Deleted Tweets From Austin Petersen, R-Mo.
Austin Petersen's accounts: AP4Liberty
Tracked Between: October 23, 2017-September 03, 2018
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @RobManess: @Steffi_Cole @AP4Liberty Yes.
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @RyanWrecker: @DeanJMoore @AP4Liberty or TuneIn or app - going to be airing starting at 10:15P CT
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @TheLibRepublic: FACT CHECK: Does The Federal Government Borrow $1 Million Every Minute?
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @NeilStruharik: @AllmanReport tonight, thank you for the excellent interview tonight with @AP4Liberty! Never before in mid term ele…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @dshesgreen: Republicans fret about star recruit Josh Hawley as Missouri Senate heats up via @usatoday
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
"I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is." QT @chuckwoolery: What did a recent study show about the correlation between attractiveness and those that are conservative? Click no…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
@jba437 @scrowder @RubinReport What do you say @scrowder wanna hang out in flyover country for a day?
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
Missouri Celeb radio host Gary Nolan had me call into his radio show today just to remind people he was endorsing me and also announced he'd throw a big fundraiser for the campaign in Colombia soon! Thanks, @radionolan! #MOSEN
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
I hope my fellow Republicans will understand that we do need to win a GENERAL election... not just a primary... right? http:/news/2018/jan/31/hawley-sees-link-to-sexual-revolution-sex-traffick/#.WnJopcEOSf8.twitter via @LasVegasSun
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
Ever heard of a pocket veto? How long have you been in government again? QT @clairecmc: Congress voted 517-5 to impose sanctions on Russia. The President decides to ignore that law. Folks that is a const…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
Yeah... if the media could stop terrorizing us with #FakeNews that would be great. QT @TheLibRepublic: Have There Really Been 11 School Shootings In January 2018? via @thelibrepublic)
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
A lot can happen in the next 6 months, when the August 6 @MissouriGOP primary takes place. We have it in ourselves to give America a big victory for liberty! Join my campaign, and spread the word to your friends and family here in MO!
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
Gettysburg started because a Union general needed shoes so he marched his men into town, unaware a rebel army awaited. The lesson there is that you can't always pick your battles, but if you can't, quickly take the high ground and push down hard.
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @realCharter: @AP4Liberty I’ll vote for you.
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AlexDegmanKMOX: BREAKING: Amber Alert issued for missing 1-year-old Missouri girl taken from a Rogersville gas station earlier today
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @tonybeard: @AP4Liberty Not a Missourian, but hoping you win. As a Christian, I want a someone fighting for religious liberty…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @mead_jeremiah: @AndrewHMPalmer @AP4Liberty As will I #AP4Liberty
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @mead_jeremiah: @AP4Liberty Positions like this is why I will be voting for @AP4Liberty for #MOSEN #DrainTheSwamp #AP4Senate
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
Nephew's got skills