. Vonglis
Senior Vice President of Finance. → went to Energy
Held position at this organization
- John G. Vonglis
Senior Vice President → went to Energy
Smith Land Service Co. (1)
Atlantic, Iowa
Appointees formerly compensated or employed by this organization went to work at these agencies
Provided compensation to
- Glen R. Smith
Administrative, Farm Management and Land Brokerage. → went to Farm Credit Administration
Held position at this organization
- Glen R. Smith
President → went to Farm Credit Administration