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Detailed Record

Wech Peray to Waze Zadran road

Planned Start Month

March 2009

Estimated Cost



Canceled / Terminated



Regional Command


Project Description

28 km paved road

Project Goals

In order for Paktya Province to continue on its trajectory of increasing economic momentum, a road network must be built in order to connect districts, provide key LOCs for government-to-population access, and improve commerce. This road is part of the roads construction initiative for FY 2009.


Road is only 42% complete.


Jul 31 2009 Contract signed 16 May 09

NTP issued 5 Jun 09

Payment History:

17 May 09: 1% intial Payment - $107,225.97

08 Sep 09: 10% payment - $965,033.75

28 Apr 10: 25% payment - $1,608,389.58

10 Feb 11: 35% payment - $1,072,259.72

23 Apr 11: 45% payment - $1,072,259.72

2009-10 Team Assessment

The Wech Peray to Waze Zadran road is a paved road along the eastern border of Paktya through the mountains. Much of this road, especially the northern sections, goes through territory that coalition forces do not currently frequent. Because of this security has been an even bigger issue on this road than the roads in more traveled areas. Work is proceeding, but it is slow and there are regular attacks.

This road was part of a larger plant to put paved roads throughout this eastern mountain region. Because of where security and development currently stand, this plan was probably a little too ambitious and the other phases of the road projects have been cancelled or put on indefinite hold. If security and development move up this route after its completion, it could be a model for expanding the concept. If not, we may end up with a paved road into the middle of the mountains.

The first major security issue came when the contractor was first surveying the road. An engineer was shot and security guards and equipment was taken from the site. The engineering office aided in arranging medical transport for the engineer from FOB Wilderness to Salerno. 

To better deal with threats of attack, the contractor has shrunk his foot print so that he is only working on a small section of the road at a time. This has helped although he has recently come in to make us aware that he had to fire 40 security guards for failure to perform and that this disgruntled group is planning to attack the project. Also, he is aware of cities in the northern stretches of the route where the Taliban have vacated villages which they are planning to use to launch future attacks.

The quality of the road itself is okay, but we're still early in the process, so it's difficult to predict what we'll get for a final product. Generally, roads are an issue for the PRT to inspect. We don't have the equipment or the expertise. An active presence can make a difference though. Once this road is complete it should make a big difference for commerce and access of the population around the province.

Historical Assessments

31 July, 2009

Road showed no signs of recent construction contrary to what the contractor said at a recent meeting.

 Aug 31 2009 31 August, 2009

The contractors did not show up for the meeting. CPT Masuck and I discussed this issue on several occasions and I sent out several emails to please make sure that Galaxy sky and the DPW attend the meeting. This is a huge issue here and it is now affecting other projects such as the Mita CFW, which I was informed has stopped after several days or had never really started due to the village elders feeling the issues between the projects are related, which they are. The Suri Khel road project has also stopped (not sure why, the reasons keep changing daily) and the Waze Zadran school wall project has been inactive for over a month, a reported dispute between him and the director of education or money. I really need your guys help in putting the pressure on the contractors and keeping me informed as to what I can do on the ground level here in coordination with the local Government to resolve these issues. Due to communication issues my only way to communicate with contractors is via you. I would like to schedule a meeting in Gardez again with Galaxy sky and all the site supervisors I cannot again stress the importance of this - with the sub governor so they understand the importance of this project in the AO. Because if we cannot get this resolved the only alternative is fire the present company and hire one that isn't so attached to the DPW and try to mend some of the issues or stop the project.

Regarding Wech Perey to Waze Zadran Road. I had Jawid call the contractor a few weeks ago (before he was fired) to tell him that there was a planned meeting on the 31 at the Waze Zadran DC although that was about as much detail as I had at the time. I'm not surprised he didn't go as the last time he went up there was no one from any of the villages along the road, and the time before that he went to a shura where everyone put down there thumb print guaranteeing the safety of his workers. As for the contractor being corrupt, I'm fairly certain of it. I don't think it would be a terrible idea to give him a deadline on when he has to start work, remind him that it's his responsibility to provide security for the project, and tell him if work isn't going by the date required we'll press to terminate his contract (we're getting good at that back here). Let him worry about security and we step back. If he can't handle it let's find someone who can, but that someone shouldn't be us.

As for the other contractors who have stopped work, I'll call them in and give them the same ultimatum.

 Sep 30 2009 2 September, 2009

The construction on Wech Perey to Waze Zadran Road is currently on hold since the attack and kidnapping last month. We are in the process trying to negotiate an agreement through the Sub Governor with the Village Elders to help secure the work site and be active participants. We have had several failed attempts to restart the process, but I have high hopes for the upcoming meeting. Some of the village elders do not want any part of it due to ACF influences in the area, in addition many of the locals are very upset with the contractor for various reasons; my understanding is that the contractor bribed the wrong people. On Monday the 7th we will attempt to have another meeting with all parties involved at the Wazi Zadran DC. I have asked the Engineers if they can please try and get the DPW, the contractor and all site supervisors to this meeting. I understand from CPT Masuck that the contractor is weary of going back to the DC. The district Sub Gov has told the Village elders that this is their last chance to be part of a positive action for their area. I am hopping if I get back to Gardez in time to have a meeting with CPTs Masuk and Wilcox and the contractor to see if we can get them to attend the meeting at the Wazi Zadran DC.

7 September, 2009

The Wech Perey to Waze Zadran Road mess looks to be straightened out. They said the contractor never checked in with Abdul Wali before starting the work a couple months ago. The locals were mad because he was from Gardez. Apparently Gardez people and Waze people do not get along. Initially they said they wanted another contractor. After explaining this would delay the work until next year they came around. The contracting company also had a rep present which helped. He said he can start next week. We used this to persuade the elders by saying he was here to work out any issues so they should work with him. They have now agreed to work with the contractor and should start next week. We will see. 

 Oct 31 2009 No updates to this project. Disputes still being resolved. Little new work done. Nov 30 2009 5 November, 2009

The afternoon mission consisted of a dismounted patrol in Lakeh Tigah (42S WB43134 93701) to inspect the ongoing Wech Perey to Waze Zadran Road Project and a route recon. The KLE focused primarily on the widening of the road at the starting point and if the removal of several structures was a source of discontent. The houses affected are owned by Haji Bangi Khan and his brother. At the start of the conversation the brothers were in unison about the positive benefits from the road project especially with all new jobs for the village. Haji Bangi was a little upset about part of his home being removed and claimed the contractor did not talk to him or ask his permission; is brother seemed fine and felt it was not an issue. Neither brother claimed to have received any compensation from Galaxy Sky. The mission concluded with a dismounted patrol up the valley for a route recon.

17 November, 2009

CA along with 92MPs and Wazi Zadran ANP conducted a mounted patrol to Bagh-e Kahul to include a cursory inspection of the Wech Perey to Waze Zadran road project in route. Currently the Wech Perey to Waze Zadran contractor is working to widen the road between Lakah Tigeh and Nassir Primary School as a result of the heavy equipment on the route the patrol was forced to proceed up the wade instead of the normal route. 

 Dec 31 2009 14 December, 2009

The Lakah Tigueh portion of the Wech Perey to Waze Zadran Road project has been widened and the work is progressing toward Nassir School and overall the project is felt to be on track.

28 December, 2009

The meeting then moved to Galaxy Sky project Manager Nasser Ahmade who wanted to address the shura in regards to a shrine and several graves that need to be moved in order for the road to be widened only after the team told him that the issue must be solved by the Shura and not the PRT. After stating his case the elders flat out refused moving the Shrine or the graves and suggested that Galaxy Sky find an alternate path. After much heated debate the project manager felt that there might be a solution, the matter concluded with a meeting set up for him, the affected village elders and Abdul Wali to survey the proposed change to make sure it is satisfactory to all parties involved. After a compromise has been reached the Team suggested that the Galaxy Sky manager submit the changes to the PRT Engineering staff along with the village elders consent and thumb prints for final approval. The project manager also discussed with the ANA and the ANP the approval from Gardez for the road security guards to be armed with RPKs, RPG and other heavy weapons. The ANA reminded the manager that all the weapons must be registered with the ANA and ANP and that all security guards carry valid IDs so there will be no misunderstandings. The Shura concluded with the elders agreeing to continue participating weekly and to make sure that elders who do not want to participate send another representative. The meeting broke up with several groups holding smaller discussion to address local matters to include the ANA who conducted a private discussion with several of the elders from the Wech Perey to Waze Zadran road project.

 Mar 24 2010 Two engineers came to FOB Gardez to discuss problems with the project. The engineers that came were Eng Baidar and Eng Basir. The meeting focused on a recent IED attack and verbal/written threats. Eng Baidar requested that we put pressure on the locals to give up information about the perps and he also requested that he be allowed to get medical assistance from FOB Wilderness after the next attack. Apr 15 2010 PRT CE (Lt Knick) met with Engineer Abdul Basir of Galaxy Sky Construction company (GSCC) on COP Wilderness to discuss security issues interfering with the Wech Perey to Waze Zadran Road project. The meeting was also attended by HUMINT posing as a security consultant under the alias of Jason. 

Eng. Basir stated that he has been receiving phone calls from Waze Zadran SG Abdul Wali on a regular basis. The most recent contact Eng. Basir has had with SG Wali was a phone conversation approximately 7 April 2010 during which SG Wali demanded contacted information for Eng. Noorallah, GSCC Director. Eng. Basir claimed that SG Wali has been attempting to extort approximately $20,000 USD per kilometer of road construction from GSCC and has used persistent harassment to force eight road workers (2 administrators, 2 engineers, 4 foremen) to leave the project . Eng. Basir believes this was a direct result of GSCC ending a security contract with a company owned by SG Wali. Eng. Basir expressed deep concern over steadily increasing tensions between GSCC and SG Wali though discontent resulting from GSCC's occupation of an abandoned school has ended now that GSCC has vacated the school. 

Eng. Basir also stated that he has been receiving regular phone calls from a man claiming to be a Taliban Commander in the region. His most recent contact with the individual occurred between 11 and 12 April 2010. The individual warned Eng. Basir to discontinue work on the road project or he would be visited by a higher ranking Taliban Commander. Eng. Basir claimed to have only passed on information regarding this contact to FOB Gardez HUMINT but the individual claiming to be a Taliban Commander stated that he is aware of Eng. Basir's contact with local ANSF regarding the issue. Eng. Basir notified HUMINT of specific locations of Taliban residence along the Wech Perey to Waze Zadran road route and also agreed to transfer recorded conversations with the Taliban Commander to the interpreter's cell phone immediately following the meeting.

Eng. Basir claimed that the road project is 40-42% complete and anticipates completion in approximately 10 months. Road work has progressed to Ali-Mohammad Khel (aka Ali-Mad Khel) village. 

 Apr 16 2010 PRT CE (Lt Knick) met with Sub-Governor Abdul Wali on COP Wilderness. The meeting was also attended by Capt Glasenapp and HUMINT posing as a security consultant. SG Wali expressed concerns over the 700 kids that are unable to attend school this spring, a result of Galaxy Sky Construction Company's (GSCC) occupation of a local school. He stated that as of 11 April GSCC had not vacated the school and he is confident that they are still there; this is in disagreement with GSCC's claims to have vacated the school. SG Wali claimed that a GSCC engineer called offering $5,000 USD per month in return for allowing GSCC to remain in the school; SG Wali claimed to have turned down the offer and expressed that $5,000 USD is nothing to him. He further stated that the only contact with GSCC that he has initiated were his offers for assistance in coordinating progress in the road project. SG Wali expressed his belief that the attacks on GSCC are being coordinated by individuals who are angry about not being employed for labor on the project. He denied having any knowledge related to the attacks on GSCC and appeared to be offended at the accusation of attempting to extort money from GSCC. He then asked that if we have any proof related to the corruption accusation that we make it available to him. PRT CE did not respond to this request. Apr 28 2010 PRT CE (Lt Knick) met with Eng. Abdul Basir of Galaxy Sky Construction Company. The primary focus of the discussion was progress payment and status of construction on the Wech Perey to Waze Zadran Road. The meeting also touched on the previous security issues; Basir stated that GSCC has not had any issues with SG Abdul Wali, Taliban or villagers since the PRT's mission to COP Wilderness. Eng. Abdul Basir signed payment paperwork for 25% and 50% payment with the understanding that the paperwork would not be processed until the PRT inspected the project and confirmed their claim of being 50% complete is reasonable. May 2 2010 The PRT conducted an inspection of the Wech Perey to Waze Zadran Road, aka Route North. The inspection confirmed that the contractor's claim of 50% completion was inaccurate. The PRT has started the 10-25% progress payment ($1,608,389.58 USD). There were two separate points on the route with ongoing work; earthwork for site grading and a 15m stone culvert. The workers at both sites were working at a moderate pace and expressed no concern over security issues in the region. The PRT then proceeded to a bridge south of the Gerda Serai Bazaar to inspect IED damage mentioned during the prior Shura. The bridge appeared to be structurally sound and in no danger of failing but a thorough inspection was not possible due to time constraints and weather concerns. May 23 2010 It did not appear that the contractor had made significant progress but the previously completed progress has been cleaned up and compacted. More culvert work has been completed but some of it will need to be torn out and re-done. A complete inspection was not possible due to an IED incident on the road approximately 1 hour prior to the site visit. Jun 16 2010 The PRT has been unable to inspect this project. Jun 18 2010 PRT CE inspected the southern portion of the road route. The earthwork was excellent but the contractor has made no progress on the completion of culverts that were being worked on during the last inspection on 23 May. The contractor continues to occupy the school on the route. 

17 June 2010

PRT CE (Lt Knick) met with Site Manager Eng. Abdul Basir and President Eng. Noorullah Baidar of Galaxy Sky Construction Company to discuss the Wech Perey to Waze Zadran Road. Eng. Noorullah reported that another mine exploded this morning, injuring 2 workers. He claimed this brought the total number of wounded for this past week up to 8 workers. Two days ago a group of 5 unfamiliar individuals approached Eng. Noorullah and demanded that he travel to Miran Shah to speak with Sarjudeen Haqqani about payment of an unspecified amount money for the support of their fight. They also stated that they originally planned to threaten and possibly carry-out acts of violence against him to extort money but decided against that course of action because he is a good Muslim. It seems unlikely that they plan to force GSCC to pay a large sum of money to the Haqqani Network by asking nicely. Eng. Noorullah stated "It is against my principle to pay bribes." Eng. Basir stated that he is "disappointed" in the PRT for not helping them more to take care of their wounded; his argument was that GSCC works for CF, and the laborers work for GSCC, therefore the laborers are members of CF and should be treated as such. He also stated that the ANSF in the region have stopped supporting their contracted security when they get attacked. They simply get attacked, fight off the offenders alone and nothing is ever done to investigate who ordered the attack; his point was that his company cannot fight off the Taliban indefinitely, something needs to be done to stop the attacks at the source or they may not be able to finish the road. They have also taken many financial losses by compensating workers and security members for debilitating injuries inflicted while on the job. Neither engineer raised any specific complaints surrounding relations with SG Abdul Wali; they only mentioned that he is a disgusting man and a traitor to his people. They also requested information on payment; they requested to have set milestones for progress payments, specifically the 50% payment. They also asked that our payments be started early because the last payment took 40 days to process and at an expenditure rate of approximately $20K to $30K a day this may put them in the hole; I told them that they would receive a 50% payment when they are 50% complete but we would work to push a hasty payment if necessary. Eng. Baidar was also questioned regarding their use of the school; they stated that they did in fact vacate the school for approximately 50 days but received permission from the local elders to reoccupy the school because no school children were going to be attending the school for the time being.

 Jul 24 2010 The PRT recently evaluated aerial imagery of the site, due to difficulties related to accessing the site. The imagery showed very slow progress, likely due to major security issues. DST Wilderness concurs with this evaluation. The contractor is continuing slowly despite claims that he could not continue work as long as Abdul Wali is Sub-Governor. Aug 31 2010 The school occupied by the Wech Perey to Waze Zadran Road contractor remains occupied and also remains in very poor condition; one room has rotten food on the floor, several rooms had blankets on the floor, all of the windows were broken and there were four AK-47s in the school guard building with a chest rack of ammunition. 29 August 25% -- PRT CE (Lt Knick) met with Abdul Basir of Galaxy Sky Construction Company to discuss the Wech Perey to Waze Zadran Road project. The first topic discussed was the status of the school on the south end of the route. The school is currently in very poor condition. Eng. Basir claimed that the locals had been using the school as a bathroom and were the cause of much of the damage. He also stated that all of his personnel had moved out of the building. He was informed that the PRT knew that the individuals were his security because we talked to them; he did not argue. Eng. Basir stated that the school would be cleaned up in three days and inspection ready. Plans for the contractor's future occupation of the school will be discussed with Waze Zadran SG Abdul Wali. The contractor still wished to use the school in the cold winter months. The previous agreement was that the contractor would be allowed to use the school during winter months and at the completion of the project the contractor would clean the school, repaint the interior of the school and replace the broken windows. Eng. Basir's justification for the security team's occupation of the school is that they are protecting the school from the Taliban; they fear the Taliban may occupy the school and use it as a fighting position against the contract security. Eng. Basir stated that SG Wali showed up at the site recently with a knife and cut through all of the tents he believed were placed too close to the school. Eng. Basir also expressed numerous complaints regarding SG Wali. Eng. Basir stated that he is unable to move within Waze Zadran without security but SG Wali moves freely without fear; he claimed that this is evidence that SG Wali is working with local INS forces using the quote "The yellow dog is the brother of the fox." He also claimed that SG Wali has been demanding outrageous changes to the road construction so he can accept bribes in exchange for dropping the demands. He further stated that SG Wali earned his position through corruption; he stored fake voting boxes at the previous election that shifted the vote in his favor. The chief of security for GSCC is leaving the company at the end of Ramaddan due to concerns regarding the company's relationship with SG Wali. Eng. Basir also raised concern over new guidance being passed down from President Karzai regarding private contract security. He has been informed that Karzai will no longer allow contractors to utilize contract security. All security will be provided through ANA. This concerned him because he believes his contract security force is five times the size of the ANA force present in Waze Zadran. He expects this change to take place in approximately three months. The current situation between SG Wali and GSCC may worsen, if this change takes place. Eng. Basir stated that a Taliban member called Noorullah Baidar approximately a week and a half ago asking for financial assistance. The unnamed individual stated that Noorullah's family would be killed if a positive response on delivery of $100K was not received by Thursday 26 August. Eng. Noorullah ignored the request; his house was bombed at 2230 causing damage to his kalat and blowing the doors of their hinges. Eng. Basir stated that Noorullah lives immediately off of RTE Virginia behind a gas station approximately 1.5 kilomters north of FOB Gardez. Noorullah was contact by phone to get a more specific location; he stated he lives in the village of Malek Khail and his home is more widely known as the home of his grandson Rayees Sayed Mohammad. He stated that all individuals in the area will be able to direct CF or ANSF to Noorullah's home if it is made clear that it is the home Reyees Mohammad. Eng. Basir stated that they have not had security issues in almost a month. Approximately a month ago a high ranking member of their security team was called on the phone and requested to travel to Ali Mohammad Khel for a meeting. When he arrived his body was riddled with AK-47 fire. The reasoning behind this attack was never discovered. Eng. Basir stated that it is highly atypical for a Taliban attack to occur this way; he believes it is unlikely that this attack was carried out by INS forces. GSCC is currently scheduled to begin placing asphalt at the end of Ramaddan. The contractor is claiming all culverts and sub-base work is complete; this is unlikely based the aerial imagery from early July. The asphalt plant is completely built and all asphalt components are on site; many components of the site were noted on the last inspection. The contractor is currently claiming 50% to 55% completion; also not likely. The contractor was directed to submit a detailed schedule and progress report noting all culvert locations and noteable earthwork points. This schedule and progress report will be confirmed with aerial imagery and a determination will be made on the future of the project. This submittal was promised to reach the PRT Engineers within 2 days. Sep 27 2010 The PRT stopped at the batch plant on the Wech Peray to Waze Zadran Road and talked with the security team and Habibullah, the site manager. Again, there was little progress from the previous visit. The security claimed there had been no issues that they couldn't handle. They said IEDs had not been a problem, but they had taken two IDF attacks on the batch plant from across the river, which they easily repelled. The site manager met the PRT after they arrived and explained the schedule for the next few weeks. The team had just started working again after Eid and they were widening a couple spots on the road and completing culverts. The asphalt plant was ready and the site manager claimed it would be around two weeks before they started laying asphalt. The only issue he brought to the attention of the PRT was the need for the cemetery dispute to be resolved so the road could be widened near Lakytiza. Capt Olson told him he would run the problem through DST Wild. No change to completion percentage. Oct 26 2010 Contractor was informed that the stockpiled materials did not contribute to his evaluation for progress payment. He has begun laying asphalt claiming 500m per day. He will receive his next payment when he reaches between 8+000 and 9+000. He is currently only claiming 3km complete but the PRT DST inspection found 4km completed. Nov 15 2010 A driving/site inspection was conducted by Capt Greene and Mr. Mihalyfy. Three short halts were conducted to allow PRT CE to examine culverts and asphalt base course. The asphalt base course was between 7.01 and 7.34m wide which is within the specification outlined in the statement of work. The three culverts inspected were acceptable. The concrete strength was adequate and the mortar used in the stone work was acceptable. Steel rebar was used to reinforce the culvert tops and culvert headwalls. Grid coordinates were taken at the end of the asphalt base course and the end of the cut and fill. Additional grids were also taken at several unfinished water structures. Overall, the project has not progressed as far as the contractor had outlined in the last payment request. The Grid coordinates taken will be inputted into mapping software to determine the actual amount of the project completed and the contractor's next payment, if any, computed.

5km of asphalt complete

8.75km of grading complete (includes that portion that is asphalt now)

culverts complete up to 4.25km

 Nov 8 2011 A meeting was held with Mr. Abdul Basir of the Galaxy Sky Construction Company to Discuss progress on the Wech Peray to Waze Zadron Road. PRT CE was represented by Capt Greene and Mr. Mihalyfy. Mr. Basir opened the meeting by outlining three areas of concern which needed to be addressed. The first issue discussed was security and the effects of the ban on private security personnel. The company was contacted and told to turn in all security weapons. Galaxy Sky initially declined and Mr. Basir spent two days and one night in jail. Mr. Basir was released when 15 weapons were handed over to the ANP. However, the ANP was unaware that the handed over weapons were not the personal weapons of the security detail; the weapons were purchased so the contractor could maintain security on the site. The security personnel, who are locals from the Waze Zadron District, refuse to give up their personal, legally registered weapons. Mr. Basir informed PRT CE that an additional 60 weapons would be purchased by the Galaxy Sky and handed over to the ANA/ANP. If Galaxy Sky is forced to give up their security, Mr. Basir informed PRT CE that the project would not be able to be completed. The security situation in the area has been improving due to the exodus of AAF personnel to Pakistan prior to the onset of winter weather. Project progress and payment were the next items discussed. Mr. Basir informed PRT CE that the water structures have been completed to station 5+500 and Base course asphalt has been laid to station 5+000. The graded and compacted sub base is ready for asphalt out to station 9+000. Mr. Basir also informed PRT CE that clearing, grubbing and leveling operations will begin on the next 10 km of the project and continue until the end of the construction season due to the reduced AAF presence. The next progress payment was discussed and Mr. Basir was reminded to submit the station by station breakdown of progress as instructed during the last meeting on 9 September 2010.

14 Dec: On 11 December the PRT inspected the Waze Zadran to Wech Peray Road. The last inspection occurred mid November, since then the contractor advanced another 1.86km of asphalt bringing the asphalt termination point to 7.15km. The PRT counted 13 breaks in the asphalt, totaling approximately 3120 meters which means only 4.03 km of asphalt is complete. On 13 December the PRT informed the ktr if he finishes all asphalt up to 8.5km (excluding the 1500 meters in front of the asphalt plant) and completes the water crossings up to 8.5km, he will be issued a 5% payment bringing the total to 30%. 1.5 km of asphalt and began constructing four new water crossings. The project is approximately 28% complete.

 5 Jan: The contractor has finished the asphalt surface out to 8.68 km. However, there are 17 breaks in asphalt ranging from 25 meters to 900 meters in length a cumulative total of 2.85 km of asphalt gaps. Therefore, the contractor has only placed 5.84 km of asphalt; the project is 28 km long. Many of the gaps in asphalt are due to water crossings that are still under construction (most of them just need to be filled in, base course, & asphalt). The contractor claims 3.5 km of grading has been accomplished beyond the 8.68 km point; however, the PRT inspected a small portion of this and discovered the contractor only graded one lane width. Ktr is supposed to send photos of progress and weekly updates - starting now. Work is to continue; requested imagery to determine % complete and provide payment based on imagery.

11 Feb 2011 - PRT met with GSCC and signed the SF44 for another 10% payment (total 35% complete/paid). PRT also discussed the revised schedule; GSCC is to be finished with the project NLT 14 Aug 2011 - pending acceptable weather or security delays (GSCC anticipates 45 down days due to this - estimating 28 Sept 2011)

A meeting was held with Abdul Basir and Noorullah Baidar of the Galaxy Sky Construction Company to sign for a 10% progress payment; bringing the road to over 35% complete. PRT CE was represented by Capt Greene and Mr. Mihalyfy. Mr. Mihalyfy began the meeting by inquiring about the weather and site conditions at the project. Mr Basir informed PRT CE the weather was not impeding progress and the earth was not frozen or causing difficulty with the filling and grading operations. The weather past station 11+000 is colder due to the elevation difference but is not causing any significant issues. Mr. Baidar raised several issues causing problems with the project such as the villagers from station 12+000 to 14+000 not allowing Galaxy Sky to properly complete the road due to a conflict over the proposed route, and the lack of payment from the PRT for work completed. Capt Greene stated Galaxy Sky would have to continue to work with the local Shura and PRT CA to resolve any disputes and a full QA/QC is required as soon as possible to accurately determine the amount of work completed and the corresponding payment. Capt Greene explained the progress payment signed today will be processed immediately and after the QA/QC insp

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.