Deleted Tweets From Austin Petersen, R-Mo.
Austin Petersen's accounts: AP4Liberty
Tracked Between: October 23, 2017-September 03, 2018
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @RonPaulDisciple: Well, I don’t know who this guy running for Judge is.... But I do know who these cool cats are & folks in Northern…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @RonPaulDisciple: On the job driving around suburban St. Louie & then BAM, some @AP4Liberty luv in Manchester Mo. #ItsHappening
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
@McCaskill4MO @HawleyMO Missouri hates Obamacare, Claire. You're DONE! #FireClaire
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @townhallcom: Katie Pavlich - BREAKING: DOJ Inspector General Has Released the New Report About FBI's Bias During the 2016 Electi…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @KiteGradient: @DuellLauderdale @AP4Liberty Stomping #MOSen via: @AP4Liberty = Ground @clairecmc = Air @HawleyMO = Cave @realDonaldTrump
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @jtrent14: @FoxNews @TuckerCarlson please report on this QT @AP4Liberty: Am I being selfish in trying to draw attention to the fact that the most powerful social media and publishing site…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
Good morning! Much love from Kansas City! I'll be on our talk radio station 103.7FM this morning. You can listen in live here: #MOSen
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @Beatlebaby64: @realDonaldTrump @AP4Liberty That's me promoting you Mr. President! That's me promoting AUSTIN PETERSEN! I only…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @lumlum_85: @AP4Liberty I really hope you get elected. Not on a personal level, just that principally I don’t think there is a…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @lumlum_85: Austin Petersen @AP4Liberty has a voice that everyone can find common ground with. Times are tough in our government, people… QT @AP4Liberty: Even a lot of Democrats in Missouri are for gun rights. Lots of them just vote Democrat because of ties to unions.)
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @NoMoSocialism75: @TracersCynlee @AP4Liberty Yes, MO LOVES #2A. AP's the #2A champion, calling for repeal of #NFA & Hughes Amendment,…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
Why would you want to cake made by someone who hates you?
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @CSansoucie19: Claire’s people came by today but must not have seen the sign I’ve planted! @AP4Liberty #FireClaire
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
I'm jealous of @angelojpacheco's phone case. You don't have to be.
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @LeahyIllinois: @AP4Liberty is a great candidate who can win and shows what the next generation of the GOP should be like. Hawley i…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
@stevekraske Interesting conclusion, Steve. Think Hawley fits that to good to be true profile?
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @sketchy1poker: @justinamash would you be so kind as to endorse @AP4Liberty for the Missouri seat in the US Senate? I'm sure you tw…