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Detailed Record

Pashtun Zargun Refrigeration Unit

Planned Start Month

May 2010

Estimated Cost



Canceled / Terminated



Regional Command


Project Description

MGRS 41SMT7100088100 Provide a fruit and vegetable refrigeration cell (similar to that in Gozara Industrial Park) in Pashtun Zargun District.

The population of this district is isolated and during the winter months travel is very difficult if not impossible for them. The refrigeration cell will provide the population with the ability to store their fruits and vegetables for use during the winter months.

This project was assessed as a need and requested by the Governor of the district. The PRT Commander agrees with this request from the Governor. 

MGRS 41SMT7100088100

Project Goals

Increase the economic development - agribusiness activity in Pashtun Zargun by providing long-term cold storage for business

Afghan engineers from PRT Herat will be used to design project to maximum extent possible

Unit will consist of:

1. Building with 2 refrigration cells and support rooms

2. Security wall

3. Appropriate well

4. Toilet facility

5. Generator to provide electricity

The project will not only improve our standing with the residents of Pashtun Zargun district, but also our diplomatic and working ties with our Afghan and Coalition (Italy) allies. 

The endstate of this project is to meet the basic need of food for the population of Pashtun Zarghun. Showcase the district and provincial government's intentions to serve the population of Pashtun Zarghun. Enhance synergy between US and Italian development (BUILD) efforts through this combined project. 

 Comments: Disclaimer follows:

This project is nominated by Team Avatar, a US CERP Project Team that works within the Italian Provincial Reconstruction Team IOT conduct combined development (BUILD) operations. As the PRT acts as the leader of development in Herat Province; the Team's projects are synchronized with all military and cilivian agencies conducting projects in the province. 

TM Avatar also works ICW the DCOS STAB OPS, COL Irizarry and CW2 Hassan at RC-W (Camp Arena). 

TM Avatar is led by the US LNO (aka Lion 2) from TF Pro, who works and lives with Herat ITA PRT. POC: CPT Boling Roshan (07975420340)

PPOs MSG Turturici and SSG Moscato work and live with Herat ITA CIMIC Team at the Herat PRT. 

All projects nested in the Herat Provincial Reconstruction Team and RC-W development (BUILD) plans and are assessed to meet a need ISO Governance, Population and Security. All payment methods and contract bidding will be conducted IAW the current MAWs and replicating the best a possible the Herat ITA PRT SOP and TTPs


Project terminated for lack of action


No updates provided.

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.