Deleted Tweets From Austin Petersen, R-Mo.
Austin Petersen's accounts: AP4Liberty
Tracked Between: October 23, 2017-September 03, 2018
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
Yes, you have to research my positions. Start here: QT @CareerPlanPro: Now we have to RESEARCH Austn's professionally produced positions to know what they are? ya losing us Austin
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @BuildingSTL: Building St. Louis’ 2018 Republican Primary Poll. It is @HawleyMO vs @AP4Liberty vs @Monetti4Senate vs…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
Today waa honestly a terrific day in St Charles for the #AP4Senate team. The whole staff did amazing
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
We Petersen's are common stock. Danish ancestry. Dad bought an old tobacco plantation and fixed it up. Mom and him…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
@HR_Pundit It's hard to lose faith in something that you don't truly enjoy.
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
Rose Wilder Lane, who wrote "Little House on the Prairie," was one of the founding mothers of modern libertarianism…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
@misternuva When "The people" stand against liberty, I will strand for freedom.
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @TheNewTreasury: #bitcoin on its way to 10K! @AP4Liberty is running for US Senate and has advocated $btc for years. Please consider…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @RepThomasMassie: if #NetNeutrality helps little guys compete with internet giants, why are internet giants for net neutrality? Askin…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
@officialmcafee Thoughts on #Netneutrality old friend? You're an anarchist. Do you think the FCC should regulate the Internet?
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
Hasta a vista, regulation.
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
Vandals in Russia defaced a Soviet star, painting it to look like the cartoon starfish Patrick from SpongeBob Squar…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @HipHopMomma: Not looking for a Trump 'yes-man'. Looking for someone that will work with President Trump and 'take the interest o… QT @Rose4Austin2018: In Defense of Austin Petersen, He’s The Real Deal via @rational_press This should tell ever…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @CamAndCompany: Hero of the Day 2 - Missouri: Victim shoots suspects during robbery in Old North St. Louis…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
I've been accused of being a libertarian Reoublican, and it's true. Once elected I will take over govt... and leave everyone alone.
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
@lisalponder @countryboyexec @clairecmc Darn tootina