Deleted Tweets From Austin Petersen, R-Mo.
Austin Petersen's accounts: AP4Liberty
Tracked Between: October 23, 2017-September 03, 2018
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @TheScoop_US: Bill Maher comes to Alex Jones' defense, says Liberals are putting free speech at risk with their censoring campaign
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @LilSad1059: Also, Austin Petersen is gaining traction and is ahead in many polls. Just because the party’s first choice is sucking does… QT @LilSad1059: First of all, Hawley got himself involved publically and made an ass out of himself. Second, Hawley hasnt been camp…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @LilSad1059: A candidate who isnt afraid to actually talk to his supporters? I havent seen that in.. well forever. @HawleyMO wont even d… QT @AP4Liberty: @tararollins62 Nice chatting with you Tara! Have a wonderful day!)
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @GarthPhoebus: @AP4Liberty this is tiniest dog with the biggest heart! She may look like a teacup Chihuahua, but she is part lady…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @GarthPhoebus: #missouri you have the option between a Constitutional lawyer (we had one for the previous 8 years) and a Statesman! One… QT @J_Whiskey1: 56.4K followers to 9K isn’t definitive, but it sure looks good. @AP4Liberty
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: @hwdubois @jeffreyscarson @AP4Liberty @clairecmc @HawleyMO Biggest differences b/t @AP4Liberty & @HawleyMO are work…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @PentryaRyan: Voted for @AP4Liberty and yes on Prop A this morning! #MOSen
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: I love this picture! .@AP4Liberty always looks so happy on the campaign trail. It's easy to see how much he loves this work… QT @christoferguson: “If you like your Attorney General you can keep your Attorney General.” - @AP4Liberty. #Missouri #Moleg #Mosen
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: .@foxandfriends .@kilmeade Missourians are loving #MOSen candidate .@AP4Liberty, would be great if he could talk about his… QT @AvrilMai91: Spoke w/ a man from Springfield, MO yesterday who wants to end the Fed. 🎉 Told him about @AP4Liberty & explained Ha…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @chris_stritzel: @Steffi_Cole @AP4Liberty @dominick_robin @BillEigel @HawleyMO @Patriot_Machine For our best, Austin must win. All t…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @OscuroChocolate: @AP4Liberty @MissouriGOP @RNC The Missouri GOP seems very determined to lose the Senate seat once again. I hope you…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @RogersvilleRob: @AlanWCohenEsq @AP4Liberty Thank you. If we can get an honest Senator, who is with us 80% of the time, that is suc…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @RogersvilleRob: Out of curiosity, I looked over @HawleyMO twitter account, he has 288 likes, 9700 followers. Then I went to…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: #Missouri if you want a Pro-Life, Pro-Constitution, #2A defender to #FireClaire in November then you should vote for @AP4Li… QT @KyleKashuv: Agreed. Which is why I support @AP4Liberty
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: Got bad news for you, .@clairecmc. Just finished 1.5 hrs of phone banking for .@AP4Liberty. Every voter I spoke to…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: Missouri can count on .@HawleyMO to: 1. Wear a blue shirt 2. Break promises if it's politically expedient 3. Be "op…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: .@HawleyMO's new #MOSen campaign slogan is �. Smart move to run on a gun control/sign snatching platform, Josh! Gue…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: .@KennedyNation the .@MissouriGOP changed the rules to protect their establishment pick b/c grassroots candidate Austin Pet… QT @AP4Liberty: Today the @MissouriGOP and @RNC decided to change a rule which will now allow them to openly financially support Ha…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: While .@HawleyMO is busy fundraising in San Francisco & dodging a .@GOP primary debate, .@AP4Liberty is working har…
AP4Liberty (R-Mo.)
RT @AvrilMai91: .@BretBaier you should search ".@HawleyMO debate .@AP4Liberty" on Twitter. You'll see that voters want a #MOSen .…