Deleted Tweets From Austin Petersen, R-Mo.
Austin Petersen's accounts: AP4Liberty
Tracked Between: October 23, 2017-September 03, 2018
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: This is concerning. @HawleyMO is perfectly content w/ stripping away our #2A rights one infringement at a time, he doesn't… QT @smallblockfuel: @FrancisFolz @GOP @AP4Liberty @HawleyMO I was in a Hawley FB group for awhile that was created by Josh. The moderat…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: @DStandish2 @AP4Liberty @HawleyMO Few defend the 2nd Amendment as well as @AP4Liberty. :) Meanwhile, Josh Hawley wa…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: @AP4Liberty @clairecmc @HawleyMO Can't buy passion. You and your supporters are passionate about Liberty & protecti…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: @MaryJudahh @Anne_Rud @rebeccagberg @Bencjacobs We definitely need to get Claire out! :) @AP4Liberty is better then…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: .@POTUS @realDonaldTrump I proudly voted for you & look forward to seeing you support .@AP4Liberty in the #MOSen ge…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: .@foxandfriends @foxnewspolitics we need more coverage on the #MOSen race. It's irresponsible to treat RINO…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: Supports bump stock ban w/ exec order, wants to move "swiftly" on gun control measures, open to "other suggestions"…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: Stealing votes from @HawleyMO has been a piece of cake. If we get an army of phonebankers telling Missouri about…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: Spoke w/ a man from Springfield, MO yesterday who wants to end the Fed. � Told him about @AP4Liberty & explained Ha…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: @Steffi_Cole @AP4Liberty We've trained 8 new @AP4Liberty phonebankers just this weekend. The army of callers contin…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: .@HawleyMO as phonebanking trainers for @AP4Liberty's grassroots movement @Steffi_Cole & I often help people push…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: Just finished training a new member of our @AP4Liberty phonebanking squad. We're growing by the day & you can bet M…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: @nicholas_veser @AP4Liberty This is accurate. @HawleyMO is not on our side & not capable of defeating Claire in a g…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: @HawleyMO "speaking for" MO: asks for donations/volunteers yet provides no stances, claims he's "too focused on Cla…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: Phonebanking update: I've spoken w/ 4 newly committed @AP4Liberty voters today. We're getting the word out one call…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: @AP4Liberty is Pro-Life, Pro-2A, Pro-Constitution, Pro-Liberty, & Anti-RINO. If we are to truly #MAGA we need to get those… QT @AP4Liberty: Austin Petersen promises to throw away McConnell’s ‘ring of power’
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: While phonebanking for @AP4Liberty tonight I spoke w/ a voter who hadn't heard of him before. After we discussed Au…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: @politico @DanielStrauss4 Lucky for us there's a Republican #MOSen candidate who's not imploding, has principles, a…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: @HawleyMO has voiced support for 'moving swiftly' on gun control measures. Here's @AP4Liberty's take: "Whenever a politicia… QT @AP4Liberty: Austin in St Charles!!!
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: @HawleyMO v @AP4Liberty. It's clear who wants this more & actually has the work ethic to #FireClaire. #MOSen…